Er, hi everyone. Long time no see. ^^; So, a while ago, when I was first working on the previous chapters, I thought of this. After a long time of me being lazy, I finally convinced myself to write it (at two in the morning). Just a random Alternate ending. Meh, hope you enjoy.
Danny Phantom (c) Butch Hartman
Story (c) Me
"So, where do we begin?" Danny asked anxiously.
"The first thing we must do is unlock the stored power." Clockwork said.
"Alright...and how do we do that?"
"First, change back into your human form," Clockwork instructed. The boy obliged, letting two white rings wash over him, changing him back into Danny Fenton. "Now, come with me. You will need to be a small distance away from everyone just in case."
"In case of what?" Danny asked nervously.
"You will see," Clockwork replied calmly. "Everyone else go to the north side of the room." They all nodded and followed the Master Of Time's instructions. Danny was hesitant at first but then he took a deep breath and started walking with Clockwork. When everyone was set, Clockwork turned to Danny and asked. "Are you ready Daniel?"
He nodded slowly, still a little unsure about what was going to happen. "Ready as I will ever be." He sighed.
"Now, just to warn you, this is going to hurt a little." Clockwork warned.
Danny nodded, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes. Clockwork then gently placed a hand on the boy's shoulder and it started glowing a bright pink.
"Hm," Sam thought to herself. "I never expected Clockwork to have pink ectoplasm... It sort of reminds me of Vlad..."
Danny winced a little as his whole body became encased in the pink light. The light kept on getting brighter and brighter and Danny had to grit his teeth to keep from crying out in pain. His whole body felt paralyzed and when he tried to clench his hands in pain, he couldn't- they were unresponsive. Something was seriously wrong, but Danny kept telling himself that he just had to trust Clockwork.
The pain in the young boys body was becoming more agonizing by the minute. It took everything he had not to cry out. However, when Clockwork suddenly pumped more ectoplasm into him, a sharp cry escaped his lips.
"What are you doing to him!" Maddie screamed.
"Don't worry, its all part of the processes," Clockwork relied, calmly.
As everyone continued to watch, an uneasy feeling filled them all. Something was telling them that they needed to go stop what was going on, that somehow Clockwork was betraying them all. However, Danny seemed to trust this ghost, and if this all wasn't a set up, then they could ruin Danny's chances of getting the power he needed. It took everything in the groups power to stay put.
As Danny stood there, withering in pain, he began to wonder how this was helping. His thoughts were torn from him abruptly though when even more ectoplasm was forced into him. This time, he couldn't stop from letting out a agonized scream. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't stop screaming. He didn't know if it was from the pain, or from the fear that something was definitely wrong.
"Stop! What the hell are you doing Clockwork!" Sam called out. Clockwork didn't respond, he just kept pumping more and more of the plasma into Danny's system. Sam couldn't take hearing anymore of her best friends screams so she ran forward, planing to stop what was going on. Before she could reach them however, Danny's screams came to an abrupt halt, and Clockwork withdrew his hand from the boy. The pink light dissipated and the ghost boy collapsed to the ground.
Everyone jetted over to the unconscious boy, who's chest was no long moving up and down. Sam put two fingers to Danny's neck, but felt no pulse. "Danny...n-no," she sobbed. "Come on Danny, wake up. Y-you can't be dead..." There were tears flowing down the faces of everyone in the room, Maddie was crying hysterically into her husbands arms. No one knew what to say or do, all they could do was stand in shock. They all felt a sense of guilt at not stopping it sooner, but how could they have known? The goth girl snapped her head up to see the smirking face of Clockwork. This enraged her. "Why did you kill him! I thought you were our ally!"
A cruel laugh was the reply that came to her. "Because, my dear child, I am not your ally." Pink smoke rose from the ghosts body, then the Master of time collapsed, he was not unconscious just dazed. The pink smoke took form, and there before them was none other then Vlad Plasmius.
"Vlad?" Everyone exclaimed.
The man before them chuckled and smirked. "Honestly, you people are far to gullible. Did you really think Daniel had all of this stored power, that was just waiting to be unlocked? That he was somehow the most powerful ghost out there? Plus, did you honestly think I would be dumb enough to let Daniels future evil-self out? Even I know that I could never make an agreement with the creature that Daniel described, nor would I want to take the chance of him taking over the world."
Tucker looked at Vlad in confusion and asked. "Then how-" "How did I overshadow another ghost?" Vlad interrupted. "I acquired a new power. Like I said, my powers are still increasing, I'm getting more powerful by the day. I must admit, taking over Clockwork was quite a challenge. He put up a good fight. However, his powers were no match for mine, and he says he knows everything."
"Why would you kill him?" Sam asked. "I thought you wanted him as an apprentice!"
"I did at first, but after Daniel reviled my identity and refused to join me yet again. I realized that he would never join me willingly, and even if he did, how long would it take for him to gain more power then me? Especially if I am the one training him. Sooner or later, he was bound to overpower me. I am not so prideful that I can't see just how strong Daniel is. He has only had his powers for less then a year, and he has already worked up to the point to where he is starting to become a threat to me. The only other option was to get rid of the boy. I can't have him foiling my evil plans, now can I? Though, I was really surprised on how easily it was to carry out my plan. You people trust others far to easily, and none of you came to Daniels rescue, even though it was clear something was awry. That was the only part I was worried about; you trying to stop me in time. I really am disappointed in the way you all preformed."
"But, why take over Clockworks body?" Tucker asked.
"Think about it my boy. Clockwork is someone Daniel trusts. I knew that if I could convince Daniel to not fight against me, that I could win. It's as simple as that. Foolish boy should have been more careful, but I suppose that's what you get for being an argent teenager."
Maddie's temper snapped as Vlad's words, and so she lunged at him. "I will kill you Vlad Masters!"
Vlad just chuckled and sidestepped, causing Maddie to miss. "How are you going to do that, my dear?" He asked, a smile present on his lips. "You have no weapons to fight with. Face it, you all have lost." Everyone looked down in shame. Vlad was right, they had been tricked and now there was nothing they could do. They had lost the battle. "Now, if you will excuse me, I have some world domination plans that need to put into action." With that Vlad turned, snatched up Clockworks staff, then disappeared.
"Quick, we need to get back to earth and warn everyone," Sam said urgently.
Everyone nodded but no one moved to go into the specter speeder. Instead, they all just stared at the lifeless corps of their hero. "D-Danny," Maddie whispered, kneeling down and bending over her son. "My baby boy, I'm so sorry." Tears dropped onto his cold, lifeless face.
After several minutes of just looking at Danny, they pulled themselves together. Jack picked up his son, and they all headed into the specter spreader. After a short goodbye to Frostbite and Clockwork (who was still a little dazed), they all headed home. No one said a word as they drove, not one word.
When they got back, the first thing they did was make plans to bury Danny. After the preparations had been made, Maddie and Jack took the other teens home.
A few days later, they had a funeral, where they told everyone of Danny's ghost half, and that Vlad was planing something. The whole town started preparing for the worst. Ghost weapons were handed out to every person, the Fentons disabled their ghost portal, and a ghost shield was being built around the whole city. The shield was not ready in time however. On the day Vlad attacked, he had thousands of ghosts by his side, thanks to having Clockworks staff. As much as they tried to fight, Vlad soon overpowered them. The city was now under his control.
Vlad then moved onto the rest of the world. Slowly, but surly, his reign spread across the entire globe. Cities were in shambles, millions were dead, and the rest were forced into slavery. Maddie was taken from Jack and forced to be his queen. Without Danny Phantom, the world fell apart.
Vlad smiled triumphantly as he watched the city below him burn. The cries of innocent people reached his ears and he...smiled. His dream had finally come true, and all it took was the death of a young boy.
Vlad decided that he would make one last stop in the town he once was mayor over. So, he flew to a the town's cemetery. He smirked down at the gravestone in front of him. 'Here lies Danny Fenton/Phantom. A loving son, friend, and true hero until the end.'
"Well, Daniel," Vlad said smoothly. "Looks like I have won this game." With that he turned and started walking away. Only to stop and look back once more at the grave, a smile playing on his lips.
O.O -eye twitches- Why the heck did I write this? I really am insane.
It actually is kind of funny how I came up with this idea. When I was writing chapter 30, I was trying to figure out what color Clockworks ectoplasm would be.
Me: Hm, lets see...He could have white, yellow, blue, purple, pink...OMG Vlad!
And somehow I came up with this...I have a crazy mind. -headdesk- I mostly just wrote this to get it out of my head. Please pay no mind to it. I might take it down later.
Meh, whatever.
Oh, and my wonderful friend Pii has created a fan club for this story on DA. :D
http:/ titgz-club .deviantart .com/
Lol, I told her I would promote it for her. Check it out!