AUTHORS NOTE: Just some random fluffiness for Tiva. There might be more chapters to come, there might not be. Just felt in a fluffy, Tiva, baby mood today.

Talia Rose Dinozzo, Tali for short, is the mirror image of her mother. With her mother's olive skin and a mop of curly dark hair the only way she resembles her father is her confident little smirk and the wicked little glint she gets in her round, brown eyes when she is about to do something she isn't supposed to; those two things she has definitely inherited from her father. Much like her father she can charm almost anyone, but unlike her father she can get out of trouble with her mother, usually by just pouting out her bottom lip, and like her mother she can get her father to do almost anything by batting her eyes. Tali is the perfect combination of the onetime Italian playboy and the ex-Mossad assassin, but she has something to her advantage that her parents do not have: the absolute cuteness that only a ten-month-old can possess.

As little Tali stands in front of her mother's desk, her hands never leaving the cool metal because she knows she will inevitably fall, all eyes in the bullpen are on her. She glances at her mother and father who stand side by side at her father's desk, admiring their beautiful child. Her uncle McGee and Aunt Abby are at McGee's desk smiling at her as Abby cooes about how cute she looks in her new little outfit, and then she turns her gaze to her Grandpa Ducky as he stands in front of Uncle McGee's desk, smiling at her as well. She then looks at Grandpa Gibbs as he crouches down in front of her, his hands held out to her. Tali glances quickly at her parents, almost as if getting permission before she does anything. Her mother nods her head slightly and her father mouths quietly, 'Go on Tali'. The little girl's eyes get slightly bigger as she lifts one foot slightly off the floor and takes a step, her little fingers of her left hand just barely grazing her mother's desk. Grandpa Gibbs is smiling at her, his hands motioning her to come to him. With one more quick glance back at her parents, her father's arm squeezing her mother's shoulder with anticipation, Tali takes another step, letting go of her mother's desk. She sways slightly, an innate urge making her hold her arms out by her side to balance herself, and she carefully and shakily takes one, two, three more steps before catching her tiny pink shoed foot in the carpet and stumbling into her Grandpa's awaiting arms.

Team Gibbs erupts into celebration, clapping and shouts of 'YAY' for the milestone the little girl has just conquered. Tony and Ziva, with tears in their eyes at witnessing their baby girl's first steps give each other a sweet, quick kiss as Gibbs pulls Tali close to him and kisses her on the cheek.

"Good job baby Tali!" Gibbs says to the little girl who nuzzles into his neck and giggles.

"Tali, good job Princess!" Tony says from his spot beside Ziva, his face plastered with a smile that would shout at a complete stranger that he is the proud father of this very smart little girl.

"Tali, you took your first steps, Mommy is so proud of you," Ziva cooes to her as she walks over to Gibbs and pats Tali gently on the back. Tali raises her head from Gibbs neck and smiles at her mother, holding her chubby little arms out to her. Ziva reaches out and takes her daughter, placing several kisses on the side of the little girl's face, her heart swelling with pride at what her daughter has just accomplished. Ziva returns to standing by her husband and Tali smiles at her father as he holds his hand up to her.

"You did so great Princess," Tony says and Tali gently places her tiny little hand against her father's bigger one, her version of a high five.

"She's a very smart little girl!" Gibbs says as he stands back up, smiling at Tali who is still beaming, obviously proud of what she has done.

"She has her Daddy's ego too!" McGee comments, noticing the smile on her face.

"Shut up McGeek, she has every right to be proud of herself," Tony says, narrowing his eyes at McGee.

"Tony, if she says 'shut up' or starts calling her Uncle McGee McGeek you will find yourself neutered!" Ziva warns in a low tone so Tali doesn't hear the threat. Tony freezes a slight look of panic on his face.

"I'll stop dear!" Tony smirks, knowing how much she hates when he calls her that then gently places his hand on the small of her back.

"Thank you," Ziva gives him a slight peck on the cheek and walks over to her desk, Tali happily on her hip. Abby, unable to fight the urge to grab Tali up and hug her, walks over to Ziva's desk and holds out her hands to the little girl and Tali goes willingly while Ziva gathers her things. While Abby babbles on to Tali in a high pitched baby voice, something that makes everyone on the team cringe, Gibbs walks over to Tony and places his hand on his shoulder.

"You're little girl is very smart, a lot of kids don't walk this early." Gibbs comments.

"I know Boss, we really didn't think she would, she's just started pulling herself up this past week." Tony's proud smile is still on his face and Gibbs must admit that he is proud of his senior agent, never really expecting Tony to be as great of a father as he is. The two men glance over at Tali who has one of Abby's ponytails in each hand.

"Abs, I think that's her way to tell you to knock off the baby talk," Gibbs says as he crosses back to his desk and sits down, picking up his cup of coffee. Abby turns to Gibbs, narrowing her eyes.

"I'm just talking to her!" Abby protests then turns back to Tali, once again in the annoying baby voice.

"Abbigail, the tone you are using is called parentese. It's a high pitched voice that many new parents talk to their infant in because they think the child cannot understand normal voices and tones." Ducky explains as he walks over to stand by Abby and Tali immediately reaches out for him. Ducky smiles at her and takes her from Abby. "Hello Ms. Tali, you did a great job walking today." Ducky smiles at Tali as he speaks to her in his everyday tone.

"Tell Grandpa Ducky that's a boring voice," Abby says to Tali as she walks back to stand at McGee's desk.

"It is his everyday voice Abby, besides, parentese can delay a child's speech by up to one year," Ziva states as she zips the diaper bag, having made sure everything that belongs to Tali is in it. The team looks at Ziva slightly surprised by her knowledge on this. "I am a mother; mothers do research, yes?" Ziva asks, momentarily offended by the team's shock at her knowledge. Everyone nods their heads, not wanting to upset Ziva.

"Sweet cheeks, you're a great mother without the research," Tony says as he walks over to Ziva, placing a kiss on her temple.

"Thank you my little hairy butt!" Ziva smiles at him and gives him a quick peck on the cheek. Tony gives her another smile and puts his arm around her shoulders as they once again turn and watch their daughter as she plays her favorite game of going back and forth between people, the two chosen people this time are her two grandpas. The bullpen fills with the breathy giggles of the little girls as her Grandpa Gibbs tickles her then gently hands her back over to her Grandpa Ducky. Tony and Ziva, along with McGee and Abby, watch silently as the small child continues to giggle, both of her grandfathers laughing with her.