A/N: Well I've been meaning to write this story for a long time, but didn't want to until I polished up my writing skills. I hope my characters aren't in anyway Mary-Sue's but if any of them are in any way please just try to ignore it. I don't mean to but they sometimes just pop out that way without my permission. Also please excuse any OOCness because this is my first time really ever writing any Near type fan fictions so… yeah.

Now for the DISCLAIMER! I don't own any Death Note characters. Only my OCs which I don't want any one taking… and just so I don't have to say this again… this disclaimer will be for the whole entire story.

"I have an appointment with Mr. Smith, I'm N." said a young man who stood in front of the main office. The secretary looked at him and noticed he looked kind of… well childish in a way. She didn't know if it was the gray eyes, the snow white hair, the white clothes, or his pale spotless complexion.

She smiled and said, "Hold one moment sir." She looked at Dr. Smith's appointment schedule and did see an 'N' on the list so she looked up and said, "Alright it seems you do have an appointment. Please hold a moment while I call him down." The man nodded and the secretary picked up the phone and dialed Dr. Smith's extension.

While it was ringing she got another look at the young man, who was now twirling a piece of his hair, and noticed that he was in his mid-twenties which again surprised her. How could she have thought he looked childish; she guessed it must've been the way his hair looked a bit unkempt.

"Hello?" Dr. Smith finally picked up.

"Ah yes, Dr. Smith? Your 9 o'clock is here." She replied.

"Oh yes. Have someone show him to the third floor conference room." Dr. Smith asked.

"Yes Dr." she replied and the doctor hung up.

The secretary waved over a security guard and asked, "Could you show Mr. N here to the third floor conference room?"

"Right away; if you would follow me sir." The guard asked and N followed silently.

The secretary followed after them with her eyes and when they were out of sight she thought, "I have a feeling I'll be seeing him again."

Near didn't like waiting. Well that wasn't true… the real fact is that he didn't like waiting with nothing to do. That's why he always had a puzzle or a toy with him. Now he sat with his knees bent so he could fit himself and him feet on the swivel chair, which was quite comfortable. He grabbed on to the end of the table and started to twirl around on the swivel chair; it was something to do.

There was a knock at the door, Near stopped his twirling and an older gentleman came in the room. He had white streaked dull brown hair, and dull brown eyes. From what Near knew this was Dr. Smith.

Dr. Smith smiled, with a hint of nervousness, and said, "Ah N what a pleasant surprise."

Near nodded and said out front, "Nice to meet you Dr. Smith, do you know why I'm here?"

Dr. Smith let out a nervous laugh, "There are some charges that have been placed against me, right?"

Near nodded and said, "But those have been disproved, but there are more interesting rumors about you that have brought me to your case."

Dr. Smith laughed nervously again and said, "And what rumors might those be?"

Near looked deathly serious and replied, "I've noticed that this is a pharmaceutical facility correct? But there were some supply shipments that came into your business that you couldn't have possibly afforded."

Near took a break from his speech to look at Dr. Smith and noticed that he looked calm, but his eyes showed his fear. "Now would you show me what you've been hiding, and maybe the charges can be lessened."

Dr. Smith looked relieved and said, "Could you really?"

Near smiled and said, "It seems you were hiding something, but if your secret isn't too bad I guess they could be dropped completely."

Dr. Smith smiled and then said, "I guess I'll show it to you then."

Near nodded and said, "Lead the way."

Dr. Smith nodded and started to walk, and Near got off the chair and followed behind him. As they were walking Dr. Smith started, "For many years, actually many centuries this certain special mutation has been showing up in humans once every ten or so years all over the world, and for as long as they have been, this organization has been there collecting and studying them. But this last year we've collected a very rare subject that actually let us explore more about these people."

Near looked at him with the same passive look he gave everyone else, but in his mind he was thinking, "What could he possibly be talking about?" and he started to twirl some of his hair.

"Over the years these people this controversial topic has been kept secret so that only the government has known about and supplied us with money. Plus even though we're based here in America every form of legal power in the world has been doing their part to send us the specimens and money and researchers for this project." Dr. Smith continued.

"So what in the world could be so controversial that the government had to cover it up?" Near said and then thought, "Could this have something to do with the Death Note?"

Dr. Smith stopped in front of a door which looked like any other except it said, "EXPIREENTAL DRUG TESTING LEVEL 6. NO ENTRY FROM UNAUTHORIZED PERSONEL." Dr. Smith then said, "You're about to see what kind of people had to be shielded away by all eyes."

The door opened but it only led to a wide hallway, which led to an observation deck, Near had seen something like this before but it just looked like any other over looking balcony in which one would oversee the experiments in a safe environment.

But… when they got to the observation deck Near's eyes widened and he said, "What in the world?"

Dr. Smith smiled and asked, "Do you want to meet them?"

A/N: Well hoped you liked it... even if you didn't please review so I can at least discontinue this before I get to far in this series. Please? I would really appreciate the reviews either way.