Ichigo gently took Rukia's hand into his own. The tenderness and care of his actions contrasted with the deep, deeper than usual, scowl on his face.

"Wipe that stupid look off your face, Ichigo." He heard her scolding voice as he started cleaning the gash on her hand. He kept scowling, too angry to speak.

When he didn't say anything, Rukia went on. "It's just a minor wound. And I only have to wait until the morning so Inoue can heal it. So I don't see the need to act this way."

He kept on working in silence. His teeth grit together in anger.



"Ichigo, say something."

He kept on working, never forgetting to be gentle and careful with her, even as pissed as he was.

"Ichigo look at me." she ordered.

He did.

He lifted his gaze from where he was kneeling in his room, met her eyes and stood up angrily, towering over her as she sat on his bed.

"You know what your problem is?" he started, his voice raised, making Rukia's eyes widen in surprise. "You never let anyone take care of you!"

Rukia's mouth dropped slightly open, she started to speak but Ichigo cut her off before she could say anything.

"You always have to be the strong one, always have to defend yourself. Yes, I know you're strong. I know you can take care of yourself. You don't need to prove yourself to anyone, and you don't need to face every challenge alone. You have friends who can help you, friends who wanna help you. You're not alone, Rukia!" His brown eyes stared fiercely into hers. He was quiet for a moment.

"Why did you go fight that hollow alone today?" Ichigo asked finally, his voice was much calmer, and his expression softer.

Rukia averted her eyes before answering. "I… I don't know. You were with your friends; you were having fun. You hardly ever get a break from the Soul Reaper business, I didn't want to bother you."

"Bother me?" He repeated incredulously. "Rukia, how could you ever think that you'd be bothering me?" His voice was louder again, he was getting angry. "You must have known that hollow was strong!"

"I figured I could handle it."

"Oh, you did?! Rukia, if I hadn't gotten there when I did-" he trailed off, the mental image of what could have happened if he hadn't been there just before the hollow's huge, spiked tail came down on her while she was down and distracted…

"Ichigo…" she said softly, seeing the pained look on his face.

"Do you realize how much that would have hurt me?" he was surprised to hear his voice crack. He looked away from her, trying to regain some control over his emotions.

"I'm sorry."

He was surprised to hear the words, softly spoken, from the girl sitting on his bed. He let himself look at her again, and he met her violet eyes.

"I didn't mean to upset you." she said. "I honestly thought I could take care of it. I was stupid, and I'm sorry."

Ichigo let out a long sigh. "I know. I know it wasn't on purpose, I didn't mean to get so mad. I just…" he didn't know quite how to say it.

"I know. I worry about you too." Rukia finished for him.

He looked at her and found that she was smiling. He let a small smile form on his lips as well. No more words needed to be said. Not when it was just the two of them.

"Oh and, Ichigo?"


"I'm taking your bed tonight."

"WHA-?! But where do I sleep?!"

"The closet's pretty nice."

"What?! No way! Rukia! Stop tucking yourself in! Hey! That's my bed!"

"I'm an injured woman! I should get a goodnight's sleep!"

"Yeah! In your closet! Not my bed! Hey! HEY! Rukia! RUKIA!"

Ah yes. All was back to normal.