Title: Two Lonely Hearts

By: Yoko Black

Rating: M

Genre: Romance/Action/Humor/Alternate Universe

Pairings: main HP/DM, RW/HrG, RL/NT, DM/PP, DM/BZ, NL/LL, BZ/GW, past HP/GW, & A SURPRISE PAIRING!

Summary: AU Harry is a boy out for revenge on his parent's deaths, but to do that he has to watch the son of a mafia man. Only problem is, they don't get along. PUNK HARRY!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any character associated with the Harry Potter book series. I make no money off this story.

A/N: I know that Harry is supposed to have that infamous lighting scar on his forehead, but it doesn't work in this story. Believe me; I tried, so Harry won't have that scar in this story. Or at least not yet? I may put it in as the story progresses.

Warning: This novella will have scenes unsuitable to younger readers. Parental discretion is advised. Will have scenes of smoking, alcohol and gay relations.

Word Count: 79,012

Two Lonely Hearts

Chapter 1

Agent Sirius Black walked into the office of the department chief and sighed. The current long term case he and his department were working on was getting to him. They had just found a new lead a few weeks ago when their informant mysteriously disappeared. To say Sirius was upset about it was an understatement and the only person who could calm him down was his field partner and best friend, Remus Lupin. Sirius and Remus had been sitting at their desks working minor cases when Chief Kingsley Shacklebolt called him in.

Sirius and Shacklebolt have been friends since Sirius was accepted in the force and gave him his job in the department. He was also one of the few that comforted Sirius when his last field partner died. He was thankful he had such good friends.

Opening the door to the office he tucked a lock of black hair away from his blue eyes, usually that which held a trace of mischief, but were now solemn and serious. His dark hair would have rested on his shoulders if it wasn't tied back in a pony tail to keep out of his face, but a free lock still escaped. He looked up at Kingsley, a dark skinned man wearing a press white shirt and black pants.

"You wanted to see me, Kingsley," asked Sirius.

"Yes," said Kingsley. "I'm sorry to hear about the last informant. He could have helped us stop him."

"Or one of his operatives," said Sirius, sitting down. "The man was just an underling."

Kingsley nodded. "That would have helped as well. That man has a market so wide we need to use all we can."

"Now we're back to the beginning," said Sirius none to happily.

"Not necessarily," said Kingsley. "A new informant came forward and willing to give information in exchange for protection."

"How reliable is he?" asked Sirius.

"Narcotics just had a successful hit at one of his warehouses and found almost fifty kilos of cocaine."

Sirius whistled. "If that had gotten out on the street…." Kingsley nodded. "So who's the guy? An accountant? A dealer?"

"The son of one of his closest associates." Sirius look at Kingsley in surprise and Kingsley smiled. "I thought that would get your attention. And I also have a small favor to ask of you."


"Hey, Potter!"

Harry groaned as he closed his locker door and turned to face the person who called him. Draco Malfoy was the handsomest, or prettiest, boy in Hogwarts High School, depending on who you talk to. To Harry, he was an annoyance. His sheen of gold white hair fell gracefully across his face, swept to one side to show off his forehead and his steel gray eyes glared at the boy in front of him. The boy just screamed on how long he spent in front of the mirror perfecting his look.

At his constant side was Pansy Parkinson, Malfoy's girlfriend of seven years, and Blaise Zabini, Malfoy's best friend, or as close to one as Malfoy would acknowledge. Pansy was president of Draco Malfoy's fan club. Harry actually didn't know what Malfoy saw in her, she wasn't very pretty and was pugged faced, black hair in a childish pixie cut and her brown eyes constantly shift from person to person, daring them to take Malfoy away from her. Blaise was handsome enough to get attention with his dark skin and eyes, and a known player, hopping around with girls, and boys, as often as there were days in a year.

Also with Malfoy were Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle. Both were on the wrestling team and weren't very bright, needing constant reminders on school work. Again, Harry didn't know why Malfoy associated with them.

"What do you want, Malfoy," asked Harry. "I have to get to work." Harry smiled at an afterthought. "Not that you would know what that is…."

Malfoy glared at the other boy. "Very funny, Potter. I was sent by Snape. He wanted to talk to you. Said something about poor test score."

Harry growled, picked up his book bag, and slung it over his shoulder, adjusting his denim jacket he wore over his uniform. He wore the standard school uniform of a grey sweater vest and pants with a white shirt and grey tie. A capital black "H" over a gold shield was sewn into his right breast. With his wild black hair and intense green eyes Harry had a constant street punk look. With one last glare at Draco he headed down the hall.

"If I knew you would need help, I would have offered to tutor you," sneered Malfoy.

Harry glared at the boy. "Malfoy, why don't you put your mouth where your arse is," he snapped. Then he put on a face of mock surprise. "Oh, wait, then you wouldn't find it."

Malfoy glared as the other teenager walked away. "Potter!"

"Later, Malfoy," said Harry, giving him a mock wave as Harry walked down the hall. He walked up the flight of stairs, briefly looking out the window on the first landing, to look out the school courtyard and walked up the last flight to walk into the Chemistry room.

Severus Snape never like being called a teacher, instead taking the term "professor" and treated his students as he would college students. All he wore was a black business suit even through teachers were allowed to wear casual clothes, unlike the students. With a degree in both Chemistry and Biology Chemistry he was meticulous with the students and rarely showed favoritism, if any at all. He was Harry's lest favorite teacher, and for good reason.

"You wanted to see me, Professor Snape?" said Harry in irritation.

Snape glanced at the tone of Harry's voice. "A little respect for your betters, Potter," he said.

Harry smirked. "Show me someone better then I and I'll respect him," he said and Snape's glare intensified.

"Your asinine humor will get you nowhere," said Snape, picking up an envelope and paper. Shoving the paper to Harry, the boy saw it was the test they had a few days before. Harry stared in surprise at it.

"You called me down here because of a fifty-eight on my test score?" said Harry in surprise. "I'm surprised you didn't frame it!"

"I'll take it up with your guardian, as I speak with him later this week," said Snape handing Harry the envelope.

"But I didn't do anything!"

"It's a meeting, Potter, not a murder trail."

"The outcome might as well be," muttered Harry and turned to the leave.

"I didn't give you permission to leave," snapped Snape.

"Dismissed," said Harry walking out of the class room. He didn't want to know what Snape would have said, it was all the same to Harry. How the seventeen year old was incompetent and couldn't even grasp the simplest chemical equation. Harry had heard it all before.

Harry walked out of the school, thankfully not running into Malfoy and his crew, and waked across the courtyard to the parking lot. Hogwarts School was a combination of the middle and high schools, and supposed to be the best private school in New York City, and it was, but it was also restricting. A lot of the teachers expected the students to do their best, and others, like Snape, expected them to do miraculously better. It was also high paying, fill with mostly rich kids, or ones getting in by scholarship or parents working investments. Still, however they get in; Hogwarts was still the best school in Harry's opinion.

Walking past the gate, he leaned against his white car and crossed his arms. He didn't have to wait long when a voice called his name, this time a welcomed one.

Hermione Granger was a brilliant girl with bushy brown hair and bright brown eyes. She wore the standard Hogwarts uniform, except with a grey skirt instead of pants, and on her back was the fullest rucksack Harry had ever seen. Hermione was always looking for a new book to read, let it be fact or fiction, and always remembered each book she read. She had a photographic memory when it comes to books, which came in handy for the other two friends and an instant understanding on every subject.

Beside her walked her boyfriend and Harry's other best friend, Ronald Weasley. Red hair, blue eyes, and freckle faced, he wasn't as fortunate as Harry and Hermione in applying into Hogwarts. Hermione had gotten in by a scholarship and Harry paid his way in through a trust fund left to him by his parents, but Ron's parents had to invest and pay by the month to keep Ron into Hogwarts, who wanted their children to have a better education then they did.

Next to Ron was his younger sister Ginevra Weasley. She was smarter then Ron in most subjects and had a cooler head. Harry and Ginny had dated at one point, but they had known each other since they were children, so it had felt like dating one's own sibling. It had only lasted a few months and both remained close friends. It was still rumored that they were still dating; both neither confirmed nor denied the rumor.

"Hey, Harry," said Ginny and gave him a sisterly kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, Ginny," said Harry and gave her a hug. She moved away so he could greet the others. "Hey, Ron. Hey, Hermione."

"Hey, Harry," said Hermione.

"We heard you got called in by Snape," said Ron. Hermione turned to him with a glare.

"Ron! Show some respect!"

Ron looked at her in confusion. "To whom?" he asked and she groaned.

"What did Professor Snape want, Harry," asked Ginny.

"He wanted to talk to Sirius, again," said Harry holding up the envelope.

"Why would Snape make you give it to him," asked Ron. "Why can't he call Sirius and ask him. He has before."

"Obviously Snape thinks of me as an errand boy to do as he wishes," said Harry. He reached into his book bag and pulled out his test sheet. "He also gave me my test score, personally."

"It's serious then, isn't it?" asked Ginny as Hermione took the test.

"It would seem so," said Harry as Hermione gasp.

"Harry, fifty-eight! That's your best yet!"

"I'm surprised he didn't frame it," said Ron taking the test and looked at it angrily.

"That's what I said," said Harry and noticed Ron's angry expression. "What's wrong, Ron?"

"Nothing," said Ron, shoving the paper back at his friend and marched to his beat-up truck. Harry grunted at the force of the shove. Ron was the quarterback on the Hogwart's football team and had a powerful arm.

"What's his problem," asked Harry to Ginny as Hermione and Ron talked.

"He got a twenty-seven on his," said Ginny in a low voice.

"Ouch," said Harry in a sympathetic voice and cleared his throat. "Hey, Hermione, are we still on for study buddies Thursday?"

"Only if you bring the food," asked Hermione smiling back at Harry over her shoulder.

"I'll call in for pizza," said Harry with a laugh. Ron cheered up at the suggestion of pizza at the study session and all four began talking about what happened in the classes they didn't have together. Someone, most likely Dean Thomas, had drawn Snape in the Chemistry blackboard with a snake's tongue and breathing fire. Seamus Finnegan had managed to get a picture before Snape cleared it off and would send it to everyone via email. Rumor was Dean was going to draw McGonagall next as the Wicked Witch of the West.

Harry had to laugh at the image that came to mind. He liked the Vice-Principle, but she was very strict when it came to the older students, constantly telling them they had to set an example to the younger students.

Harry watched started beeping and he looked at it in surprise.

"Oh, God, I have to get to work!" he said opening his door and got in. "See you later, guys!"

"Bye, Harry," called his friends as he drove off.

Harry "job" was actually running errands in the federal building his guardian were stationed. They didn't give him much to do, or pay him at all, but it was better then spending who knew how many hours alone in the house, and it was better then some of the things that happened to him in the first half of his life.

Harry parked his car in the building parking lot and walked in, greeting the guard at the entrance.

"Hey, Bob," he said. The guard looked up at him.

"Hey, Harry," said Bob, folding the newspaper he was reading. "How's school doing?"

Harry shrugged. "All right," he said. "We learned how to make bombs with household chemicals in Chemistry."

"Oh, going to put it to the test?"

Harry shrugged with a thoughtful look. "Don't know. Do you have any RAID? Or better yet, hair spray?"

Bob laughed. "I don't think so."

Harry made a mock pout. "Aw, man. And I was hoping to blow up Sirius's desk."

Bob laughed harder. "Black would love you for that. No more paperwork."

Harry smiled. "He'd make me a saint," he said and walked off. "See you later!"

"Later, Harry," called back Bob and he went back to his paper.

Harry walked past the desk up the stairs and entered Sirius' office, and was greeted by the glare of Alastor Moody's single eye.

"Hello, Moody," said Harry nervously. The glare from single eye of Alastor "Mad Eye" Moody didn't lessen but the air around him felt content, the patch over his second eye made him look like a pirate. Anyone couldn't help but feel intimidated by Moody. The man wouldn't stop glaring and the scars on his body made it look like someone had put him through a blender and patched him back together again. "Have you come for a visit?"

"I came to make sure these slackers are actually working," said Moody in a gruff voice.

"You're retired, Moody," said a voice. Harry looked past Moody to see Remus at his desk. "That means you don't have to come to work anymore."

Moody "harrumphed". "Back in my day, officers never retired! They stayed on for as long as they were able."

"Back in your day, they were still eating donuts and swigging beer in the cab," said a voice and Harry turned to see his godfather, Sirius Black. "Hey, Harry."

"Hey, Sirius," said Harry smiling.

Moody's chiseled face went red. "I'll have you know…."

"Save it, old timer," said Sirius. "No one wants to hear your old war stories. We're too busy making our own."

Harry hid a laugh behind his hand. Through Sirius had great respect for the ex-federal agent, Moody paranoia got a little annoying at times. He was the one that taught Sirius and Remus how to be agents. Moody walked out mutter "young undisciplined whippersnappers."

"How was school, Harry," asked Sirius, placing a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Meeting with Snape," said Harry handing Sirius the envelope.

Sirius groaned. "Again? What did you do this time?"


Remus laughed and both glared at him.

"I'm sorry, guys," he said. "But admit it. Harry's a trouble maker."

"I am not!" said Harry.

"He isn't what," asked a voice and they all turned to see Nymphadora Tonks-Lupin walk in. Her K-9 dog, Romulus the German Shepard, was next to her without a leash. She smiled at her adopted nephew. "Wotcher, Harry."

"Hey, Tonks," said Harry. Romulus placed his front paws on Harry's chest and licked the boy in greeting. "Hey, Rom."

"What did he do this time?" she asked, walking over to her husband and sitting down.

"Nothing!" said Harry.

"Harry got in trouble again," said Remus.

"I did not!"

"Then why the meeting," asked Tonks.

"I don't know!"

"All right, guys," said Sirius. "I'll visit Snivellus and see what the greasy git wants." His arm encircled Harry's shoulder. "Come on, Harry. I need to talk to you."

"Wha…." Was all Harry could say before Sirius led him to an empty room. "Sirius, what is this about?"

His godfather, who was normally a bit of a joker, had a very serious face.

"Harry, you remember Tom Riddle," asked Sirius.

How could he not? He was the reason why Harry was an orphan. When Harry was a year old, both his parents had been killed. Harry actually doesn't remember much about what happened, just his mother screaming and two shots being fired. After that, it was all blank.

James Potter was an agent under cover, fresh out of the academy and with great promise, while Lily Potter was a school teacher. Both were every happy till James was assigned to help the federal office in a major case that had been going on for over twenty years. For a year, James had worked endlessly on the case, and getting dangerously close to closing it.

It was then Tom Riddle, the man they were investigating, decided they were a liability and dispensed with both Lily and James. He had intended to kill the whole family if fate hadn't decided to intervene and Harry lived.

For the thirteen years he had been locked up in jail on a twenty year sentence, but got let out seven years early on "good behavior." Riddle had a written court order to stay away from Harry, but that didn't stop his goons from going after Harry or Harry from going after him.

"What about him," asked Harry in a cold voice.

"It seems we've got a new source that defected and wants protection," said Sirius sitting in a chair.

Harry's eyes narrowed. "Sirius…"

"We need someone to protect him, Harry. Someone not on the force. And who better then you?"

"I want to stop the bastard for good!" yelled Harry. "Not baby-sit one of his lackey's six year old kid!"

"Now, Harry…."

"Who is this guy," asked Harry a bit calmer but still irritated. The door opened and Kingsley walked in.

"Did you debrief him, Black," asked the chief.


"So, who's supposed to be my bodyguard," asked a very familiar, very annoyed voice.

"Craaaap," said Harry.


-In this story it's a little different. The setting's in New York City, not in the United Kingdoms and Harry's a high school kid, and Sirius, Remus, and the others are Federal Agents, kinda of like the FBI or CIA. Take your pick. The AU's pretty much the same as the book, only with a little tweaking to make it more toward our world then the Harry Potter world. Either way, I hope you enjoy it and please review after ever chapter!

-I am fixing some things in "Shadowplay" so until I fix the chapters I hope this will tide you off.