Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Academy, or any of the characters, Richelle Mead does

2010- Hey guys it's RoseElla, this is my first fanfic, I hope you like it, so here it is.

2016- I orginally wrote this chapter in 2010. I have edited it a bit. I never got the chance to finish this story, and rereading it I wish I had. I also realized how poor my writing skills were, and am here to slowly make amends for the fun of it.

Chapter 1: SAFETY Rose's P.O.V

My mom was trying to pull me away from the cave; she had a tight grasp on my arms. I kicked her in the shin a couple of times hoping she would loosen her grip, but all she did was flinch. That, sure as hell, didn't stop me. I elbowed her in the chest and, thank god, it worked. Once she had loosened her grip, I yanked out of it, running towards the cave. Behind me I herd my mom yelling, "Rose, Rose get back here! Rose, it's too dangerous!" I just ignored her and kept running.

When I got to the cave the blonde Strigoi was leaning over Dimitri, just about to bite him; but he didn't even get a chance to. I had a stake in the back of this chest before he could even say for do a thing.

My mom and Alberta ran in at the exact same moment that three Strigoi did, and we each squared off with one. The one I was up against ran towards me, knocking me to the ground. My head hit a rock and gashed open. My vision blurred a little and I could feel blood trickling down the side of my neck. It turns out that he also had a knife in his hand. He shoved the knife forward. Puncturing my skin and stabbing me in the gut, not just once, but twice. I held back a scream, biting my tongue, and pulled my shit together. He went to stab me again and I knocked the knife out of his hand, "Damn, that's going to leave a mark." I said as I shot up, throwing a punch. Punching him square in the face I heard his nose crack. He flinched moving his hands to his nose, I took that as my chance to stake him, and he was down in a matter of seconds.

I ran to Dimitri's side, just as my mom yelled, "Rose, get Belikov out of here, before anymore Strigoi come." For once I actually did as she said, running out of the cave, and into the sunlight, half carrying, half dragging Dimitri through the woods.



I ran past the wards, to all of the people waiting for us to return, just as the last of the sunlight died. As I laid Dimitri on the ground I was pulled in to a gigantic hug from Lissa. My ears were ringing and my vision was blurred again. I vaguely heard Lissa say, "I was so worried about you, I'm just glad your alive." I felt heavy, and it suddenly got harder to breath. I remembered all the blood that I'd probably lost by then. The last thing I remember is my mom and Alberta running past the wards saying, "We followed Rose's blood trail," before everything went black, and I passed out in Lissa's arms.

OK guys that was my fan fic

If you want me to write another chapter review

Thanks for reading
