AN: This is a cute little fluffy oneshot. Thanks to all the wonderful people who make the NCIS community what it is.

"Psss! Tony!" Ziva David's harried whisper broke the silence of the bullpen around eleven o'clock. "DiNozzo!" Tony jolted awake with a snore.

"Don't worry boss, I'm, I'm doing the paper stuff…" He looked confused for a moment.

"I'm not Gibbs you idiot. Come over here I've found something much more important than paperwork." She gestured for him to come look at her computer. "Look at this, Tony, all of these people."

"Huh?" He rubbed his eyes and stared at the screen in confusion.

"Have you ever heard of…fanfiction?"

"Fan-whatty-what?" He looked at her like she'd just pronounced her undying love of idioms or something similarly preposterous.

"Fanfiction it when people take characters from books and movies and things and write about them."

"Okay so what should I care about this fan--" he searched for the word, "fan-stuff?"

"Because my little hairy butt, there is fanfiction about us." She clicked on one of the numerous links that adorned the internet page.


"A certain Mr. Thom E. Gemcity has made us very popular people. See people write all kinds of stories about his characters." She began to read aloud from the story she had clicked on:

Author's Note: Okay so I am totally in love with Deep Six and special agent Tommy and Lisa make the cutest couple and like OMG I just had to write this story. Disclaimer: This belongs to the totally amazing man I'm going to marry Thom E. Gemcity.

"Wait, wait, wait, let me get this straight. There are people who want to marry McGiggle? What in the—"

"Shush, Tony let me read you some more."

Liaison officer Lisa stared across the bullpen captivated by her new partner officer Tommy. This was so different than what she was used to. So new and foreign. She was so unaccustomed to the way things worked here, and on top of that she had the biggest attraction the cocky Italian frat boy that was supposed to be her partner.

"People actually write this stuff! That's kinda sad." He patted her on the shoulder and went to sit back down.

"You have not heard the worst yet. They have these things called ships," he went to interrupt her, but she held her finger over his lips, "It stands for relationships. Anyway the majority of people on this site ship Tisa, Pibbs, and McAmy. There is also a good deal of slash."

"You're losing me here Lisa—er—I mean Ziva."

"They are all smosh names, yes, like Brangelina or TomKat. So that means the most common pairings are you and me, the Director and Gibbs, and McGee and Abby."

"Go figure and this slashy business…"

"Slash is Male/Male or Female/Female."

"Let me guess it's all hot girl on girl between you and Abby." Ziva resisted the urge to hit and satisfied herself instead by telling him what the most popular pairing was.

"Nope, mostly Tibbs/Tommy fluff."

"What's fluff?" He looked scared and slightly offended.

"Fluff is cute sweet stuff that makes you feel…well all fluffy and warm inside."

"Oh, well that's…disturbing on a level that I was unaware existed."

"You asked," She smiled. "Any more questions?"

"Only one," he looked like he was really thinking about this question, "Why do you know all about fanfiction?"

AN: End oneshot. I hope you liked it. Tell me if you want more lighthearted Tiva because I do have some ideas I just usually write the sad stuff. :) Also I am in no way against same-sex partnerships or people who ship slash that is just how I would imagine Tony reacting.