Nothing like a snow day with a 12 hour power outage to help with writers block! lol Sorry for the long wait. Real life's been very busy lately! The changes in the show have really got me down too. I've stopped watching CM, but hopefully we can keep J.J. and Emily going in the fanfic world! I'm a little rusty when it comes to writing so sorry if this chapter's not as good as the others! Let me know what you think! :)
"Oh my god, J.J. are you ok?" Emily asked as she ran towards her two friends.
Morgan released his grip on the blonde as she looked up. Her tear streaked face was something no one on the team had seen before. As the reached the two agents on the floor their friends gave gungs and expressed their concerns in turn.
"I was so scared!" Emily said. "What happened?"
Morgan related his story as he and J.J. stood up.
After a few more moments Hotch suggested they all go back to the hotel and get some rest. The plane would head for home the next day.
Later that night Emily Prentiss knocked on J.J.'s door. The two women sat and talked for almost an hour before Emily could bring up the topic she knew J.J. most needed to discuss.
"Can't you see it wasn't just the alcohol now?" She asked.
"Em, I really don't think I want to talk about this right now." J.J. replied, running a hand through her hair. She had hoped her friend would wait for this conversation, but she knew Emily wasn't about to let her avoid it.
"I know you don't, but I also know you need to."
"Have I ever told you I'm not a big fan of profilers?" J.J. said with a small grin.
Emily laughed. "I think you might have mentioned it at some point." She smiled.
J.J.'s face became serious. "How can you be so sure?" She asked. "I mean I've always known Derek and I were friends. We all are. I would think any of you would have done what he did had you had the opportunity. I know I would for all of you."
"That's true Jayje, but you should have seen his face as he looked over the edge of that roof. Besides, do you think anyone else would have acted like he did when he got you in the building?"
"I suppose you're right." She said.
Emily left soon after their conversation. J.J. was left with her thoughts. She thought long and hard about what she should do and she finally came to a conclusion. The day's events had showed her that she shouldn't waste anymore time. Anything could happen and she didn't want to lose her chance to tell Derek Morgan how she felt. She was nervous. She didn't know how he'd take it or when she'd get the chance to talk to him, but she knew it was something she needed to do.
The plane ride home was quiet. After the initial 'Hello's and 'How are you's the team members did their own thing, reflecting on the case. Hotch worked on the pile of paperwork he had and Morgan listen to his ipod while playing a game on his cell phone. Reid and Rossi played a game of chess. The two women sat at the table watched the clouds out the window occasionally exchanging words.
Penelope Garcia was there to greet her friends as they arrived at Quantico. She hugged J.J. tightly and gave Morgan a meaningful look. He knew she wanted him to talk to J.J., but he couldn't do it in front of the team.
The team quickly dispersed and made their way home, happy for the four day weekend Strauss had given them.