A/N: Hello. This is the sequel to His Butler His Lover fanfic, finally here! Yii. \o/ Sorry it took so long to post it, and about the title, yeah, I changed it. Love is on fire, fire because love causes passion, intense feelings, excitement, and at the same time, it causes destruction. Generally, fire has different types of meaning. So, just bear with the title.
Disclaimer: I do not own the anime/manga. But I wish I own Ciel. Yii.
Love is on Fire
Chapter One
There was a knock.
Three continuous raps on a seemly theatrical door, still, no one seems answering, or none has noticed it. The man takes a deep breath and gives his last and final knock on the door, but when he gets a silent reply, he sighs. And it is then he decides to grab for the knob and open it, he will never hesitate and no longer wait for an answer. No one will answer him, anyway. Probably, no, certainly, he is still in a deep slumber.
The person inside is still asleep, as he is always been every morning. Stepping inside, a footstep almost inaudible, the darkness of the room has welcomed his red eyes' vision and the silence is even too much to bear. And though it is dim, his eyes can spot the person lying on the bed, conversely, he is always in his thought first in every morning.
Cute and adorable. A known earl at his young age. Just then, he chuckles.
He draws a few steps forward but in a minute—he stops. He is going to wake him, or rather say, he wants to hold him now, but he knows he cannot. Not at this early hour, precisely.
It is not proper for a butler to make unnecessary things, especially in the morning. During this time, he is just an ordinary butler who will serve a master, and he will not bear to filthy nor humiliate his master just because of his own reckless act.
Even though their relationship as master and slave was perished years ago, and even though their bond is beyond than normal, still, he is a butler. All the more so, he must not forget the duties that a butler must follow and lead. It has to be it, after all, he is a butler.
He glances for the last time at his master, and yes, he has changed a lot. His master has changed a lot, physically and emotionally. He grows taller, taller than he'd expected, but unfortunately (and no matter how Ciel wants to grow taller than him)—he is still a lot taller.
His coal hair grows inches long, and if he would not comb it properly it gets damp or wet, and ruffled by the wind—generally speaking, his hair is long down to his shoulder. There are times though, that he would ponytail his young master's hair at the back and tie it with a blue lace, mostly, during occasions.
But when he feels like teasing him, he would tie it with a pink lace, and his master will start pouting and murmuring such as, 'I hate pink. It reminds me of someone.'
His master is not fragile unlike before, and not even a kid anymore; he grew up, having such healthy fine features. He doesn't have any muscles though (big muscles, to be precise). Ah, that's a pity. He is intelligent and is much wiser and keener, he is respected among earls and is very well known in England, especially now that he's matured—his intelligence is wisely doubled.
As expected from an only heir, Ciel Phantomhive.
It's been long years of companionship, of being together, and a twelve long years have passed. His master was just twelve years old when they had made a contract, a bond, an obligation that the two of them were accountable to obey and follow, and a demon's contract that will tie them together — eternally.
It was during that time when an unstoppable catastrophe had occurred; another demon showed up and almost ruined everything that he had built up for years, his demon brother—Sobby. A demon who wants nothing but tease him, break him and make him pay for his debts. Debts to which he found himself unaccustomed to pay. It was that time when he firstly feared, afraid that Sobby would tell his master, tell Ciel about his parent's death. It was his greatest trepidation.
But it was over, at least now.
Ciel now has grown up, his master is a grown up man, a twenty-four-year old business-savvy, a complete proud Phantomhive. And everything now has changed.
He ignores the peaceful breathing of his master who is obviously asleep; instead, he steps and comes closer at the tall glass windows. With ease and with confidence, he opens wide the red thick curtains that are blocking the light to come inside. By that, warm lights went through and directly hit his master's sleeping face, and Sebastian could sense subsequently the surprise movements of the earl.
And Ciel that is seemly disturbed from his peaceful sleep, grimaces, as is now taking a seat on his soft mattress bed. His raven long hair is involuntarily tousled, bangs cover his right eye where a symbol of the contract is still engraved, as he rubs the other, he speaks softly,
"Is it morning?"
The butler pours a derisive smile, and Ciel isn't able to see it. Sebastian reaches for the window and pushes it upward, opening the items. Fresh morning air tickles their nose and refreshes the whole room, making Ciel to inhale deeply—savoring every fresh blossom scent that the air carries.
Outside, birds above the tree are chirping sweetly as they flap their soft and delicate feathery wings, their lovely voice and sweet chirps are harmony, devouring the solid silence inside the room, a minute ago.
The butler turns around, and seeing his master in a yawning mood, he retorted, "6:05 am. Not bad."
Though he is dizzy, Ciel widens his left eye and turns to look up at Sebastian, who is now taking his steps nearer to his bed. He smile when his butler's standing now beside his bed, he bends down, and utters very sweetly,
"A pleasant morning, My Lord."
The smile on his lip fades away, and is then replaced with a sneer. He glowers at Sebastian and swiftly grabs his necktie by one hand, he pulls him closer to him, causing both faces just inches afar from each other, noses nearly touch, and Sebastian's lips soaring above Ciel's.
In a neutral tone, Ciel reminds, "How many times shall I tell you Sebastian," but it is almost a whisper, "omit My Lord when we are alone."
He almost laugh, no, he is laughing within. And that is just so natural. Sebastian couldn't act his react, but it is not his intent to forget about that, that Ciel doesn't like calling him My Lord when they're alone. But sometimes, rather say, most of the time, Sebastian loves to tease his master, especially when he finds it cute when Ciel is pissed.
But this time is different though, Sebastian is just doing his task as a butler, a butler that is oblige to respect his master first and foremost, and as a Phantomhive butler—it's just a normal thing for him to do so.
However, being this close with Ciel and seeing his adorable yet manly gestures, Sebastian couldn't help but surrender and admit his defeat—he is betrayed by his own emotion and feelings.
Staring at his master's royal blue eyes, he is then hypnotized, changing his mind—he feels like acting naughty and perhaps forgets about his duties at this time. Right now, Sebastian feels like teasing his master….again.
"Perhaps I forget about it?" Sebastian states, and yes, it was a question on purpose. He gazes daringly at Ciel and never blinks even for once, and the younger man wears a flushed (adorable) face. Ciel, even at the age of twenty-four, is indubitably—cute.
"You're mad, Sebastian." Ciel answers, pissed. And before the butler could even open his mouth to reply, Ciel then wraps his arm around Sebastian's neck and kissed him sweetly, pulling him closer to his and casted a chastely kiss.
The demon butler grins.
He likes to tease his master. And well, it's because he knows the result is always like this.
Sebastian leans closer, and this time he is the one who controls the kissing, his mouth dominating Ciel's and the younger man murmurs a slight moan of pleasure, feeling the sweet tongue of his lover inside his mouth. Ciel's one hand reaches up to stroke his lover's soft hair, and the other free hand is clutching at Sebastian's manly chest, searching for more support, found the collar and pulls him even more.
Sebastian's hands are on Ciel, one at his nape guiding the younger one into deepening the kiss, and the other is on his master's cheek, caressing it softly and tenderly, and then in moment both of them are drown in such intense sensation. The room is not hot neither warm, but for Ciel he felt sweltering inside, the morning air is chilly, but for Sebastian it is a thermal hot.
The two are seemingly lost in ecstasy, and then their private moment is then disturbed when the door banged open, startling the butler and his master.
Sebastian grimaced and Ciel puckered his brows, both were seem irritated upon realizing the sudden disturbance of the demon. Sebastian is atop of his master on bed, while his hands are currently in complete dominance over the earl, it is that position that he screams,
"Ciel yoooou gotta read tis!" it is Sobby, the damned fucking demon (who always come to interfere their lovey-dovey mode), his white tousled hair is really at mess.
Exchanging his looks towards Sebastian and Ciel, Sobby added and asks, voice teasing, "Nah, Did I disturb something?"
Seeing his brother Sebastian in a furious look, Sobby shut his mouth and stared back at Ciel.
"Why, at an early hour," Ciel's tone is rough, and he adds, "what is it that you want Sobby?" Sebastian is now fixing himself up, eyes are deadly glaring to Sobby.
"Ciel it is shocking news, here." Sobby informs, his face shows great anxiousness and shock. He handled the young man a newspaper, and Ciel took it with a confused expression. Sebastian beside him just burst a sigh.
'Elizabeth Middleford's Engagement to Duke Franciz Detroit.' Stated the headline.
A Striking Issue, the Lady, a former fiancée of Earl Phantomhive is now going to marry someone else. What would be the earl's reaction regarding this said engagement?
Sebastian sneers at Sobby and hit him hard on the head, saying, "Ciel knows that already, stupid. Whatever it is that you are going to give Ciel, then, give it to him already. Don't mess around."
"Uhaha, you really know me Sebastian. We are indeed brothers! Ah, Ciel, the reason I'm here is to give you this letter." Sobby finally said, handling the earl a letter.
"From whom?" Ciel asks, opening the small piece of letter.
"Madame Red." The demon answers.
Sebastian and his master look at each other, both puzzled and surprised. It is rare for his Auntie to send him a letter and rather than that, her Auntie is in Paris—she is a doctor and has stayed in that country, and for once, she never did make attachments not even calls. Only this time, the letter.
"Auntie?!" the earl's right brow rises confusingly. He opens the letter and it reads:
Dearest Nephew,
I am coming to see you.
With Love,
Madame Red
"EHh? She—she's coming to England!" the earl is surprise, "Sebastian, prepare something before she arrives." The earl exclaims, and jumps off from his bed as quickly as he can, startling Sobby and his love butler.
"As you wish, Ciel." Sobby answers with a grin. Ciel glares at Sebastian's nuisance brother, and then shakes his head.
"This is none of your freaking business, Sobby. And how many times shall I remind you, you are not allowed to call my master in his name." Sebastian reminded, voice totally annoyed.
"But Ciel allowed me." Sobby answers, trying to draw a pout and he looks extremely stupid.
"I did not." The earl replies honestly, embarrassing the demon with the white hair to his most potent extent.
"What's that?" Ciel asks, surprise, and then they all sighted in the room's door, emerging Meirin with a nervous face.
"Young Master?" says the stuttering maid.
"You should have knock Meirin." Sebastian commented, and he adds, "What is it that you want?"
"Yeeah, what is it that you want?" Sobby mimics mockingly, crossing both of his arms.
"Its 'cause—" the girl pauses, "Madame Red has arrived. She's in the parlor and is waiting for you, Young Master."
"What?" the earl exclaims loudly due to a deepest shock, and Sebastian together with his other butler, Sobby—widen their eyes.
The earl is seating in a calm manner (supposedly), but under the rounded table, his feet are crossed to each other as one slowly (irritated) tapping the floor, indubitably nervous. Madame Red is in front of him on the tea table, sipping her tea as she cools herself with a red fan. He doesn't know what reasons it might be, the cause, to which his Auntie comes to pay a visit to him unexpectedly, because honestly, her Auntie rarely visits him—only during occasions like for example, his birthdays, and sometimes even not.
So, Ciel can't help but to feel a bit awkward about this visiting, there should be a valid and important reasoning about this. Maybe Madame Red is encountering troubles and might need his Earl supremacy to handle and help, perhaps?
Or maybe his Auntie decided to take a vacation and wants to stay at his mansion? Ahh, it's troublesome if that's the case. He and Sebastian could no longer have their own freedom to flirt around (flirt you see, they always do that ever since…uh, Ciel was precisely thirteen), or do things that well, apparently, might lead to collapse her Aunt. He could no longer kiss Sebastian here and there, and that is too much.
'Why am I thinking like that at this state!!!? I am becoming selfish and pervert, and darn it.' The earl utters to himself. Tapping his foot even louder on the floor.
"So Auntie, it is nice to see you." Nice, but not really nice, is what he's actually thinking, "However, what made you think that you'll visit me? One of my associates told me that you are busy in your doctor's life in Paris. Are there any problems?" finally, the earl had come to ask.
"Oh well, I just miss my cute nephew. Ah, you had grown a lot Ciel! Fofofo anyway, I am here for a vacation." The lady with full of red in her entire body, smiles timidly.
'Just as I have thought. She's here for a vacation and that is a trouble. Sobby himself is a trouble, and plus, her.'
Ciel glances outside the window and notices his Auntie's carriage, and goes puzzled as he notices a man with a long red hair, standing right beside the carriage, red all over, as well.
"Do you have any companions, then?"
"Yes, my personal assistant and a butler at the same time. He's outside, his name is Grell. I hope you won't mind, Ciel." The lady answered.
"Not that I mind Auntie, actually I'm glad you decided to stay for awhile."
'That is a lie! It was just a lie, lie, and lie! Of course I'm not totally happy about it! Auntie never stays for weeks in vacation, she stays for several months!'
"Of course. By the way, the true reason why I'm here," Madame Red's tone becomes sincere, and her face turns serious this time. She leans her chin at the knuckles of her hand and stares blatantly at his nephew, "Is to ensure the news I've heard was either true or not."
"And what is it then?" the earl enquires, tilting his head to the right side.
"Elizabeth is engage with somebody else, and if may or may not, she will marry that Duke this coming autumn." Madame Red started.
"Yes, that is precisely right Aunt Red." Ciel confirms.
"Why the two of you broke up Ciel? Elizabeth isn't the kind of a woman, who will give up your relationship—it was you aren't it? It was you who cancelled the betrothal?" The Lady in Red continues, raising her voice into a bit of suspicious.
"Yes." The earl answers honestly, his voice albeit he's shock is still in a calm tone.
"We aren't a good combination of becoming a couple, and our chemistry towards each other is not good too, that is all to it."
"I see." The lady comprehends and the earl feels a slight of relief, apparently that his auntie is satisfy with his reason. But then, Madame Red continues, "So, have you find a girl in replacement of Elizabeth?"
"Huh?" Ciel's mouth hangs open.
"Don't 'huh' me Ciel. You are getting older and is matured enough to settle down. I want you to marry and have kids, to a deserving girl. I'm staying here till the day you will to introduce the girl which you are going to marry. I want to assure that you'll get marry, as soon as possible."