Posted July 10, 2009
Secret Smile therapy ficlet
Title: His Voice
Author: Sykira
Set: Whenever.
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Character/Pairings: Ten/Donna
Disclaimer: Belonging to BBC & RTD
Rating: PG
Word Count: 296
Author's Notes: I watched the second half of Secret Smile and now I can't sleep. Disturbing doesn't even begin to cover it! I needed to restore my mental Doctor back to someone who would never do that. So I tried to write a drabble ficlet, my first fic post here (or anywhere in years). It is even using nschick's prompt from Weekly Drabble Challenge #14 --Lost, at LJ comm. doctor_donna . Feedback is desperately craved. Dedicated to cytherea999, thanks for the beta!
Stopping now before the nervous preamble is longer than the ficlet.
The men from the marketplace were on her heels as Donna twisted and turned through dank, steamy alleyways. Air redolent with murky incense burned in her lungs until she could barely breathe, and stung her eyes until her vision was hopelessly blurred. It had seemed so intoxicating when they had first stepped out of the TARDIS. The Doctor's words of warning rang in her ears. Don't go too far. Stay with me at all times. Get what we are here for and get out. A lawless society on the brink. Easy to get lost. Easy to fall prey.
Her pursuers were so close now.
Suddenly strong arms surrounded her and she screamed, struggled, couldn't see, couldn't breathe. He dragged her inside a building and they fell to the ground together. Donna fought against him with everything she had, but it was useless. Panic threatened to overwhelm her as her captor drew her tightly against him and pressed his lips into her hair. Then a voice spoke in her ear. His voice. "Donna! Donna, it's me. 'sokay, Shh." She gulped for breath, her vision too blurry to be trusted she clung instead to the sound of his voice, still murmuring in her ear, "shh, you're safe now, I've got you" over and over, gentle, calm, reassuring, and filled with relief. Tears streaming down her face, she collapsed against his chest. Once she stopped fighting him he cupped her face and gently brushed away her tears with his thumb. She blinked, seeing him better now. His dark eyes filled with concern and tenderness. He pulled her close again, dropping soft kisses into her hair, still telling her she would be okay, he would take care of her. She let out a shuddery sigh, and knew everything would be all right.