Dear Readers,

Thank you for the reviews. It's nice to hear that people are enjoying the story! Please read and review!!! I always write faster when I know more people are interested in the story.


I watched after our friends for a minute, almost thinking that it wasn't true. That what we had all seen was just our wishful thinking. Our hope. Ian gave me another squeeze. I looked over to see Mel and Jared talking about something quietly and wasn't sure whether I wanted to know or not. I looked up at Ian's face; his blue eyes so like ice were surprisingly warm.

He brushed a piece of hair behind my ear. It was so natural. Over the past six months we had been so harmonious together. Ian looked at me with so much love in his eyes. The emotion was so strong. I'd never felt anything like this in all of my lives. It was almost too much at times. Pet's body wasn't used to my extreme emotions. After all she was a soul. We weren't used to such intense emotions. Before I came to the caves, that is.

I focused on Ian's beautiful face. There was emotion in Ian's eyes. I couldn't comprehend exactly what it meant. I knew it wasn't good but I didn't know what had brought on his sudden unhappiness. Had I done something wrong? Sometimes I said something that lead to a misinterpretation. Was this one of those times? I felt my small hand brush against Ian's cheek. He turned his head, kissing my palm. He leaned down to leave a light kiss on my lips.

He started to pull back but I moved my lips with his, not wanting to lose contact. Ian gave into my silent request. For a moment. He pulled back after a few seconds. The look in his eyes was easily hidden and if I wasn't looking for it, I most likely would never have noticed. He gave me another squeeze and said he was going for a walk.

He walked through the caves at a brisk pace and I saw him disappear behind the corner. I felt like I had a huge question on my forehead. Mel walked over after Ian left with Jared and Jamie in tow. Mel kept looking back over to the corner where Ian had walked off. "Is there something up with Ian, Wanda?"

"I think," I started but then stopped. I honestly had no idea. Mel smiled weakly at me, when the helplessness showed on my face. "I don't know what happened. We were both happy ..." I trailed off.

"I think Ian's jealous," explained Mel. I looked up at her. I was so close to saying, Again? Didn't Ian now that I loved him more than anything or anyone? I guess not so much. Wait a second.

"What's he jealous of?" I asked with confusion. I didn't get Ian's jealousy. Yes, I knew I could be jealous. I had seen the way a woman or two had been looking at Ian but that didn't mean I thought Ian would leave me. I loved Ian for his sensitivity but sometimes I wished he was surer of my undying love for him. Sometimes human emotions made no sense at all to me. Or maybe too much sense.

"You should be asking who," added Jared. I looked up at him and felt the pieces click together. I closed my eyes and was close to rolling my eyes. I loved Ian. But sometimes he was too smart for his own good.

"He's jealous of Burns?" I asked. Mel nodded sadly to this. There weren't that many people left on our side but it seemed like there were enough men to make Ian jealous. "But why? Doesn't he know that I love him?"

"Of course he does," said Jared, "It's just hard when you love someone and you see someone thrown in front of your face that could take that person away. Ian's just-"

"Acting stupid?" finished Mel. I looked at her with chastisement. She rolled her eyes. Mel and Ian had been able to be friends after a couple weeks of awkwardness. Their relationship had been different than the relationship with Jared and I. Jared and I had talked to each other while I was in Mel's body. Ian and Mel couldn't. They're pretty good friends now. Of course, they're type of friendship involves trading barbs and making fun of each other. Just like Ian and Kyle fighting, I don't truly understand it. But then again, I am a soul.

"Why would he be jealous of Burns? I just met him." I said, trying to think if I'd done anything to make him jealous. I came up with nothing.

"You didn't do anything, Wanda. It's just that Burns is like the male version of you. He's helping humans fight against the souls. I think Ian's just afraid that soon you'll be thinking about Burns in a different way."

I shook my head. Ian does over think things. A lot. "That's just-"

"Stupid?" suggested Mel again. But this time I couldn't help but throw in a small smile.

"I'm going to go after him," I said with a nod of my head. Mel and Jamie quickly lapsed into conversation. Just as I walked around the corner my eyes connected with Jared's. It was so solid. It was like he understood. Jared and I would have a connection for every. We would both do anything to protect our family. He seemed to be realizing that more and more lately.

I let my thoughts wander as I walked to mine and Ian's room. After the rains we had moved back into our room together. Ian had never even mentioned the possibilities. But then again, that was Ian. He would never pressure me. But sometimes I figured it would be easier.

I wasn't sure I could bring up the topic of sex with Ian. I was flustered even thinking about it. Neither Pet nor I had ever had sex. Of course, I'd seen some of Mel's memories but I didn't pry. And anyways, Mel and Jared were in a different place than Ian and I were. First, they'd known each other longer. Second, they were both sure of their love for each other. Third, they'd had sex.

I came to our room and moved the door. I walked into our room and paused for a minute. Ian was sitting on the left mattress wearing shorts. It's not like I'd never seen him in shorts. He slept in them every night. It was getting too hot to even think about wearing extra clothes. But sometimes I'd catch sight of Ian and just feel myself short circuit. Whether he was getting ready for bed or working in the fields, I'd just feel myself go still.

Ian looked my way and smiled lightly. I could still see the extra something in his eyes. Jealousy. I walked over to my side of the bed and took off my shoes before lying down beside him. We both looked up at the ceiling.

I took a second to try to think of a strategy. I didn't know how to bring up the subject. I didn't want Ian to take it the wrong way. And honestly, that had happened a few times. "Do you like Burns?" asked Ian. Oh, thank God. Sometimes Ian just asked what he wanted to know and I was envious of his boldness. I was always worrying that I'd hurt someone's feelings.

I sat up and so did Ian. I looked him in the eyes – staring at his encapsulating blue eyes so like frost. I moved closer, so our foreheads were touching and shook my head. "Of course I like Burns," I said, "But not like you're thinking. I like him as a friend, or a soul. But never like I'd love you. Ian O'Shea, don't you know how you make me feel by now?"

"Sometimes I get a little jealous. It's just so hard. I love you so much, Wanda, it hurts sometimes. You-" I cut him off with a kiss.

Ian always tried to make the moment perfect with his words but sometimes I just wanted us to be. To hold each other. To kiss. To do ... other things. If only I could tell Ian that.

The kiss was light at first but it soon changed. I opened my mouth to Ian and he took advantage. He explored my mouth as I did his. Our tongues dance back and forth in a flirtatious dance. I felt rather than heard him groan in pleasure.

He moved us so that he was on top of me. I moved my hands over his back. I felt his muscles tighten as I moved my hands up and down his back. He slowly let his weight lay over mine. So I could feel his body against mine. I could feel everything. I heard a whimper and realized it was mine.

I pulled away from our rapidly changing kiss so I could breathe. Ian rolled with it and placed tantalizing kisses along my neck, nipping every once in awhile. I could feel the difference in his kisses, his resolve. And I couldn't help but feel overjoyed and nervous.

He moved his hands from my hair and arms to my stomach, feeling along the bottom of my shirt. He ran his hands under it and I felt a warm sensation spreading over my body. My shirt was slowly being raised and I was kissing Ian back with more fervor. He pulled back from my face and looked at my face for a second.

Whatever he saw urged him to pull my shirt over my head. He leaned over me for a second before kissing my lips lightly and whispering, "I love you, Wanderer."

"I love you, Ian O'Shea." With that, I kissed him hard. He molded our bodies together. Our breathing was coming faster and just as Ian was going to unhook my bra, our door was opened.

Jamie came running in with soccer ball in hand.

Mel rushed after him and pulled him by the arm out of the room. "Sorry," she rushed, "I tried to stop him but he's just so fast." I got a quick glimpse to see that Jared was in the hallway, averting his eyes. She quickly replaced the door and we were alone again.

There was a long silence and I felt Ian just lean into me, putting his head against the side of my neck. He breathed in and out and he started shaking. He was laughing. I would have joined in but I felt my face becoming flushed.

After a minute, Ian rolled over to his side of the bed. He turned on his side and brushed a piece of hair behind my ear. "Don't be embarrassed," he said, "We live in a small space with a lot of people, and it was only a matter of time."

I felt my face grow redder as I added, "I just keep thinking if Jamie had come in here a couple minutes later."

I looked over at Ian and saw his eyes grow warm as his face drew nearer. "Did you want it to go for a couple more minutes?"

I moved my eyes to look up at the ceiling and found myself whispering. "Ian I wanted it to go for longer than that."

Then it happened. Ian began kissing me with love so strong. I felt so warm, loved, and happy. It happened just like I thought it would and even more. I knew I would love Ian for the rest of my life. And so we spent the night reminding each other of the fact. Ian was my love. My life. My future.

I hope you liked it! Please review! It makes my day and hopefully makes me right faster!
