Disclaimer: I do not own Shugo Chara. I only own the muse that whacked me upside the head.

"Oi, get up."

"Ugh…What? Who's telling me to get up..."

"Hey, get your ass up before I kick you."

"Sounds female…And she wouldn't ki-Damn it!"

After receiving a sharp kick to his ribs, the young man gasped in pain as his eyes shot open. He immediately sat up, wincing as he clutched his ribs. He turned his indigo eyes to glare at the girl standing next to him. From what he could tell, she was only about thirteen, maybe even twelve.

"Why did you kick me?"He asked, keeping the urge to slap her under control. The urge spiked when she only shrugged, her own dull lifeless amber eyes meeting his.

"You wouldn't get up, and if I didn't kick you awake, then surely you would've been hot ironed."She said, as casually as if she was talking about the weather.

"Hot ironed? What kind of place does that to wake people up?"He asked, keeping the shock out of his voice. He had learned to keep emotions out of his voice, though his eyes tended to tell more than they should. The girl in front of him noticed that, a smirk gracing her child like features.

"Simple: You're in the place that no one wants to end up in when they die. The place that all those stupid churches warn against, forcing you into celibacy when all you really want to do is fuck some girl's brains out when you don't even know her."

"So basically, what you're telling is that I'm in Hell?"He stated, recapitulating all the facts that she had said to come up with his answer.

"Well, you're not as dumb as you look Tsukiyomi."The girl said, mocking him with her sarcastic pride in his answer. He rolled his eyes at her, a slight smirk playing on his face.

"Let me guess, you know my name because of your 'demonic powers' or some bull like that, right?"He said, trying to poke fun at her. The girl rolled her eyes before she began ruffling through the messenger bag that was worn around her shoulder. This gave him time to take in her appearance, possibly to even know who he was dealing with.

He took note of her pink hair, which was up in a high ponytail with her bangs framing her face, the ponytail being held by a black x-shaped clip. Next was her top, seeming to be a black silk kimono with red trimming and obi that was cut off at the waist. The sleeves of the kimono top even had designs on them, red butterflies with a few whites ones here and there. Her skirt was a ruffled, the top layer being a bright red and the bottom layer being a black that matched her kimono top. Just as he reached her knee-high lace up boots, the girl found what she was looking for in the bag, pulling it out and reading from it almost immediately.

"Name: Tsukiyomi Ikuto. Age: 18. Height: 5'10. Hair color: Blue. Eye color: Indigo. Cause of death: Alcohol poisoning at a high school party. Whether it was accidental or not is unknown."

"For the record, that idiot Higuchi told me that I had to participate in that stupid drinking contest, else he would give girls…'provocative' pictures of me."Ikuto explained, trying to clear up any misconceptions of him being a drunkard. She gave him a smile, obviously mocking him with how fake it was.

"Alright then, we'll just jot down that you died because you were stupid."

"Now just wait a-"

"Reason for being in Hell," She continued, ignoring him completely. "Raping half sister Tsukiyomi Utau."

"I was drunk then."

"And now you've learned why not to drink. Moving on, name of demon in charge of you: Hinamori Amu. Mission: To keep Tsukiyomi Ikuto under surveillance at all times, and to make him feel the mental anguish that his sister felt."

Ikuto's eyes widened before he regained the slight composure he had been keeping this entire time. "So you're telling me that not only do I have to follow you around like a dog on a leash, but that I'm your fuck buddy?"

Amu gave a snort before sneering down at him. "You wish we would be fuck buddies. Fuck buddies usually have some attraction to each other, seeing as how they're screwing like jackrabbits. You, I have no attraction to you; you're nothing more than a pathetic little shit that I have to punish for the rest of eternity. This is your torment; this is my job. It's nothing more, and nothing less. Got it?"

"You know, for someone with a face like yours, it's quite shocking to be hearing such foul language. I wonder what your mother would say."Ikuto mused aloud, acting as if he hadn't heard a word. Amu's face twisted in anger, and with such speed that could only be described as demonic, her boot connected with his head. Ikuto's body was slammed against the ground from the force, which would probably have been enough to give a concussion if he hadn't been dead already.

"Well that hurt like a bitch."Ikuto grumbled, rubbing his now sore head. Amu knelt down to his level, only to grab him by his shirt collar so as to glare directly into his eyes.

"You listen to me you little shit; most of the souls down here would kill for an opportunity like this. Those other rapists, they're all tied to a bed of nails getting fucked twenty-four seven. Everyone else, they're not even allowed to leave their punishment chamber. You on the other hand, you're allowed to move freely as long as I'm right next to you, only getting your comeuppance when I've finished torturing others. Most people would kill for this, so you better be damn grateful for it. Do I make myself clear?"Amu spat out, the dull amber in her eyes burning bright with what could only be pure hatred.

"Crystal."Ikuto muttered, forcing himself to keep his cool when under the burning gaze of someone who could probably kill him with just the flick of her finger. Amu let him go roughly, causing him to fall back onto the ground hard.

"Good. Now get your ass up: It's time for the daily regime."

A/N: Wow…When did I break my vow to write nothing but oneshots? (shrug) Ah well, it's all good, at least I hope it is. Short, but alas it is only a prologue. Hope you enjoyed the opening chapter! Leave a review or piece of advice, and you'll receive a cookie of demon Amu! And no, this isn't bribery; I just like giving free stuff. Until next time, JAA MATA!