Title: A Starship Runs on Loyalty
Characters: Spock, various (none first drabble)
Rating: K+
Word Count: 100 each
Warnings: Mentions of racism, basically, nothing else
Summary: There exist, unfortunately, some people in the world who are too vital to their positions to be booted from them due to inexcusable character traits such as xenophobia. When the Enterprise is ordered to escort one such individual back to Earth, the admiral discovers to his shock that James Kirk's crew is just a little protective of their First Officer...
A/N: I'll be posting these two at a time. Admiral Bryce belongs to me (despite the fact that I don't want him); all other characters belong to whoever the lucky entity is that owns old school Star Trek. Title is from one of my top ten favorite episodes, The Ultimate Computer.


"Petrie dish broke, sir," a blue-coated technician answered. "Mr. Spock said the dish was defective; one of that batch he and Mr. Scott were concerned about."

"I want that replicator off-line until the glitch is found," Kirk ordered.

"Aye, sir."

"Spock's in there, Jim," McCoy said. "Kicked out his assistants, because supposedly Vulcans are immune."

Hazel eyes narrowed. "That's speculation. Just because Romulans are –"

"I know," the physician sighed. "But half his techs are susceptible, and the other half to those god-awful side effects of the treatment for it – that's why they're experimentin' with it to begin with."

"I've never seen anybody move that fast. Ensign Melendez is lucky he got a breathing-filter over her before the virus spread across the lab," McCoy added. "She's unfortunately allergic to the treatment, and the virus is just nasty."

Kirk nodded. "Melendez only signed on last month," he informed the Admiral, who was yawning.

Bryce gave him a bored look. "Your point, Captain?"

"Mr. Spock memorizes his people's files – in their entirety," the captain snapped, controlling his temper with an effort. "To make sure he never assigns them a project that could pose an unnecessary risk to their safety and well-being."