Chapter 4


I Alice Cullen now completely and totally despise my brother Edward for leaving the one person that brought this family even closer together because now the family was broken, no-body but jazz and I knew where I was going our excuse was that we needed some alone time. "Alice I will miss you but do try to be safe, I will meet you here in no more than one week" my beautiful husband Jasper stated, it almost killed me when I had the first vision of Bella and I couldn't even tell jasper what it was about it for fear that Bella could get hurt if anyone knew what her plan was not that she had all that much choice in the matter, it's been just over nine years since I stopped seeing visions of Bella that was until two days ago when I saw small bits of her and Victoria and then her receiving a call from me and then breaking down in a clearing on the edge of forks and Seattle that I knew all too well from our many stays there so naturally I am going there but I have to stop by and see the Denali coven as I have a feeling that Victoria came this way knowing that they are veggie vamps in Alaska and she would probably be looking for some info on our whereabouts I am going to ask them to send someone to keep an eye on Bella and make sure that she doesn't get killed because if I can go see her I will not be able to touch her or even stay for more than a few minutes.


I can smell vampires vaguely familiar vampires but I just can't place the scent but I have to get to her faster now as the scent is following Bellas one crap... crap... crap only she could meet a potentially dangerous vampire while she is alone.


I Run quickly up to the big coffee brown house and knock on the door not even 3 seconds later it is opened by Kate and Irina "Alice Cullen what would you be doing here when you live so far away at the moment?" Kate asked surprised "well you see..., you know how the family is all depressed about the human we left behind in forks?" they both nodded "well you see she was kind of turned into a vampire just 2 months after we left but I can see small flashes of her and her creator coming to get us but I know that Bella is only looking for us not to destroy us and she is trapped with Victoria because if she leaves, she will be hunted down and I believe that Victoria is coming here for info on where we are currently living" at the mention of Victoria's name Laurent came to the door in an instant "what do you mean that she is with Victoria she was only going to be killed not changed" Laurent exclaimed "well you see it was a last minute decision and Victoria is planning something big but I need to see Bella before then and make sure that she will be alright, Laurent I know I'm asking allot but would it be possible for you to go and maybe pretend to join Victoria in her quest?, I need to keep Bella safe or Edward will have himself killed which will destroy our family" Laurent looked at me for a whole agonising minute and then said "Yes Alice I will go but if I am discovered I will leave immediately no questions okay?" "thank you sooo much, she will know that you are on the good side but this will be the hard part,... you will have to feed off of humans as to not arouse suspicion but only one human a month should keep your eyes red other than that you can feed off of animals, and I am truly sorry for what this will do to you" I said sincerely "it's okay I would like to see the end of Victoria and if that means a slightly harder struggle then so be it" he stated confidently "good we will be leaving in a few hours right after I make the call to her cell so that she knows she is not alone, until then you might want to work on your eye colour, you know redden it a little" we all winced as we thought of what Laurent was going to have to do just so that Victoria would not get suspicious.

(Time skip, a few hours later)


We were running through the forest towards where Bella will be in a few minutes "okay we have to stop to make the call" Laurent stopped in front of me and waited patiently for me to leave the whole message for Bella after about five minutes we both started running again we were getting close to where I knew Bella was and that's when we smelled her, she was alone for now but not for much longer, she must have heard us coming because as drew closer to the clearing we could see she was already in a defensive crouch but when both Laurent and I stepped through the last of the bushes the only reaction we got from her was shock... just complete shock she didn't move until she said "Alice..., Laurent?" when we both nodded she was suddenly bolt upright and running towards me but before she could get to me Laurent grabbed her around the waist and held her in place "Bella please stop and listen" Laurent pleaded "Bella we are here, but we don't have long okay?" I waited until she nodded before continuing "I have seen small visions of you and Victoria coming to get us and we both know that's not what you want so I came to tell you that one you can call me anytime and two Laurent is on our side and he is going to stay here with you as Victoria trusts him and will be less likely to hurt him if he is around for help okay" "fine but Alice why can't I just go with you now it would take so much less time and you have no idea just how much I have missed all of you" she said sadly "Bella you can't come because Victoria will come after you and us and I do know how much it's hurting because when Edward left you in the forest jasper and I waited to make sure you were found and jazz couldn't hold in all of our emotions, so I know just how much he hurt you, I have to leave now or Victoria will find us all together just know that we love you" "Alice before you leave as long as nobody else finds out you can tell jasper I'm sure it's hurting both of you keeping secrets like this, okay uhh bye". As soon as Bella said bye I was off I had already taken too long and Victoria might pick up traces of my scent as I leave I just have to hope that she does not remember that its mine


As Alice and Laurent explained everything I was still slightly in shock that only minutes after the phone call Alice herself turned up but I couldn't think about that right now because Laurent was holding me back from my best friend and I wasn't happy about it, after Alice took off Laurent was just about to speak as Victoria rushed into the clearing growling until she saw only Laurent and I standing there, boy am I happy that Alice left when she did even though I will miss her it is good to know that she was looking out for me as she had left Laurent with me as help and a way to get out if it became necessary which I hope it didn't as I could get some of the newborns she is planning to make to follow me against her and attack with the Cullen's instead of against them "What the hell are you doing here?, I thought you went veggie on us" Victoria sneered