ITS ME AGAIN!!!!!! So ok I no i said that i wouldnt start another story till one of the others was done, but i thought of this and my inner band nerd kicked in and i knew i had to write it XD. I marched 3 years in my school marching band, but i couldnt this year sniffle, but i knew i could make this one hell of an interesting fic with my experiences, and some false experiences XD So if things are different than your band sorry, this is just how my band is XD

I hope you guys like this, It was fun writing it, and i would have went through all of day one in this chapter if it wouldnt have been like UBER LONG! lol, day one will end in the next chapter. Pre camp may seem dry, but the real fun will start at band camp, i promise XD stick with me till then at least before deciding if this is worth your time

Band camp XD

I dont own bleach, blah de blah

Chapter 1: The First Day of Pre-camp

*Beep Beep… Beep Beep… Beep Beep… Beep Bee* "ALRIGHT I'M UP!" Ichigo Kurosaki shouted at his alarm clock. He rolled over to his other side and slammed his fist angrily down on top of it. He sighed and rolled onto his back and placed his hands over his face. The alarm clock read 7:30. He hadn't had to wake up to an alarm since school got out in June, and most kids wouldn't have to for a few more weeks. However Ichigo wasn't one of those lucky souls, because today was the first day of pre-camp. He slowly sat up in his bed and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before grudgingly pulling the covers off of his body, revealing nothing but his toned muscles and a pair of dark boxers, and swinging his legs over the side of the bed. He let out a heavy yawn and slowly rose; stretching his muscles, and walked over to his closet.

"Hey Rukia!" he knocked. "Come on you gotta get up!"

"NoooOOOOO!" he heard Rukia whine from the inside of the closet. He heard her ruffle her sheets in an attempt to roll over and fall back asleep. "5 more…"

"No Rukia now!" he argued. "Don't make me…"

"FINE I'M UP!" she roared as she shoved the closet door open. Her eyes were still full of sleep, but she was definitely awake now in her angered state. Ichigo laughed at the disheveled looking girl that sat in front of him in a chappy nightgown. She jumped out of the closet and yawned, stretching in a way similar to Ichigo's, and flopped over.

"Yay" she mumbled as she started towards the bathroom, grabbing the handful of clothes she had set out the night before, and drudging out the door.

Rukia jumped out of the shower and quickly dried herself. Her normal lace bra replaced by a sports bra. On top she wore a white chappy cami and a short pair of black shorts. She brushed her short raven hair and pulled it back into a little pony tail. She pushed her bangs back behind her ears and smiled at her reflection in the mirror. If it were a school day, she may have put a little makeup on, but not today. After brushing her teeth she hopped out of the bathroom and re-entered Ichigo's room, giving him the signal to use it. He nodded and left. Rukia then grabbed her chappy the rabbit baseball cap, sunglasses, and a pair of white ankle socks before making her way downstairs.

When she got downstairs she put on her socks and grabbed two bagels and placed them in the toaster. She poured two glasses of water and proceeded to fill her jug full of water and ice. Ichigo came downstairs with his hair still slightly damp in a white wife-beater and blue shorts. Her ran his fingers through his hair and filled his own water jug. The bagels popped out of the toaster, Ichigo topping his with cream cheese, Rukia with peanut butter. The ate their breakfast as the grabbed their small notebooks and pencils and placed them in their backpacks along with their water jugs, hats, sunglasses, the lunches Yuzu had made them the night before, and of course, the giant bottle of sunscreen. They drank their water, threw on their tennis shoes, and left. It was 8:30. Ichigo threw his and Rukia's bags into his orange jeep (Ichigo gets to have the same car as me XD) and Rukia climbed into the passenger side. Ichigo sat in the driver's seat and started the car, and left the house.

"So Rukia, you excited for you're first day of pre-camp?" Ichigo snickered. While Ichigo was entering his 4th year of the marching band, this was Rukia's first year, considering she had just came to the world of the living the year prior.

"Well, with everything you've told me about it, and everything you've taught me, I think I'll be just fine" she grinned.

"We'll see. Everyone thinks it's easy until they actually do it."

"Well, there's no way it's harder than being a shinigami."


"What about you Ichigo? Are you excited? You always talk about the great people you've met in the band, and you have an endless supply of stories" Rukia inquired.

"Ya, I'm glad to be back, but I'm not looking foreword to how I'm going to be feeling tomorrow" he laughed. He finally found the sign that told him he had reached the school. Welcome to Karakura High School, home of the Eagles!

Karakura was a town of mainly Japanese descent located in mid-Michigan. It was a town of only few thousand, and they were well known for their academic and athletic achievements. The high school was an old building made entirely out of red bricks. The school itself was old, but not in that bad a shape, and they were up to date in the latest technology, so it wasn't that bad a place to go. Ichigo made his way around the teacher parking lots and around the school past the student parking lot, before making one final turn behind the school, where a parking lot was designed for administration, and the band. He parked his car next to one of the many cars that already littered the band parking lot and shut the car off. His and Rukia exited and grabbed their bags.

Upon opening the back door, which was directly connected to the band room, the many reasons why Ichigo kept coming back were already laid out in front of him. Yes, he already knew this was going to be a great season.

"Hey Ichigo!" Uryu shouted from the other side of the room. Ichigo and Rukia waved and made their way over there, where he was helping Orihime put sunscreen on her back.

"Morning Ichigo, Rukia!" she smiled. "Uryu don't forget to put your sunscreen on, we don't want a repeat of last year!" she warned.

"I'm not going to forget again!" Uryu shouted. Uryu had overslept one day last year, and forgot to put on his sunscreen. Consequently, he had second degree sunburns all over his body. (I get um every year, and I never forget to put on sunscreen!).

"Ichigo can you get my back please?" Rukia asked as she slathered the sunscreen all over her legs and arms.

"Ya give me the bottle." She handed him the bottle and he squirted some on top of his hands and began rubbing it all over her back, making sure that any place with a remote chance of seeing the sun was covered. She finished applying the sunscreen to her face and turned to help Ichigo with his.

"Go get our instruments and I'll grab our hats and sunglasses" Ichigo told her. She glared at him for ordering her around but did it anyway, returning with a large black case for Ichigo, and a tiny black case for herself.

"Where did you learn to play the flute Rukia?" Orihime asked as she assembled her clarinet.

"Well, when you're a member of a noble family, you're expected to play at least on musical instrument. And, well, since Chappy plays the flute, I decided it would be perfect!" she squealed.

"Leave it to you to pick an instrument based on the fact that Chappy the god damned rabbit played it" Ichigo sighed as he thunked Rukia's baseball cap onto her head.

"Shut it Strawberry!" she growled as she kicked him in the shin. He grimaced and bounced around the room holding his shin while the others laughed at his obvious pain.

"Why did you pick the trumpet Ichigo?" Rukia asked matter-o-factly.

(Because I play it XD)

"Because my mother was a trumpet player" he answered. "I didn't even give it a second thought" he replied pulling his shiny silver trumpet out of its case.

"Wow, that's lame" they heard a rough voice laugh from behind. Their eyes popped out of their eye sockets. They recognized that voice.

"Renji!" they all shouted as they turned around to see the red haired lieutenant grinning at them in his matching wife-beater shorts combo.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Ichigo gasped angrily.

"Haha. You may not know this Ichigo, but I happen to be a world class snare drummer, and when I heard about the marching band at you're school I knew I was in" he grinned.

"Whatever, we're gonna be late!" Ichigo huffed. He put his cap and sunglasses on before making sure his tennis shoes were tied tightly. He grabbed his backpack and trumpet and extended a hand to Rukia to help her out before exiting the band room to walk towards the student parking lot, amidst a clamor of Sousaphones and drummers hacking away.

The gang finally reached the student parking lot. The lot itself was an average size, but was awful for marching on. The lot was uneven and littered with cracks in the pavement, random grasses bursting through in random areas. The white yard lines that the band depended on for practice were crisscrossed with the yellow lines the cars used when parking. The red "4 step" gacs were fading out and there were about 2 lights to light the parking lot at night. However this is what the band had to work with every year, so they did. Ichigo sat his bag and his water bottle down next to the fence separating the student parking lot from the bus parking lot and grabbed his trumpet, making his way towards the middle of the left side of the lot. The freshman were making their way out with the podiums and yard markers, and Ichigo stood in the middle of the soon to be block on the 40 yard line. He settled on the red gac and set his trumpet down in front of him, pointing towards the large patch of grass in front of the lot that was the softball field, and stretched his arms, knowing he was going to need it.

"Get ready to feel the burn Ichigo" Uryu chuckled as he took his spot in the middle of the row on the 35 yard line. He took the Alto sax from around his neck and placed it down on the ground in front of him. He turned around and tied his hair up in a ponytail before placing a baseball cap on his head.

"Well, this thing is lighter than Zangetsu, but I don't have to hold Zangetsu in the same spot for 8 hours, so I think it equals out" Ichigo laughed.

"Can't they keep it down at all?" Rukia complained as she set her flute down in front of her in the middle of the 20 yard line. She was referring to the low brass section, who were busy blowing random notes and noises out of their instruments, and as usual, molesting each other through their clothes.

"Nah, that's just what they do" Ichigo and Uryu sighed. (Ok, if you're a low brass player im sorry if this isn't you, but our schools low brass section is and has always been insane, so it's what I got to go off of)


"Speaking of crazy low brass players, here comes Keigo" Ichigo stated. Keigo tried to tackle him, and missed when Ichigo clothes lined him.

"Ichigo! Why are you so mean!" Keigo whined as he jumped off the ground.

"How many times do I have to tell you Keigo, I'm not joining you're low brass orgies!" Ichigo steamed.

"They're not orgies!" Keigo whined. "Well, not usually."

"Shut up Keigo!"

"Don't make me give you laps on the first day Keigo" Chad sighed. Chad was the very out of place section leader of the low brass, playing the Sousaphone.

"Hey Chad" the 3 smiled as he set his Sousaphone down in the middle of the 5 yard line on the other side of the 50. He walked up to them.

"Where's Orihime?" he asked. The group looked around, only to find her running out to the group.

"Ha..ha..ha sorry!" she panted as she sat her clarinet in the middle of the 25 yard line. "I had to pee really bad!"

"At least you made it out here before practice started, you know the motto."

"If you're early you're on time, if you're on time you're late, and if you're late you're running" the all chanted rhythmically.

"Same motto we use in Squad 6" Renji laughed as he placed his snare drum on the ground in the middle of the 10 yard line. "Except instead of running, if you're late we're gonna Senbonzakura you're sorry ass" he laughed.

"Not so loud about the you know what business Renji, almost everyone's here now!" Rukia growled. She was about to punch him when they all noticed the director and the band tech's walking out to the field, so they all quickly took their positions.

"Hello Hello!" one of the band tech's evilly smiled. The freshman smiled back, while the experienced upperclassmen grinned nervously. "I am Kenny, and I'll be you're marching tech again this season, as well as you're drill writer" he explained. Kenny had short black hair, which was always kept under a Detroit Lions hat, and was dressed in a black t shirt, shorts, and flip flops. He was about 5'8" and appeared to be in his mid to late 20's.

"Ello! My name is Justin, and I'll be the woodwind tech!" the blonde metro man waved. Even though he looked nice on the outside, the upperclassmen knew that he was a cold hearted calculating jerk when he wanted to be, which was often. He was also dressed in flip-flops.

"I'm Ben, and I'll be the brass tech" the slightly larger brown haired man said. He took of his green hat and placed it back on his head while re adjusting his glasses and shuffling in his flip flops. Of all the band techs, Ben was everyone's favorite. He was much nicer and his comments were usually more positive, instead of repeated "you sucks" he would say things like "hey that wasn't that horrible!"

"And I'm Ryan, the drum-line tech" the black man in the back said. Ryan was known for his strictness and unorthodox teaching methods, but was hilarious and even when working their asses off, the drum-line always had a good laugh every now and then.

"And you all know me" the last man smiled.

"T-Rex!" the entire band smiled. Tim Rexon was the high school band director, and everyone thought had to be the coolest band teacher in the history of band teachers. He was in his late 20's and had short brown hair was covered by a Detroit Tigers cap. They all stood before the band, which was composed of 9, 5 person lines. The instrumentation was good, 5 flutes, 5 clarinets, 4 mellophones, 6 alto saxes, 7 trumpets, 3 tenor saxes, 4 trombones, 3 marching baritones, 2 sousaphones, 3 bass drums, 2 snare drums, and 1 quad drum. (Our band had like 37 marchers I think this year).

"Alright guys" T-Rex started. "This is you're senior drum major Alex Clanlex" he introduced the tall man behind him. Alex was pretty good as a drum major, he was just more of a jerk than they would like sometimes.

"And this is you're junior drum minor Nick Justins." Nick was loved by every one in the band. He was a hilarious ginger who was strict when he needed to be, but wanted everyone to enjoy themselves as well.

"Ok everyone let's get this season started with some stretches!" Alex yelled excitedly. The entire band burst into cheers as the morning stretches started. They all turned to face him and follow his lead. They started with basic arm stretches, then neck stretches, then back stretches, leg and calf stretches, butt stretches, and ended by drawing the alphabet with their ankles to stretch their ankles. Then came everyone's favorite part of warm up, the mile long run to the middle school and back, while holding formation.

After the run, everyone that wasn't a shinigami, quincy, or super powered human who were use to constant physical activity, was rather exhausted after not keeping in shape over the summer. They were allowed a quick minute water break.

"You didn't tell me there was running in marching band Ichigo!" Rukia growled as she sipped her water jug, her and Ichigo leaning against the fence.

"Hey, you gotta build stamina somehow. We gotta blow air through the instruments while marching all over the football field for an 8 minute show. Do you think we magically build up that kinda stamina and lung capacity?"

"True. It wasn't that bad a run anyway. Now, If we shunpoed around the city for 10 minutes, then maybe I'd be winded" she grinned as they made their way back to the block.

"Not everyone is a shinigami Rukia" he sighed. She kicked him in the shin, grinned, and ran back to her spot.

When everyone was back in their spots and had picked up their instruments, T-Rex decided to introduce the section leaders to the band. He pointed first to Rukia, and directed the others to follow by section.

"Um, hello. I'm Rukia Kuchiki. I'm a senior and I'm the Flute section section leader" she smiled in her fake school girl voice. When she told Ichigo that she wanted to join the marching band, he taught her everything he knew about marching, and she was a natural. So when she auditioned to be the flute section leader, she got the job. She went back to her spot and Orihime stepped out.

"Hello, I'm Orihime Inoue, and I'm also a senior, and I'm the Clarinet section leader." Orihime waved to everyone and went back to her spot in the block.

"Hello, I'm Ritoko Kawashima, I'm a senior and I'm the Mellophone section leader in the middlevoice section" she smiled. She had blue-violet hair, violet eyes, and a big goofy grin. She was fairly well endowed, but not anywhere near Orihime or Rangiku. Her cami was black against her tanned skin, with red stripes running across, and she had a look of confidence. The mellophones and altos often had parts together, so they usually worked in one big section called the middlevoice, but when necessary, they did each have their own section leader. Ritoko slid back into her spot and her co-middlevoice section leader stepped out.

"Hello, I'm Uryu Ishida, and I'm the Alto Sax section leader, and the senior section leader in the middle voice section" he greeted as he pushed his glasses up his face. Ritoko stuck her tongue out at him when he reminded the band that he had the final say when it came to the entirety of the middle voice section, and he smirked back at her, retaking his spot in line.

"Yo, I'm Ichigo Kurosaki, and I'm the senior section leader of the trumpet section" he said in his tone of indifference. The girls were already begging to drool over him, pissing Rukia off to no end. Ichigo was a legend in the Karakura High School Marching Band. His natural talent on the trumpet had earned him every trumpet solo played in every show since his freshman year, which was unheard off. He was promoted to the wind ensemble, the highest band in the school compromised mostly of Juniors and Seniors his freshman year as well, and skyrocketed within a week to the 1st chair spot. Not to mention, he had the best marching technique in the entire band. He was having scholarships thrown all over him about joining college marching bands. In fact, The University of Michigan and Michigan State University were at war trying to recruit him to their bands. To bad Ichigo couldn't tell them he was going to the Soul Society to be a captain after he graduated. He had already been given the spot as captain of the 5th division, and Rukia had been given the lieutenant position, but they decided to finish high school before taking the job full time. Ichigo calmly walked back to his spot and watched Chad walk out from behind him.

"I'm Yasatoru Sado, but everyone calls me Chad. I'm the low brass section leader" he said calmly and retook his spot. The low brass always worked together, and consisted of the Tenor Saxes, Marching Baritones, Marching Trombones, and Sousaphones.

"And I'm Keigo Asano and I'm!"

"Crazy" Ichigo coughed. Keigo promptly fell to the ground while everyone, including the techs laughed.

"Last but most certainly not least, I am Renji Abarai, and I'm the senior Drum-line section leader" Renji smirked, hitting his chest. Renji was an amazing drummer, and Rukia taught him a thing or two about marching, and he decided to give it a go. He and Rukia attributed their natural talent to their being shinigami, which seemed plausible.

"Alright, now that you know who you're superiors are, it's time to get to work!" T-Rex smiled. He handed the goc block and drumstick over to Justin and went back inside while the techs drilled them on the bands favorite part of the day, the 3 hour living hell that was basics block.

"Alright, freshman, copy your section leader and upperclassmen's examples of parade rest and attention for now until sectionals today when they will teach you properly" Justin yelled. The freshman gulped and tried to imitate the elder marcher's hands as they held their instruments, standing completely still, looking straight ahead, and not moving a muscle. Once the freshman had stopped fidgeting, the tech's smiled and began.

"Alright" Kenny started.

After an explanation on proper posture techniques, he made them all stand completely still in parade rest for about 5 minutes. No one was allowed to move a muscle. As if to prove the example to the freshman, a bee flew by and stung Ichigo, and he didn't move a muscle. Of course, he probably would have hollered out in pain had he not experienced far worse in his battles against the shinigami and arrancar. After the 5 minutes were up, he allowed them to relax as he moved on to his next point, holding posture in attention. He had everyone raise their instruments to marching rest, or attention, and had them hold it for 5 minutes. Now the burning started. Whimpers could be heard from around the band as the weight of holding the instrument in the same place without moving for 5 minutes began to wear on the rarely used muscles. After that torture, Kenny told them to relax as he went on to his final posture stance, playing position. They all raised their instruments as if to play, and held it for 5 minutes. Arms were burning, but you had to hold it, and hold it. For Ichigo and Co it was easy, but everyone else's muscles were out of marching shape, so it wasn't going as well. After this they were given a 10 minute break for water and to re-apply sunscreen.

"I didn't know I had muscles there" Rukia cringed as she rubbed her underarms.

"Get use to um" Ichigo smiled. He took a sip of his water and re-applied his sunscreen. It was 80 degrees out, and they were standing on a blacktop. It was 10 am, 2 more hours of basics block.

"What are we gonna do next?" Rukia asked.

"I would assume begin to learn proper marching technique."

"Fantasti…" Rukia's sentence was cut off when her soul pager went off.

"God Damnit!" Ichigo fumed. He opened his bag and searched for Kon's modsoul and ingested it. Rukia quickly swallowed chappy and the 2 left their bodies.

"You need help Ichigo?" Uryu asked.

"If you guys leave they'll notice, we'll try to get back quick" Ichigo told him. Uryu nodded. Ichigo glared at Kon.

"You better not fuck anything up Kon" Ichigo growled.

"Aye Aye!" Kon snickered. Ichigo growled and they shunpoed off. Everyone was called back to the block, and luckily Kon was paying attention before, so he knew how to stand.

"Ok guys, were gonna start learning proper marching technique. Would our resident Marching legend Ichigo Kurosaki please demonstrate for us proper technique and marching?" Kenny asked. Kon gulped and everyone who was aware of the fact that Kon was in Ichigo's body began to panic. The super star marcher couldn't suddenly suck, they would suspect something! Kon nervously walked out to near where the band techs were standing.

"Alright Ichigo, show us 8 steps at an 8 to 5 please" Kenny asked. Kon brought his horn up to attention.

I'm in deep shit. I hope I remember everything Ichigo taught me!

"He's doomed" Orihime sighed.

YAY! So did you guys like it? If you have any questions about band terms message me and ill let you know!!! However i will say that an 8 to 5 is taking 8 steps to move 5 yards, or from one yard line to another. Its the standard size marching step. Please review, im really interested to hear about your guys' bands to XD


now if you excuse me, i have a vampire story to write XP