The last update you guys wanna hear, I'm sure. However, I have no idea how to continue this story, and for a fair amount of fics that get this update, I've lost the passion to continue them. I do apologize that the story ends here.

The good news is that this story still has a chance. Anyone who wants to adopt it can up until December 28th 2017. No more adoption requests will be taken after this date.

By January 29th 2018, the original fics shall be deleted from my account. I need to give a one week grace period, bare minimum, so people can see the update. I will be posting this news on my profile as well, but people are alerted when the actual story is updated, so I need requests in ASAP.

Thank you guys for reading my stories and finding these interesting. But it's time to clean out the closet. The next update you see will be for either an author to take over the story, or for its deletion.

Thanks again.
~K. Fang-sama