AN// Okay so I have no idea why I'm starting a new story, but this idea wouldn't leave my head after I watched a documentary about freakin cruise ships! Damn the discovery channel! Anyway I promise I won't abandon my other stories. Enjoy!

Rating: M (strong language, scenes of a sexual nature)

Far Away



Chapter One: This is the start of something good, don't you agree?

Puck groaned as Rachel walked into glee rehearsals, smiling that big annoyingly beautiful smile, Fuck sakes Puck! Get a grip, she aint beautiful! "Good afternoon fellow glee-clubbers" she chirped happily, taking her usual seat next to Finn, which made Puck clench his fists, wanting nothing more than to go over there and punch Finn, knocking that stupid half-grin off his face. Hold Up! Why the fuck do I care so much, maybe I have feeling...No! Don't say it Puck! Man I need to get laid. He looked around the room and his eyes fell upon Santana, throwing her a smirk, sending her a secret message and she replied by giving him a wink. Thank god! I'm getting laid tonight, I wonder if she'll keep her cheerio's outfit on again, man that was fucking hot!

He was interrupted from his thoughts when Mr Schue came into the room "Hey Guys! Before we get started Rachel has some news that I think you'll all love."

The room was filled with groans and Puck couldn't help but feel a little sorry for Berry, but the groans didn't deter her, she jumped up and walked to the front of the class, Puck watched as that extremely short skirt bounced with each step, not leaving much for the imagination Berry...Fuck! Snap out of it!

"To start off I want to say congratulations, I mean winning regionals, it's a dream come true and I'm sure you'll all agree it's because we were..."

"Rach, sweetie get to the point" Kurt said whilst examining his nails.

"Right, anyway you may not know this but daddy is CEO of Holland America Line" she said but the others just looked at each other in confusion "it's a cruise line and daddy has booked us on a 28 day cruise to San Diego, through the Panama Canal."

The rest of glee sat in their chairs eye-wide and mouths agape "Hold on your father has just booked us on this cruise, how much is it?" Quinn asked breaking the silence.

"It's free" Rachel replied.

Then Mercedes let out a squeal and hugged Rachel tight before pulling away "girl! You are amazing!"

Rachel smiled "thank you, anyway we leave next Monday, here, take one of these information packs, It will tell you everything you need to know about the cruise and departure dates etc, make sure you study them" she said handing everyone a pink ring-binder "now if you don't mind Mr Schue I have to get going, my dance class has been re-scheduled for today."

Mr Schue smiled "no problem Rachel, see you tomorrow." Rachel smiled back before leaving the room. "Well guys I suggest you go home and get permission from your parents, oh and don't forget to thank Rachel...that means all of you" he warned glancing at Puck and the three cheerio's.

Monday had finally come around and Rachel couldn't be more excited, today they were flying to Florida so they could board the ship. She sat up and looked at Kurt who was still asleep in her super-king bed, he had insisted on staying over last night so he could go through her suitcase to see what she was bringing, and too her surprise he hugged her once he had looked through and said that he was glad that she was finally listening and taking advise from him.

"Kurt! Come on Kurt get up!" she said shaking him.

He jumped up "Where's the sale?" he asked making Rachel laugh.

"We gotta get ready, we leave for the airport in a bit" she said walking over to her wardrobe.

Kurt nodded and once again admired her room, it must have been four times the size of his and was painted a light pink and had pictures of famous actresses and rock bands in black rimmed frames, he had to admit the rock band posters did surprise him at first, he didn't know her musical tastes extended from show tunes and there was her closet, now that was the size of his room, he could live in there and again he was very surprised that she didn't just own grandma clothes, the girl actually had style and labels lots of labels "Hey Rach I'm gonna have to borrow this Gucci sweater sometime."

Rachel smiled and nodded "You can have it, I have two."

Kurt gasped "Rachel Berry you have just become my new best friend" he stated but noticed the slight sadness flash across her face and he grabbed her hand "Rach I aint just saying I'm your friends because you're rich and taking us on this cruise or because you have this killer closet, I am actually your friend."

Rachel smiled and hugged Kurt "thank you" she said.

Kurt put his finger to her lips "Sweetie quit the yapping we gotta find you something to wear" he said walking into her closet.

After an hour she was ready, Kurt had dressed her in a very short floral baby doll dress with a pair of roman gladiator sandals, her very long hair was straight and she had a straw sun hat and finally she wore a pair of aviators "Kurt! Get a move on!" she shouted to Kurt who was still in her bathroom.

The door finally opened and Kurt came out dressed in a pair of white skinny jeans and a cotton, very tight navy blue short sleeved shirt tucked in, on his feet were a pair of navy pumps and then on his head he wore a matching hat to Rachel, who had to bite her lips from laughing "nice hat Kurt."

Kurt smiled "yes well, you had a spare so I'm borrowing it."

Rachel laughed "Pumpkin, your limo's here" Rachel's father shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

Kurt's eyes widened "Limo?"

"Daddy insisted we travel in style" she said grabbing her light pink tote bag "You ready?"

Kurt nodded and grabbed a similar bag then followed Rachel out of the door.

Quinn groaned "where the hell are they?"

Puck rolled his eyes and was about to speak when Mercedes piped up "Yo white girl! Why don't you have a bit of respect, Rachel is taking you on holiday, free of charge! So why don't you shut up!"

Quinn huffed a crossed her arms across her chest "whatever she muttered."

Just then a limo pulled up "wow" Brittany said in awe "I think it's Brad Pitt" she stated.

Santana looked at her with a raised eyebrow "yeah because Brad Pitt would be getting a flight from Neil Armstrong Airport."

Brittany just shrugged and went back to playing with her hair and Mike put his arm around her "It could totally bee Brad Pitt B" he whispered in her ear causing her to giggle.

"Those two need to get a room" Artie stated.

"I-I totally a-agree" Tina said.

Then Rachel and Kurt got out of the limo giggling, quickly finishing off their glass of champagne "Are they drunk?" Matt asked. They watched as the pair stumbled to the back of the limo and began to pull out cases; Puck quickly went over "Let me give you a hand R-Berry."

Rachel looked up and smiled brightly "that's very chivalrous of you Noah." Then she hiccupped

He nodded and started pulling her cases out of the trunk, once he was done he closed it and carried them towards the others "Sorry were late guys" Kurt stated, slurring his words a little.

"Are you drunk?" Artie asked.

Kurt and Rachel quickly shook their heads before giggling a little "We only had...wait how many have we had Princess?" he asked and Rachel up three fingers but mouthed three.

Finn rose an eyebrow "I'm confused how many have you had?"

"Two silly" she said smiling.

Finn scratched his head "Then why you holding up three fingers?"

Rachel looked at her finger and laughed "would you look at that." She stated going off into a world of her own.

"Berry" Puck said waving his hand in front of her face.

"Yah!" she said snapping out of her thought.

"Two glasses or bottles?" he asked.

She giggled "Oh Noah I'm not a light weight, two bottles." And Kurt nodded in agreement.

"So you've basically had a bottle of champagne each and it's not even 12" Puck said and Rachel nodded "Wow, didn't know you had it in ya." He said with a smirk.

Rachel inched closer "There's a lot you don't know about me Noah" she whispered in his ear, instant boner.

Puck cleared his throat "Shouldn't we be going?" he asked grabbing his case and Rachel's three before walking off towards check in followed closely by Rachel.

"Okay what just happened here?" Mercedes asked.

"I think our little *hiccup* diva *hiccup* just seduced our resident *hiccup* stud" Kurt stated.

Mercedes shook her head and started walking towards check in followed closely by the others...this was going to be an interesting trip.

Well let me know what you think, love it, hate it? Please I want to know what you think of it!