Caught in the Act
Sarah: thanks for all the reviews and applications! (swirly eyes) wow. My inbox is getting flooded with applications. I'm glad everyone likes this so much they want to be a part of the fanfic! (snaps out of it) anyways! I only own this story and what OCs I make up myself! Everything else belongs to someone else. And I'm very sorry about the delay in updates on this fanfic. I just couldn't figure out what I was going to do with this chapter. Please forgive me. I do hope you enjoy what I finally decided on! Another reason for the delay is I was trying to keep up with all the character applications being turned in.
Here are the results of the poll after just one day:
Griffin: 15
Manticore: 3
Chimera: 5
Empousa: 7
The griffin wins by an overwhelming majority. Don't worry, voters of the other creatures, they will come in play as well. Griffin just gets in the story first.
Wow, so many reviews, I don't know who to reply to and who to just thank! Well, here are the replies! Oh, um, people, I got a question that will probably make me sound like a complete idiot but I'm going to ask anyways. Who the heck is Logan Lerman?
notmyname (anonymous reviewer)
(blushes) I guess I misread his description in the book. As of the time I started this fanfic, I hadn't seen the movie, so I didn't know what Percy looks like in it. Thanks for the correction. And I'm really hoping to publish a book or two one day. For now, I'm just developing and improving my own writing style with fanfics. Thanks!
Shino Kouba
Yeah, I don't usually put up AN or character chapters. I'm not very fond of it when people do that, but I figured I'd best put up an application chapter so everyone knows what format I'd like their OCs to be given in and character chapters so that everyone will know who the OCs belong to and no one will say I'm stealing credit for their OCs.
dude really123
well, if you don't like, then don't read. If you don't like reading sexual scenes, then don't read my M rated stories. They almost always have those at one point or another.
anonymous:) (anonymous reviewer)
(smiles) your character will be a son of Aphrodite … mostly for the kissing friends on the lips no matter the gender. Thanks for giving him! I was kinda low on sons of Aphrodite. (gulps) oops, shouldn't have said that. Now I'm gonna get swamped with Aphrodite boys. (laughs)
nobody (anonymous reviewer)
I edited it for you. I'll re-upload the reviewer character profile chapter soon.
Lucipheaus now known as Weaver of Fates
Um, could you do the profile with the title of what you are describing too?
Olympus to Preserve or Raze
(laughs) wow, that is kinda interesting that we have similar stories, even if yours isn't posted yet. Just try to keep from making your story too similar to mine, okay? Let me know when ya post it and I'll be sure to read it. I liked that part of the traveling chapter too. Thank you for the praise and the character.
mind if I call your character Mel in the fanfic?
I don't like cherries… purple dragon? Um, interesting. Here's the update, please don't die on me.
(Authors note)
Scene change
POV change
Scene change in memory
Name: Sari-Ana Avalon Sebow
Age: 18
Gender: female
Height: 4'8"
Weight: 110
Eye color: liquid silver
Hair color: pure white
Hair style: straight
Hair length: hips when loose, waist when in braid
How you usually keep your hair: French braid
What you are: demigod
God Parent: Eris, goddess of chaos
Reason for being in Hawaii: she's a wanderer. She goes wherever she feels like going, not thinking about the consequences
Usual Outfit: anything black, with black fingerless leather gloves that go to her elbows and knee-high black leather boots. Her gloves and boots actually have three layers of celestial bronze woven into the leather so she can use them as a sort of shield from monsters when she doesn't have a proper shield. She also has a black leather trench coat made the same way, to protect her body from attacks as well.
Personality: she has sudden, and often violent, mood swings often. She will beat up anyone who makes any mention of her height and petite stature, screaming that she's not short. She also loves trying to see just how much she can get away with before she's caught or scolded. She's also very friendly and caring when she wants to be.
Favorites; black, animals, leather, hot guys, swimming, fighting for what she believes is right, causing mischief, fast cars, building and inventing things for her own personal use, pranks, riddles, puzzles.
Hates; her mother, pink, people who get a kick out of seeing other beings in pain, people who make the slightest insinuation about her height, being high up
Other: she's terrified of anything that is high above the ground. Her father had died in a private plane crash a little over year ago and left his immense fortune to his only living relative, Sari. When she has to go up an elevator higher than the second floor of a building, she huddles near the bars and hangs on tight. She never looks out the windows above the second floor of a building. She also never goes near stairs and is constantly terrified of getting in a plane. Whenever she has to get on a plane or in a helicopter, she has to be heavily sedated so that she doesn't have a panic attack. Also, since her mother is the goddess of chaos, everywhere Sari goes, some chaotic event or other occurs soon after. Because of this, she has no friends and hates her mother for it. Also, she has a pure black serval-pet cat crossbreed named Davin (Scottish name that means 'little black one') who follows her everywhere she goes. He is the only gift from her mother that she has ever treasured. Sari is also a genius of such intellect that would shame Einstein and has a love of riddles and puzzles. Once she hears even a couple words of any language, she somehow instantly can speak and understand that language fluently, whether it be human, animal, or other. Davin can speak any language that Sari knows just as fluently, even the human tongue. Sari has a deep bond with animals and can usually approach any animal in almost any situation without fearing that she would be attacked. Davin will immediately jump to Sari's defense should a human try attacking her. Sari also has extremely good hearing. And she cusses like a sailor when she gets mad.
(Sarah: sheesh. That's a long bio. Thanks for reading it! Now to get to the chapter.)
Chapter 6
An Eventful Swim
This really wasn't supposed to happen. Isn't this supposed to be a vacation? Oh, right, I forgot, we're demigods. We don't get vacations from monsters. And who is that white haired girl fighting that whatever-it-is? The Mist is so thick right now that I can't tell what kind of monster it is. And why in Hades is that cat fighting the monster with her? Admittedly, it is a very large cat, but still.
"Um, Annabeth, you think we should help her?" Percy asks, pulling me out of my surprised daze.
"Right," I say, pulling out my bronze dagger. The pool area is empty of all mortals, most likely because the monster scared them away. Squinting, I manage to make out a feathery beast that has an eagle's head, a lion's body and tail, and raptor claws for feet. It's entire body is covered in golden and bronze feathers "Oh, gods, it's a griffin," I whisper.
"How do you defeat a griffin again?" Percy asks. "Cause if I remember correctly, they are rather dangerous to get close to thanks to those talons. Plus, it flies."
"Usually, a bow and arrows would work best; but we don't have one," I reply. "We'll have to get in close and just be careful of the claws." Then I remember something. "Percy, they can't fly very well when their feathers get wet. Maybe you could use the pool water to soak it and get it on the ground. It'll be easier to kill when it's on the ground."
"I'll try. She might not like getting her leather wet, though," he replies, motioning to the girl. The white-haired girl is wearing black leather gloves, boots, and a black leather trench coat that hides what she's wearing underneath. Somehow, there isn't a scratch or tear on any of her leather clothes; only her head, neck, and fingers are cut up, despite the griffin's repeated attempts at getting to her torso, arms, and legs.
"A little help, you jabber-mouths? Or do you plan on sitting on the sidelines talking about battle plans all day?" the girl calls, not taking her eyes off the griffin. "I don't give a damn if my clothes get wet. I've got plenty more exactly like them in my closet. What I want is this overgrown peacock to leave me the fuck alone!" The griffin roars fiercely at term peacock. "I don't give a damn if you are a griffin. You're just an overgrown peacock in my opinion!" she yells at it, wielding a celestial bronze sword in each hand and glaring up at it through the blood streaming from a cut on her forehead into her eyes.
Percy sends a tidal wave of pool water onto the griffin as it swoops towards the white-haired girl, drenching them both. The griffin crashes onto the concrete pavilion around the pool with a loud THUD.
It squawks in indignation and tries to take off again, but gets only a few feet in the air before crash landing again. It glares murderously at Percy and me as we run around the edge of the pool to help the white-haired girl. It hisses as we take our positions on either side of the girl. Then it leaps to attack the girl, only to have it's claws deflected off her trench-coat covered chest with an audible ping.
"What kind of coat is that?" Percy asks, staring at the girl in shock.
"My coat, gloves, and boots have three layers of celestial bronze woven into the leather," she replies absently. "They help with the constant monster attacks, so I had my half-sister make multiple copies of them, just in case. She's an excellent seamstress and a pretty good weaver as well. Not as good as Athena, certainly, but still better than most other mortals."
"I seriously need to talk to your sister," I tell her.
The girl grins. "Sis even takes drachmas as payment, which she use to keep in contact with me and send me stuff."
"That's one cool sister you have," Percy says.
"Yeah, Alexis is the best sister I could ask for," she agrees. "And she only makes clothes as a side job. She's actually an awesome NASCAR racer."
"Sweet!" Percy exclaims.
"Well, let's get rid of the overgrown peacock and I'll introduce her to ya. She's here in Hawaii with me on a vacation."
That's just about the moment the griffin decided to charge us. The girl parries off it's claws while I duck under it's fore legs. Percy keeps it's beak occupied while I go after the thing's chest. It takes several minutes of avoiding the creature's hind claws, but I finally manage to stab it in the chest with my dagger. It lets out a shriek of pain before dissolving into dust and blowing away in the wind.
The girl brushes her wet hair out of her eyes. "And that's that," she says. She turns to us. "My name is Sari Sebow."
"I'm Annabeth Chase."
"And I'm Percy Jackson."
"Nice to meet ya. Let's head inside before people start coming back to see if it's gone. They will blame us for the mess," she says, motioning to several torn up deck chairs and the pool missing half it's water.
"Let's," I agree. "So, who's your god parent?" I ask as we go inside.
Sari scowls. "My mother is Eris," she mutters.
I stare at her in shock.. "You mean the goddess of Chaos is your mom?" Percy asks in disbelief.
"Unfortunately, yes. I'm constantly getting attacked by monsters and end up causing chaos wherever I go," Sari complains. "If it weren't for who my father was, I would have been banned from more places than anyone else in Earth's history because of the powers she passed to me. I can't even wield the powers of Chaos properly! They kick up whenever they feel like it and nothing I do can stop it. I once caused an F5 tornado in Tallahassee to spawn even more tornadoes. And don't get me started with what I did in Memphis!"
"Maybe you should go to Camp Half-Blood," I suggest. "Chiron might be able to help you control your powers."
"You mean the centaur guy who trained Hercules?" she asks. I nod. "I definitely ain't going there then. I bet he's still upset that I accidentally got his favorite armor smashed with a bowling ball."
"How'd you manage that?" Percy asks in surprise.
"Powers of Chaos acted up during a bowling competition I met him in."
"Chiron bowls?" I ask in shock.
"I guess so. Though why he was wearing armor there, I don't know."
"He can't still be that mad," I say hesitantly. "I mean, it wasn't your fault that your powers acted up."
"I know that. But it was armor made for him by Abraham Lincoln. One of a kind. Non-replaceable. And he was really upset about it getting banged up so badly."
The whole time we were talking, we were walking through the hotel towards Sari's suite.
Sarah: that's it for this chapter. I know the chapter part is a bit short, but I wanted to get it done quick so that ya'll won't have to wait for long.