A/N Okay this is my first story about the Darkest Powers series so please don't get mad if it's not that accurate. I've only read the books once so this is from memory. Things probably won't be correct, and I'm gonna change it up a little. Bear with me, please :) And I hope you all(or someone) enjoys!!
Also the title may change, I couldn't think of anything better :)
Chapter 1
Derek's POV (The whole story will be in his point of view, unless I feel the need to get into Chloe's head or anyone else's for a little bit)
I scrubbed furiously at Chloe's arm. I didn't want to be too sure. I wasn't going to take the chance of Chloe becoming a werewolf. Not in a million years.
"Derek," she said my name softly, and for some reason my heart began to beat faster. "I think you got all the blood off me."
I stopped scrubbing, not quite satisfied with my work. But as far as I could tell there was no blood unless it was hiding.
I turned her arm around and found nothing. Good.
"Now, it's your turn," she said and rolled down her sleeves. Getting down to business.
I smirked at her determination.
She turned behind her and got some paper towel and wetted it. She turned back to me and began to dab at the blood on my face.
Her tongue poked between her teeth and she was concentrating on my face. I thought it was funny, and I would have smiled. If it didn't hurt to do so.
Then she dabbed my nose. I winced back in pain.
She gasped. "Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!"
I smiled, a little smile. "It's okay, it doesn't hurt anymore you can continue."
I would never admit it out loud, but I kind of liked the feel of her cool fingers on my face.
"Where did all this blood come from?" She asked her voice tinged with worry.
"Probably my nose," I said matter of factly.
"Do you think it's broken?" She continued cleaning off my face.
I shrugged, which kind of hurt. "If it is there's nothing we can do about it." And that was the truth, we couldn't exactly go to a doctor without them asking questions. Questions we would probably like to avoid.
"There." She leaned back and examined her work. "All done."
"Am I presentable now?" I smirked. Like I ever was to begin with.
"I think so. Here have a look." She hopped off the sink and no longer blocked my view of the mirror.
I only looked at it long enough to see that there was no trace of blood left on my face. I didn't like mirrors much. You can say that I don't like the way I look, I guess.
Suddenly someone knocked the door and woman's voice said, "The bathroom is for paying customers only!"
I turned to Chloe and smirked. "I guess that means we have to go."
"What do you mean that was the last bus?!" I exclaimed and slammed my hands down on the counter. I may have scared the lady behind it. I only felt a twinge of guilt for doing so. But seriously the last bus? Aren't they supposed to run all day?
"I'm s-sorry, sir," she stuttered. "The buses stop running at six on Sundays."
I looked down at my watch. It read 6:05. Wow, five minutes. Really? We missed the bus by five minutes.
I stalked back to where Chloe was sitting on a bench.
"We missed the bus," I told her. "The next one comes at six in the morning. We're just going to have to wait here until the next one comes."
"Or," she began, and I didn't think I was going to like what was going to come out of her mouth. "We can walk to the next bus stop. Maybe the buses run later there."
I looked her over. She looked exhausted. She had bags under her eyes, and she all but shuffled her feet when she walked. I doubted she would be able to make it the ten miles to the next stop, let alone a foot in front of her. So I shot that idea down.
"No, you need your rest Chloe. We can sleep here for the night, it's not so bad." If you liked being cold and cramped for a night.
She shook her head. Disagreeing with me, of course. "I think we could make it, I'm not tired at all." She stood up and swayed. I grabbed hold of her.
She smiled up at me, and there went my heart again.
"You were saying?" I set her back on the bench.
She smiled again. "Okay, you're right, Derek, maybe I do need a couple of hours of sleep."
"Maybe even a couple days," I said.
She laughed. "I don't think I'll need that much."
"I know I will after this whole thing is over." I sighed, knowing it was probably the truth.
She looked at me then. "Do you think this is all going to be all over soon?"
To tell you the truth, I didn't know. But, oh did I want this all to be over. I wanted things to go back to the way it was.
So I turned to Chloe and gave her the only answer I could right now. "I don't know."
She sighed and looked away at something else. "I want this all to be over. I don't want to keep running for my life."
I heard her sniffle and I knew she was crying. Great.
"Hey, Chloe, why don't you go to sleep. We'll talk more about it later, ok?"
She nodded.
I leaned back in the bench and looked up at the darkening sky willing morning to come so we would be an a bus. The sooner we got to Simon and Tori, well Simon anyway, the better.
Just then I felt Chloe's head on my shoulder. I looked down at her and immediately she sat up.
"Sorry," she said, looking very apologetic.
"No, no go ahead. It's fine." I knew she was tired, and she only wanted to get comfortable. No harm in that.
She looked at me. "Are you sure?"
"Of course. Go ahead." I really didn't mind having her head there. To tell you the truth...I kind of liked it.
I didn't even know I had gone to sleep until I woke up by the sound of a car driving by. Or make that a bus.
I shot up and watched as the bus, the one we were supposed to be on, drive away. Great! I walked up to the counter and asked the lady, a different one from the day before, when the next bus was. She told me two hours.
Two hours! What were going to do in two hours.
Chloe came up next to me and put a hand on my arm. It felt oddly soothing. I really needed to get a grip on myself.
"It's okay, Derek," she said, then she smiled like she had just won a prize. "We could always walk."
A/N I know Derek may seem a little out if character. Sorry.