Hey guys :)

How's it going? Everyone had a great Valentine's Day and watched StarStruck last night? I hope so! It was awesome :) Sterling and Brandon were beyond amazing in it.

My anticipation for SWAC Season II is sky-rocketing, so I decided to put that excitement to good use and write another Chad/Sonny story.

This one focuses on Chad and Sonny's secret relationship after season two's episode "Falling for The Falls", the problems that will surely arise and how our favourite frenemies deal with it all.

I love writing couple-y Chad/Sonny.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. Not even the Loganberry smoothie. It's sad, I know.

Warning: None, really. Except you're allergic to romance and fluff, in this case: Beware!

Without furder ado, I present to you: Best Kept Secret.

Tip – Tap – Tip – Tap – Tip – Tap



Being on 'So Random' was her every dream come true, it truly was.



Tip – Tap – Tip – Tap – Tip – Tap



She got to be on a popular TV show and make people all over the country laugh and feel good.



Tip – Tap – Tip – Tap – Tip – Tap



From her point of view, there was nothing else she'd rather do to earn a living.



Tip – Tap – Tip – Tap – Ti-CRASH!



"WOAH!! Watch where you're going!!"


"Hello?! The least you could do is say 'Sorry'!"



But there were times – rare, extremely rare times – when the bubbly brunette needed a break from all the.... funny stuff. Times, when Nico and Grady's eternal quest for another pair of identical popcorn twins annoyed the hell out of her. Times, when Zora's weird ways got too... weird. And times, when Sonny could not be bothered to put up with the constantly recurring, bitchy Tawni-moods.

Times like right now.

She was so annoyed that the mere thought of apologizing to the 'Teen Gladiator' she had just bumped into, didn't even enter her mind. Instead she had left him sitting on the concrete floor. Without a single glance back, the petite girl had continued her rushed steps, impatient to reach her destination.

One hot, handsome destination.

Because those times, when nothing seemed right and everybody got on her nerves, were the times that made her all the more thankful to have her loving, albeit cocky, boyfriend.

A tiny, lovesick grin surrounded her ruby lips, when Chad entered her thoughts.

Ever since their first date and Chad's charity tennis tournament, the two of them had been a couple. And a happy one, too! Sonny never would've guessed that a relationship with TV's Chad Dylan Cooper – his words, not hers – could be so... normal, functional and good.

Of course, the boy still had his cocky moments, since it would probably take him three years worth of rehab to get rid of an attitude this bad. But compared to the time that Chad affectionately referred to as 'before Sonny' – 'b.S.' for short; CDC is all about acronyms. – her boyfriend had been the most innocent, humble and sweet angel.

Their dates were so much fun, his kisses were twice as addictive as he said they would be and their conversations finally – incredibly – consisted of more than the words 'good' and 'fine'. She loved getting to know the real him and was surprised each and every day, when she found out something new and astounding about her boyfriend of seven months, three weeks and five days. But who was counting. To make a long story short: Chad Dylan Cooper and Sonny Monroe have been attached at the hip.

Well, as attached as possible, considering they currently found themselves in an oh-so-secret relationship.

While Chad thought the idea was chadtastic (he lived for their secret, spontaneous, super hot make-out sessions in broom closets, deserted storage rooms, his private bathroom, ......), Sonny was growing more anxious and paranoid by the day. While she considered herself a rather decent actress, she knew that her lying-skills were seriously lacking.

Beyond lacking, to be precise.

Nico, Grady, Zora and Tawni were getting more suspicious every time she was late for rehearsal, didn't join her cast for lunch or was busy on Friday nights. The constant prying and their suspicious looks were driving Sonny to the brink of insanity and she knew that someday she would crack.

Apparently, someday was today.

All it took was a typical lunch hour spent with Nico and Grady making fun of 'Chad Dylan Pooper'. She was having a rather bad day to begin with, so listening to her friends insulting her boyfriend didn't help at all. She ended up screaming at the twosome to shut up before making a run for Condor Studios' stage two.

She passed the 'Do not admit'-wall, sent a quick, friendly nod in the general direction of Reggie, the bulky security guard, and then made a beeline for Chad's dressing room. Sonny entered the room that had easily become her favourite in the entire building of Condor Studios, closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath to calm her racing heart. She grabbed one of the Loganberry smoothies – it was that fortnight of the year again – and sat down on Chad's huge, cobalt blue sofa. She cuddled into the velvety cushions, took a large gulp of the creamy goodness and sighed in delight.

Her friends would be disgusted.

Ever since she had become Chad's lady, she found herself breaking the ancient 'So Random' code every single day. Several times over, actually: The 'Mackenzie Falls' set had become a familiar hide-out to her. Chad – of course – had a room all to himself. And while Sonny loved sharing with Tawni, there were times she envied Chad for being able to retreat and lock himself in his own little kingdom – dressing room really wasn't the right word to describe it – without any interruptions. There was no such thing as silence or solitude over at 'So Random', so whenever she craved to be let alone, she made good use of the spare key that Chad had given her a few weeks into their relationship.

Just like today.

The brunette girl set her smoothie on the table before lying down and stretching out on the couch. Sonny took a deep breath and squeezed her eyes shut, as she cuddled closer into the soft blue fabric that reminded her so much of her boyfriend.

"You really have a thing for those Loganberry smoothies, eh? Should I be jealous?"

Speaking of the devil.

A small signature smirk surrounded Chad's lips, as he closed the door behind him and threw his 'Mackenzie Falls' jacket over the top of an armchair. He rolled the sleeves of his blue dress shirt up and made his way over to Sonny who had turned around upon hearing his voice. His eyes and smirk softened upon recognizing the expression of distress on her face.

"What's wrong?"

Sonny decided that she could really use a Chad-hug right now, so the girl uttered a soft sound of discomfort, sat up and motioned for Chad to take a seat beside her.

Not one to deny his lady anything, he flashed her a quick grin, sat down close to her and pulled her against his strong, lean body. Her head rested perfectly in the crook of his neck, her hands curled around his waist and searched their way under his shirt, while he closed his eyes in delight and pulled his girlfriend further into the embrace. Sonny's fingers danced across his warm skin and drew random patterns, while his hands dug into her soft, pretty hair and massaged her scalp.

Those blissful moments spent with Chad easily were the highlight of her day.

She turned her head a bit and pressed a sloppy kiss to the skin of his neck, at the same time that Chad turned to kiss her forehead. Sonny grinned against his soft skin, inhaled his delicious cologne and giggled.

"Great minds think alike, huh?"

He smiled a true – not so rare anymore – Chad smile and sighed in contentment, repeating his earlier question, "So, what's wrong? To what do I owe the honour of having you here, Sonnaaay?"

She was tempted to roll her eyes at the way he pronounced her name and start one of their usual banters, but she wasn't ready to ruin the romantic mood quite yet.

"Well, why would I need a special reason to visit my hot and positively charming boyfriend, hmm?"

She braced herself on his shoulders and winked at her blonde companion before brushing a soft butterfly kiss over his velvety lips. And another. And one more, just for good measure.

Chad wanted to get conversation out of the way first, since her kisses would make him forget all about it. Yet he took hold of her hips and pulled her onto his lap anyways, casually raising an eyebrow.

"Very convincing, Monroe. I think the entire building heard you screaming earlier and Chastity saw you stomping your way out of the cafeteria and onto our set. She said you looked 'beyond livid'. Trouble in Chuckle City?"

The brunette girl shifted a bit closer to him on his lap and played with the buttons on Chad's shirt. Truthfully, she just wanted to kiss him and enjoy the silence; Chad could make her forget her worries for a while.

"Do we need to talk about this? It's nothing big and your girlfriend would very much appreciate it, if you kissed her and put your mouth to good use for once," a cheeky grin crossed her face, as she teased him mercilessly.

Chad smirked back at his favourite girl, pecked the tip of her nose tenderly. "I'll put it to good use, once you tell me what's wrong. We will discuss this, you know we will. Now, in order to get the talking over with and start the kissing, please do tell."

Sonny sighed in resignation. She loved Chad, but his stubborn ways could be a pain in the arse from time to time. Once he decided on something, he absolutely had to get his way.

"This whole.... secret relationship thing isn't as easy as I thought it would be, Chad," she glanced up at him from under her lashes and rested her forehead against his, "my friends are getting more suspicious by the minute. And when they're not busy being suspicious and annoying, they insult you and go on about how much they hate you and 'The Falls'," she squeezed her eyes shut and sighed, "I feel like everything would be easier, if we just told them."

Chad frowned. Seeing Sonny like this was a rare thing and he quickly decided that he didn't like it. Sonny was supposed to be....well, sunny. It shouldn't be allowed for a bubbly, nice person like her to be sad. The blue-eyed boy was pretty sure there was a law against that somewhere.

He nuzzled her nose and pressed his lips to hers in an earnest, soothing kiss. Just lips on lips, no funny business. He would save that for later.

Sonny relaxed into the kiss and gently returned the pressure, until Chad pulled away. Not too far, but just far enough to talk without their lips making contact.

He gazed into her chocolate eyes and spoke quietly,

"If we tell them, there'll be hell to pay."

"I know."

"They'll hate me more than ever. It'll be tough."


"They'll be mad at you."

"Thank you, Captain Obvious."

He grinned at her answer and cuddled into her soft body, "Are you sure that you're ready to face your friends' wrath? You won't just leave me, when they try to blackmail you into choosing between them and me, right?"

She eyed him curiously,

"Is that insecurity I detect in your voice, oh Chad Dylan?"

"Funny, Sonny. Would you?"


"Leave me, I mean. Would you leave me for them?"

"They wouldn't stoop that low and make me choose. They'll get over it eventually."

"By not answering the question, you aren't exactly helping my insecurities, Monroe."

"So you are insecure!"

"Allison Monroe! Just answer the damn question!"

She dissolved into giggles, but wrapped her arms around his neck and shifted closer to his chest. Her expression softened, as she noticed the nervous and scared look in Chad's eyes.

Chad Dylan Cooper wasn't as sure of himself as people thought. A façade. A mask. A wall he had built up which Sonny has broken.

The girl buried her fingers in his soft, blonde strands. Their eyes connected in a tender gaze.

"I would never leave you for my friends. They'll have to cope. This is us and I won't let anybody ruin this relationship. It means too much. You mean too much."

Suddenly her mouth sealed his in a passionate kiss. She couldn't not kiss him. Her lips moved slowly and reminded him of what she would never give up. She couldn't not be with him. Her tongue roamed her favourite territory and reassured him of what he needed to know. She couldn't not love him.

Chad was the one to break the kiss and smiled at her. Relief and reassurance were written all over his face.

"Then we will tell them."


"Really. I want you to be happy, Sonny. I want us to be happy. They have to know eventually. So we should better get it over with now, before one of those chuckle-butts experiences a rare moment of enlightenment and figures it out on their own."

"You do realize that I'm one of those chuckle-butts, right?

"Yeah, but you're my chuckle-butt."

The brunette comedienne smiled bightly at him and pressed a giddy kiss to his mouth.

"Thank you, Chad."

"Naaah, you know I'm just being selfish."


"Once we go public, everyone will know you're mine. That will scare off those 'Teen Gladiators' who've been ogling you. Curse them."

"OH! Speaking of 'Teen Gladiators', I need to apologize to one of them later."


"I bumped into him and accidentally shoved him to the ground on my way here."

"I'm proud of you, baby."

She rolled her eyes. Her boyfriend could be a real doofus sometimes.

Yet cuddled into his warm body, his soothing scent lulling her and knowing the truth would finally be told, she couldn't help but feel like all would be well again.

"Plus, as much as I love the secret make-out sessions, going public means I can kiss you whenever and wherever I want."

"That's true."

"Like in the cafeteria..."


"...or the Prop House..."


"...in the parking lot..."


"....and even the hallways!"


"Technically, I could even barge onto your set during a taping and plant a big, wet, passionate-"

"I dare you."

Tadaa. That was it. Loved it? Hated it? Why? How to improve? Leave it like that? Continue?

Questions upon questions. If you want to answer any of them, the 'REVIEW' button is your friend ;)

Love, Mona