Sam and Freddie flew back to Seattle from Barcelona together. When they got in town they went straight to Carly. When they got to her apartment, they didn't even bother to knock because they always just walked in. The opened the door to find Carly and Griffin kissing on the couch.
"Griffin?" Sam and Freddie asked in unison. Carly jumped up and said,
"Oh hey guys…!" She looked down and saw them holding hands. "Wow, never thought I would see that."
"Yeah, never thought I would see that again either." Sam said pointing to Griffin. Sam obviously didn't like Griffin. He stood up and said,
"Look, I know you don't like me but I've changed. Let's just try to get along." He holdings arms out for Sam to hug him.
"Okay fine." She said giving him a hug. Freddie's phone started to ring so he stepped out in the hallway while Carly and Sam started talking.
"Freddie?" Chris Harrison asked.
"Chris? Hey man, what's up?"
"Look, I didn't get to talk to you after the show but I have to give it to you, your season was by far the most exciting season we have had ever." Chris said.
"Well thanks. I'll be sure to pass that onto Sam." Freddie said.
"Freddie, since your season was so exciting and we have been doing the bachelor for so long, we have decided that your season was the last season and we have an offer for you."
"What's that?"
"The bachelor show and I are offering you the bachelor mansion, the bachelor house where you stayed, and the house next door where all of our equipment was. You can have all three of them. What do you say?"
"I say yes! Thank you Chris!"
"I'll call you with the details later." Chris said before hanging up the phone.
Freddie ran inside and grabbed Sam and twirled her around.
"What are you doing?" Sam asked smiling.
"What would you say if I told you we got enough house for me and you, Carly and Griffin, and Alice and Bert?"
"I'd say you're my hero but where in the world would you get that?" Sam asked.
"From the bachelor." Sam's face lit p
"Does that mean we get all three?"
"It sure does." Freddie said smiling and kissing his soon to be wife.
-10 years later-
Freddie and Sam are still together. They have 3 kids named Bailey, Bella, and Drew. Bailey and Bella are twins. Sam and Freddie are expecting one more. They live happily in the Bachelor mansion.
Carly and Griffin got married and had 2 little boys named Jessie and Roy. The live in the house that Freddie lived in from the bachelor which is the smallest of the three but they love it.
Alice and "Spanish" Roberto ended up getting married and moving into the third bachelor house. They have triplets named Sarah, Madelyn, and Tyler, they also have 2 more boys named Dylan and Richard. They are very happy together and Alice and Sam are still best friends.
Well that's the story of how the two most different people ended up together. Thank you.