Another Dead Hero- Sup' Ya'! It's me, Another Dead Hero! I'm back with the final chapter of this awesome fanfic. I know some of you are sad, but don't worry, there shall be more Boondock fanfics. That i promise, not gonna tell you how it rolls, but i can say it'd tell the past of a Boondocks character that you didn't see coming.....Trust me......Also might wanna say this, I'm also gonna do a "Predator" story since I'm, a huge Predator fan. Just wanted y'all to know that. Okay, let's get this fucker going! Rated T just in case!
The Boondocks: Revolution Is My Name
Chapter 7: Aces High
The day after the date, Huey decided he had to talk to Zakk about him feeling so weird whenever the "Mom's not around" topic comes up. He opened up the front door to see Zakk not paying attention to the door opening up due to him on the phone talking to someone, so Huey decided to stop and listen. "What you mean you ain't coming back?..............You serious, that's your answer?...........Met some guy who happens to be the head of a Iranian Oil company?...........Easy cash, that's why?.........Ahh.....Fine. goodbye." Zakk said before hanging up the phone. He then stopped in place, sighing a bit. Then if by instinct, he threw the phone as hard as he could at the wall in anger. Even Huey was shocked at what he saw. "Goddamn motherfucking bitch ass cunt! Fucking cum dumpster dumb ass--" Zakk ranted in anger before noticing Huey standing the living room looking at him. As if by magic, his mood chaned. "Oh, hey dude. What up, need something?"
".....Yeah....Happened to need your phone, but....." Huey said trying to find the right words, but Zakk stopped him.
"I know, you heard." Zakk said before getting a cigarette from under his hat and lighting it up. "Sorry, but my mom said she was just gonna be gone for a while, but...." Zakk said before he pointed at the wall where the phone hit. "As you can tell, she ain't coming back."
"What you gonna do?" Huey asked concerned for the half-breed. that made Zakk snicker a bit.
"Deal with it like i always do, duh." Zakk said smiling still smoking. Huey could tell he was lying, but decided not to push it, know it would set him off.
"All right, just be okay Zakk."
"You got it Hue."
2 hours later.......
At the Freeman's House, Huey had gotten Granddad, Tom and Sarah, Riley and Cindy to come over in order to talk about Zakk and what happened. "Wow, never knew he was conflicted." Cindy said shocked at what she was hearing about her boyfriend. "He seemed so good yesterday, especially when me and him...." She noticed the adults looks at her. "...Took me to see those Predaotrs, he loves those movies!"
"Yeah, he may have seem liked a punk, but he's a very nice kid." Granddad said. "Plus he got Huey to being so.....Huey." That got him a look from Huey. "No offense."
"None taken." Huey said back. "He's right." He said thinking about Jazmine. But he snapped out of it. "But yeah, he's not that bad."
"Well he can't live by himself at that house." Tom said putting his say in. "What is he going to do by himself."
"Ah....If i could make a suggestion." Sarah said said rasing her hand up. Everyone looked at her. "Well me and Tom have been trying to have another child, but doesn't seem to work."
"Bet i know why." Cindy whispered to Granddad who snicked.
"Shut up!" Tom said hearing what Cindy said.
"....Yeah, but as i was saying. We been wanting another child, why doesn't Zakk live with us?" Sarah said to Tom who thought about it.
"I don't know." Tom said as he thought.
"Oh just let him stay at your place." Granddad replied.
"Well we don't have any room for him." Tom said trying to think. Then something dawned on him. "Oh wait, i know where he can live in our house."
30 mins later.....
Zakk was in the backyard at his house shooting at targets he set up with a airsoft rifle, cigarette in mouth, with Iron Maiden "Aces High" (Yeah, east title reference- ADH) blasting in his ears thanks to his ipod. He was singing to himself the lyrics as shot a target in the trees. "Running, scrambling, flying. Rolling, turning, diving, going in again. Run, live to fly, fly to live, do or die. Run, live to fly, fly to live. aces high."
As Zakk kept firing at targets, Tom and Sarah approached Zakk as he fired at another target. "Zakk, can we talk to you?" Sarah asked, but thanks to the music in Zakk's ears, he couldn't hear. "Zakk?" Nothing.
Tom bent down and tapped Zakk's shoulder. "Zakk, turn--" But he never finished the sentience as he surprised by Tom touching him and lifted his gun at Tom's chest and shot another airsoft pellet into his chest, making Tom drop to the ground in pain. "Oh god!"
Zakk seeing this turned off his music and dropped his gun. "Oh god, sorry about that!" He went up to Tom who had his shirts off to show a big welt on his chest forming. "Kinda a little twitchy with guns, so sorry!"
"It's....All right....Sarah, can you talk to him?" Tom said before passing out. Sarah looked over at Zakk who was still awkward about shooting Tom.
"Ah, me and tom wanted to tell you about what we heard." Sarah said with a sad tone. "About your mom leaving you."
"It's okay Mrs. Du" Zakk said as he checked Tom out. "I'm okay."
"Well we were talking about it and me and Tom decided that if you wanted to, you can live with--" Sarah said as she looked at Tom, then looked at where Zakk was to see he was gone. "Zakk?"
"In my room packing!" Zakk's voice was heard from his room. Sarah looked up at where Zakk's window was and seen him packing up him stuff for leaving the house. "Now where do i move my shit in your house?"
3 days later......
Huey knocked the door of Jazmine's house. Jazmine of course answered the door and opened it. "Oh hey Huey, looking for Zakk?" Huey nodded his head, so the two walked in the house. Then as they got near the basement. They stopped in place. "Hey Huey?"
"I forgot to mention, did you have on our date?" Jazmine asked to which Huey nodded his head.
"Yeah, was good to spend time with you."
"Like last night when went out for Coffee?" Jazmine asked to which Huey kissed her before smiling (The world's going to hell!).
"Yeah, had a fun time." He said back to the smiling girl.
"Hey, we can hear you two!" Zakk's voice came from behind the basement getting the two lovers attention. "Now get down here!"
The two came down into the basement to see it full of metal music and horror film posters, a nice sized bed, a small fridge near it, a huge TV with a Blu-Ray player, Zakk's guitar hanging up near an amp. Oh, and there was both Zakk and Cindy lying down on the bed. "Like what Zakk did with the room?"
"Well gotta say made it look a bit better." Huey said looking at a huge wall of DVD/Blu-Ray cases. "How much that cost you?"
"Thanks for the comment dude and a shit load of money." Zakk said as he snuggled next to his girl. "So, you got any info on any jobs we gotta do?"
"You ain't gonna off someone are you?" Cindy asked confused.
"No, he means if there's any things we need to do involving our mission." Huey said as he sat down on a chair. "And no, feel like we needed to take a break."
"Yeah, especially with them fuckers tazing me." Zakk said in anger. "Hate tazer's."
"Bad luck with them?" Jazmine asked to which Zakk nodded his head. "Sorry about that."
"It cool, still a biot shocky from the last time." Zakk said. "Still can't near any water without getting shocked."
Cindy gave Zakk a kiss on the cheek. "It's okay baby, i'm here."
"Thanks babe." Zakk said smiling back at Cindy before starting to make-out with her.
Huey watching this smiled (In his head.) at Jazmine who decided to leave due to her not wanting to watch Zakk and Cindy makeout.
Huey's POV
"Needed help, that was my concern for....Well ever, but this crazy ass white, no wait. half-White and half-Japanese helped me out with my cause', granted we have work to do, but we're working on it. Plus he helped me in a way i never thought, about failing love with Jazmine. Strange fucking world."
Huey then snapped out of it when Zakk's shirt was thrown on him. He looked at the shirt, then got up and went out of the room.
"Better get the fuck outta here."
Another Dead Hero- Okay, that was a last chapter! Hoped you guys enjoyed the fanfic and read some more of my stuff. Some of the bits in here were borrowed from a "That 70's Show" episode, only cuase' i thought it fit. Peace.