~The Whimsical Adventures of Princess Heart!~

Episode 01: Princess Heart to the Rescue!

With a final, ragged gasp, the man took hold of the wooden casket and threw off the lid. It fell onto the mud soundlessly. He coughed, trying to regain his composure; the cemetery was thick and wet with fog. Surrounding him were leaves of crimson paper, strewn about the gravesite. He clawed his way to the edge of the casket and peered inside. His eyes went wide with horror. He raised a thin, bony hand to his mouth and screamed.

Behind him, the gate opened, its rusty hinges screeching. The man turned, whimpering, and sobbed. "What are you?" he breathed.

The hooded figure, standing tall and imposing in the mist, smiled. "Despair," he said quietly.

In the empty hollow of the casket, burnt into the wood, was "11121."


An alarm buzzed off within the bright, sunlit bedroom, followed by a cheerful, smug voice. "Good morning, Ashfield!" the announcer exclaimed. "We're back on and listening for your requests! So while you're on the commute or sipping that coffee, send in your calls! In the meantime, let's lend an ear to Seventh Time's Wonder!"

From under the shifting sheets of the bed, a sandy brunette head slowly emerged to the sound of guitars and mellow lyrics. Heather Cheryl Mason flopped up and sank into her pillows and the several stuffed animals sitting above her. She sighed and looked around at her cluttered room and the clothes littering the carpet. She smiled sheepishly, yawned and stretched.

"Another day," she said and stumbled for the restroom, tugging at her "I watch out for smoke alarms" nightshirt.

Down in the golden kitchen, fans spinning and radio playing, Harry Mason stood over the stove, pans sizzling and eggs cracking. He slung a dishrag over his shoulder, keeping a keen eye on the cooking show on the counter. A fluffy, small dog ran around Harry's feet, yipping happily.

"I'll feed you right now, Chip," he said, laughing himself. "Or maybe you'd like to try and make these omelets yourself?"

Heather bounded down the stairs, wearing a simple black tank top and jeans. Her tennis skidded on the linoleum and she leaned over the counter beside Harry, brow raised at the sight. "Isn't this, like, the tenth time you've tried to get these omelets, Dad?" she asked with a grin.

He glanced at her, smirking. "It's the sixth, for your information," he said, ruffling her hair. "Good morning, honey."

"'Morning, Dad," she said and turned her attention to the dog. "Chip!" she laughed, dancing around him. "What are you up to today?"

"Hey, stick around and try one of these," Harry said, looking back at her. "I need my number one taste-tester."

"Sorry," Heather said, going towards the kitchen table and grabbing her satchel. "I've got to meet Eileen at the Happy Burger today."

Harry frowned. "I guess it'll just be me and Chip, then," he said, and she giggled.

"I'll eat tomorrow; I promise." She kissed him on the cheek and snatched an apple from the bowl on the counter. "I'll take this to go. See you later!"

"I'll hold you to it!" Harry called after her

"And make sure to write today!" Harry laughed at the remark and watched her from the window as she skipped down the driveway and up the street. He sighed and mustered a weak smile. "Good girl," he said, looking at the photograph nearby, a smiling couple and a young girl between them.


Eileen Galvin sat at one of the tables outside the Happy Burger among a throng of other students. Her bright green eyes sparkled, vibrant, and she pushed some stray strands of brown hair out of her face. She sipped at her milkshake, clenching the straw beneath her teeth.

The morning sky was cloudy, the sun breaking through to her left. As she admired it, Heather plopped down beside her, brandishing her apple. "And look what Miss Galvin is munching on," she said. "That's not the healthiest thing, you know?"

"Shut up," Eileen said, smiling, and the two fist-bumped. "So, what's up, bitch? You're a little late today."

"You're the one who wanted to meet earlier, slut," Heather replied. "Was that milkshake worth it?"

Eileen grimaced. "Not really," she said, shrugging, "but it's okay. It's actually really fucking cold today. I wasn't expecting it."

"You're right," Heather said. "Should've worn a jacket." She eyed Eileen's sweater.

"Jealous, sand-vag?" Eileen asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You wish, sperm-dumpster," Heather said and punched her lightly on the arm. "Come on, let's get going."

The two girls gathered their belongings and headed out to school. Behind them, a small orb of light danced in the air.


He saw her the instant she came into view. In fact, it was impossible not to see her. Her blouse, her floral skirt, her chestnut hair clipped back—he could have pointed her out among a crowd of thousands of people. But those were just details. It was that imaginary light he had come to notice, the one that surrounded her like a nimbus. No one else had that aura, that beautiful aura. He felt a light smile touch his lips. Mary Shepherd. She was beautiful.

Then, as if she could feel his eyes on her, she looked at him. It was nothing more than a passing glance as she went on her way, cradling her books in the crook of her arm, but their eyes locked in that one moment, and she smiled as well.

"Goddamn, James, if you're so in love with the girl stop goggling and go sweep her off her feet already!" James shook his head, struck out of his daze, and looked up at the other boy who was standing beside the bench, his backpack slung over his shoulder and his brunet hair combed messily at the front.

"I'm not in love with her, Henry," James Sunderland replied quietly as he sat straight and adjusted his jacket.

"You could've fooled me," Henry Townshend said as he took a seat beside his friend. "You've been gawking at her like an idiot for the past few months, and I know she's been doing the same to you. Hell, do you two even talk?"


"Don't give me that romantic bullshit about how 'more than enough is said when we look into each other's eyes.' She's obviously into you, so why not go and pick the fruit while it's still ripe?"

James smiled wanly and stood. "I appreciate your help, Henry, but—it just isn't the right time."

"That's the oldest excuse in the book, and you know it," Henry said while doing the same. He peered out at the front expanse of Ashfield High School, shrugged, and turned to the main building. "Let's get going. The bell's going to ring in a couple of minutes."


As they walked on, James sparked conversation.

"So, what about that new camera?" he asked, glancing at Henry as the boy blew out an exasperated whistle.

"Too expensive for the piss I make at Happy Burger, and, of course, good old son-of-a-bitch Will says it's trash," was the bitter response. Henry choked out a broken laugh. "To be honest with you, though, I don't know if I would've had the heart to get rid of ol' Jim."

He stopped and swung his backpack down to their feet. After fishing through it, Henry produced an older camera from the depths, chipped and worn. He frowned.

"Poor Jim. He's dying, James, but he's been faithful."

"How can you tell, exactly?"

"You just can. It's kind of like the relationship between a mother and her child. You can just tell."

The bell rang.


In a nearby diner, hidden in a booth in the corner, a man sneered. He wore a dark coat, a bowler hat sitting atop his long, unruly butterscotch hair. He pushed up his glasses angrily. "To think, it came here of all places. Well, it doesn't really matter. Just a little more of this and—"

A waitress approached him, placing a dish on the table. "Sir, here's your bagel."

The man stared up at her savagely for interrupting him, but he quickly smiled and nodded. As she turned away, he stared daggers at her backside and even fiercer daggers at her rear. He smirked and took a bite out of the bagel.

"Then again, maybe my luck's about to change," he said and left the diner, bagel in hand.


"Hey, Claudia." The girl looked up behind her horn-rimmed glasses, long blonde hair cascading down her neck. She waved meekly at Heather and Eileen as they sat down across from her. The cafeteria was busy around them with talk and laughter. Claudia Wolf pulled her candy-cane sweater tighter around herself and returned to her book.

"Am I the only one who shat some bricks when I saw Davidson's test?" Eileen asked, popping open her milk carton. "It was pretty hard. Half of that stuff we haven't even gone over yet."

"I thought it was kind of easy," Claudia said, and Heather laughed.

"Well, no offense, Claudia, but you're a brain."

Claudia blushed and looked away.

Heather poked at her imitation mashed potatoes with her spork. "Hey, so did either of you hear about that recent murder?"

Eileen squirmed, watching Heather slip the gunk into her mouth. "You mean the one with the numbers, right?" she asked. "I heard about it. Kind of creepy. They haven't caught the guy yet."

"It's been the third one," Claudia said, and the girls remained silent.

"Well, enough about that," Heather said. "I'm going to go piss. I'll be right back."

"Don't forget to apply moisturizer," Eileen said, and Heather stuck her tongue out at her as she hurried towards the restrooms.

Henry and James entered the cafeteria, just barely passing Heather. "Ah, shit. Mondays suck, but this just plain sucks," Henry growled, screwing up his hair in frustration at the crowd. "I'm hungry, man!"

James shrugged and was about to say something when a pale, pink-nailed hand slid onto his shoulder. "Hey, James." The two spun around and were greeted by several girls, the front most of which retracted her hand and giggled. She smiled seductively and brushed her platinum hair away, the tips of which were hi-lighted pink.

"Maria," said James stoically, and the girl giggled again, signaling for her posse to do the same. Meanwhile, Henry could do nothing but roll his eyes in disgust. "Wonderful," he said, "the whore patrol."

"What was that?" snapped the girl to Maria's right. She stepped away from the group and gave Henry a look to equal his own.

"You heard me, Velasquez," he said, "the whore patrol. You're all whores, and you're on patrol. Not too difficult to comprehend."

"Oh, Townshend—" Maria sheepishly swung an arm to bar the girl's path.

"No reason to get riled up, Cynthia. It's pretty obvious that Townshend here is simply experiencing his very first period! How cute!" The group exploded into furious chortling. Cynthia's mouth was a grim line, and she kept her eyes on Henry, who merely waited for the laughing to subside.

"At least I don't parade the information around as if it were a national emergency," he responded coolly, silencing the girls.

Maria seethed. "What are you talking about, you—"

"That's enough," James commanded, stepping in-between the two. "Just go, Maria, and take your gang with you." Maria fumed silently, but the sudden authority in the young man's voice was too powerful to resist, and so she backed away, her posse doing the same.

"This isn't over, Townshend," she warned before storming off and swinging her hips in dramatic fashion. The click of all their heels waned as they left the cafeteria, and Cynthia stole one last glance at the boys, especially Henry, before following.

"Oh, come on, James," Henry whined, "I had that in the bag. It's kind of hard to imagine that she and Mary are twins, though. And what's the same, James, she's after you."

James could only nervously scratch his head.


The restroom was thankfully empty, and Heather quickly climbed into the first stall, pulled down her jeans, and sat down. As her urine drummed against the toilet bowl, an orb of light flew from her jeans pocket and sneezed, sending tiny specks of light in many directions. The orb floated up towards Heather. "Hey!" it called in a high-pitched, ringing voice. "Hey!"

Heather didn't hear, and she stood up, wiped herself off, and flushed the toilet. "Hey, listen to me!" the orb yelled as the girl buttoned her jeans and reached out to unlock the stall door. Aggravated, the orb rushed into her eye.

Heather recoiled immediately, swiping at the air, and finally noticed the floating figure of light before her. She narrowed her eyes. "What—the fuck?" she sputtered, and the little figure growled in annoyance.

"It's about time!" she said. "I've been trying to get your attention forever!"

"Um, am I tripping balls or something?" Heather asked, scratching her head. "I've got to be imagining this."

"No, I'm real!" the little figure said. "My name is Selina! I'm an emissary of the Fairy Queen!"

"The what the fuck?" Heather asked, confused, and the restroom door opened. Two more girls walked in, laughing.

"Be quiet!" Selina said, flying around Heather's head. "We can't talk here!"

Outside the stalls, the girls continued babbling.

"So, like, me and Kelly were at the mall yesterday, and you won't believe who we saw!"

"Oh my gosh, who?"


"No way…"

Heather rolled her eyes, irritated. "Okay," she whispered. "Just let me get out of here. You can do that, right?"

"Okay, Princess!"


At last, the two girls left. Heather let out a sigh and composed herself before leaving the restroom and returning to the table. Eileen and Claudia exchanged glances.

"Took a while brushing out the sand?" Eileen asked.

"Took a while removing the brick up your ass?" Heather retorted.

They laughed, but Heather could feel the prickling at the back of her ear. She was about to stand, but Eileen tensed up.

"What's wrong?" Claudia asked, and Eileen quickly lowered her head.

"Here he comes!" she hissed at them.

Approaching the table was Henry and James, trays in hand. "Fuck, there are no tables left," Henry said. "Keep an eye out for Alex. Usually he has one."

At their table, Heather clicked her tongue. "Oh, my God, Eileen, come on."

Dazed, Eileen slowly raised a hand in greeting. "Hey, Henry," she said as the two boys passed by.

Henry stopped, his brow furrowing, and turned to James. "Did you hear something?" he asked, and James shook his head.


They continued on and Eileen looked back at her friends, red and flushed.

"The douchebag just completely ignored you," Heather said. "I don't get what you see in him."

"He's just—he's just—" Eileen shrugged and shook her head. "I don't know. He's just so dreamy. I guess it's that way he's got about him."

"Eileen, I truly feel sorry for you," Heather said. "As your best friend, it pains me to see you attracted to assholes. You will never be happy."

"At least I'm not some sort of asexual freak," Eileen said, and Heather scowled at her.

"Bitch, you better take that back!"

"Whatever, cunt!"

Claudia looked between the two girls and smiled.


Alex Shepherd looked up to see Henry and James sit down. He then glanced at his own watch. "Not bad, guys," he said. "You've got five minutes to eat that mystery meat."

"Thanks for saving the table," James said.

"No problem," Alex said. "So, what's going on? You two look a little out of it."

"The whore patrol," Henry grumbled, sipping his milk. "That cousin of yours and her squad are a plague on this goddamn school. I get pissed just thinking about them."

Alex chuckled. "At least you're not related to her. But, well, you've just got to live with it."

"Bullshit," Henry said, grinning. "It's a good thing Elle got away from them while she still could. Now look at her—best friends with the good sister and everything. Are they becoming nuns or what?"

"Henry," James said tersely, but Alex laughed.

"I don't think so, man," he said. "I'm just grateful everything's been cool between Elle and me. As for Mary, she seems to be doing okay. At the last barbeque only Maria came."

"Really?" James looked up. "Doesn't Mary always go to those?"

"Yeah, but I guess she must not have been feeling up to it."

"She has missed a few days," James said absently. "I mean—I haven't seen her around very much."

Henry smirked and clapped James on the shoulder. "Alex, you've got to do something. The guy's lovelorn here. Use the power of family and hook him up."

"I wish I could," Alex said, and grabbed his letterman jacket from the seat beside him. "Anyway, I've got to head out. Practice."

"Practice after lunch," Henry said snidely. "Got to love it. Hey, we're thinking about renting a movie after school. Think you can join us at James' house?"

"Sorry," Alex said. "I'm going to have to pick up Josh today after his soccer game. The folks are out of town."

"Maybe next time, then," James said, and Alex left.

Henry smirked. "I guess it's just you and me, Jamesy."


"See you tomorrow, Claudia," Eileen said as the final bell rang and their English class dismissed. In the midst of the crowd leading, Heather heard a familiar ringing in her ear.

"We must speak in private, Princess!" Selina said, and Heather nodded.

"Yeah, yeah. Just wait a little longer—once I get home."

"Are you ready, dick-licker?" Eileen asked.

"After you and the troll living in your bush, bush."

The two girls laughed and left, heading out of the school. As they crossed the school's lawn towards the street, a figure watched them from afar. The man from the diner hid behind a tree, a pocket watch in his hand. "So, little fairy, that's where you are." He smirked devilishly and followed after the girls.


"These movies suck," Henry remarked, perusing the shelves. The rental store was fairly empty, and only a few other customers occupied the aisles. "And all the good ones are taken. Ain't it a bitch."

"Hey, Henry, isn't that your neighbor?" James gestured at the two girls coming in through the entrance. Henry looked over at them and tapped his chin.

"Yeah—I think so. Irene or whatever her name is. Who gives a shit?"

Across the store, Eileen hid behind Heather. "Oh, fuck, bad idea to come here," she said quickly. Heather sighed.

"Eileen, damn it, just go wait outside, then. I'll be right out."

"Okay; good thinking." Eileen skipped out and Heather retreated towards the back of the storey.

"Alright, you can come out," she said, and Selina flew out, coughing and sneezing.

"Your pants are so dirty!" she cried.

"Whatever," said Heather. "Now explain yourself. What are you—why did you come to me?"

"Okay." The little figure flew up and down and around. "I am Selina, an emissary of the Fairy Queen. Every fairy is supposed to seek out the Fairy Princess in case of an emergency, and this is an emergency. The Fairy Queen and all of my brothers and sisters were captured. You see, we are the protectors—"

"Whoa, slow down," Heather said. "Fairies? They exist?"

"Yes! Now listen and don't interrupt me! We are the protectors of the Seal of Metatron—"

"I think that's enough chatting, don't you agree, little fairy?"

Heather and Selina turned to face the man standing at the other end of the aisle. He tipped his hat to them. "Hello, ma'am," he said, smirking. "My name is Vincent. I've come to collect the little fairy here and put an end to this awful day."

"He's one of them!" Selina cried. "One of the Order!"

"The Order?" Heather asked, confused, and the man laughed.

"Come now, I don't want to make the scene. If you come with me, little fairy, I won't have to hurt your friend here—or anyone else, for that matter."

"You won't have the seal!" Selina shouted, and Vincent shrugged.

"Defiant until the end, it seems. Fine, then—we'll see how spirited you are when this girl and her friends and all the people here are crushed like pancakes." The man reached into his coat and produced a small, purple vial. He twisted off the cap and flicked the liquid within to the floor, where it splattered and sizzled, throwing steam from the carpet.

"What's that?" Heather asked, and the fairy bounced about her head.

"We have to get out of here!" she screamed, but the floor was already boiling. The splattered liquid swirled and transfigured into a glowing red symbol, pulsating with heat and intensity. The building shook and trembled, the pentacle expanding.

"I warned you," Vincent said and quickly left.

On the other side of the store, Henry and James grabbed hold of the shelves for support. The other customers cried out in terror. "What the fuck's going on?" Henry demanded, and James pointed towards Heather's direction.

"Look!" he shouted, and Henry followed his finger. Rising from the depths of the darkness was a hulking mass. A long, gray tail whipped out and toppled over shelves, sending movie cases flying. Four legs slammed down, and a giant, elongated head snapped out. The great lizard roared, its humongous maw splitting apart, revealing rows upon rows of sharp, bony fangs. Heather backed away against the wall, frozen.

"Holy—holy shit," she sputtered, unable to move.

"What the fuck is that?" Henry cried, but another roar sent him and James tumbling to the floor. "Is this a goddamn nightmare?"

"Heather!" Eileen screamed, running inside. "Heather, what—"

Eileen let out a terrified yell at the sight of the lizard and fainted on the spot.

"Eileen!" Heather cried out, ready to run to her friend, but the lizard was already upon her, preparing to swallow her whole. Heather shut her eyes, bracing herself for the end—


A bright, golden light shone between the girl and the lizard, driving the beast away. Heather opened her eyes to see a fragmented slab of stone floating before her, surrounded by an aura of light. The slab flashed, transforming into a golden, heart-shaped case. It fell into Heather's open hand.

"What's this?" she asked. "A pocket mirror?"

"Princess, use the seal!" Selina shouted. "Use the power!"

"The power—" Heather said, feeling the light course over her body. "I have to protect all these people!" The light exploded outward, blinding everyone present.

Henry managed to shield his eyes, his old camera in his hand. "I've got to get a picture of this," he said to himself. "Who—"

The bright light dissipated, leaving behind a pink haze. Heather, encased in shimmering light, twirled into the open, the light disappearing around her and revealing bright red gloves over her forearms and blue boots. Her shirt and jeans had vanished; now she wore a white leather one-piece uniform, a pink belt clasping it in place and a sparkling, pink heart emblazoned over her bosom. A pink choker formed around Heather's neck, and a pair of yellow headphones appeared over her ears. Protruding from the top of either headphone was a thin antenna.

"Is that—Mason?" Henry asked in surprise. In the middle of the ruined store, Heather appraised herself in wonder.

"What—what happened to me?" she asked. "What is this?"

"This is the true power of the Seal of Metatron!" Selina told her. "It's the power of the Fairy Princess to become Princess Heart!"

"Princess Heart?" Heather repeated absently before returning to the lizard. Its tail swished over Eileen's prone form, just about to crush her; Heather unconsciously held an arm out, and a glittering, pink barrier surrounded Eileen and deflected the monster's tail.

"I—I did that?" Heather murmured, mystified, but the lizard roared again angrily and swung its head her way. The impact knocked Heather clear across the store, crashing through shelves and through the opposite wall outside.

She stood up shakily, dusting herself off amidst the rubble, but found herself relatively unharmed. "Holy shit, I'm still alive!"

Selina flew up to her. "It's the power of Princess Heart to fight against the demons!" she exclaimed. "You can vanquish it!"

"Fight?" Heather turned back towards the lizard as it advanced towards her.

Inside, Henry snapped photograph after photograph. "This is incredible!" he said. "James, are you seeing this? James?" Beside him, James leaned against the wall, still in a daze.

"What's—what's going on?" he asked, shaking his head, and Henry took him by the shoulders.

"Fucking Heather Mason is fucking fighting some fucking monster! Holy fuck!"

"Heather Mason? What are you talking about?"

The lizard rushed Heather in the middle of the parking lot, aiming for another head butt, but the girl was faster, gracefully flipping over it. She landed behind it, quickly ducking underneath its flailing tail. "This is amazing!" she cried, laughing. "I've never felt better! Now come on, you piece of shit!" She wrapped her arms around the creature's tail and pulled, planting her feet against the asphalt for leverage. The lizard roared but could not break free; with a loud cry Heather spun around and sent it flying through the rental store. It sailed over Henry's head and landed, rubble and wreckage falling around it. A piece of debris knocked Henry's camera to the floor, shattering the lens and severely denting it.

"No, Jim!" he cried, scrambling to pick up the camera amidst the chaos.

The lizard climbed to its feet, wounded and bleeding. Selina buzzed in Heather's ear.

"Now finish it! Use the power of Princess Heart!"

"Finish it," Heather mumbled, and the pocket mirror detached from her belt and enveloped in light. In its place, Heather held a long rod with a large, red gem of a heart on the end. "Princess Heart's power," she said and brandished the rod, sending sparkles into the air.

"By the power of the heart and true love's light, I'm sending you back to hell!"


A swirling, pink aura surrounded the rod, the gem glowing divinely. Heather spun and swung the rod, blasting out a gigantic, blindingly pink heart, full of love. The lizard tried to escape, but it was to no avail—the heart exploded into it, leveling the monster and what was left of the store.

As the giant heart faded, a small little keychain plopped onto the rubble: a little lizard. "I did it!" Heather exclaimed, the costume disappearing in a flash of light and returning to the pocket mirror. She stuffed it into her pocket and hurried over to Eileen, who was slowly coming to.

"Eileen! Eileen, are you all right?" Heather asked, kneeling down beside her friend.

Groggily, Eileen sat up, rubbing her head. "Heather?" she said. "What happened? The store—it's—"

"It's okay," Heather said, relieved. "Everything's fine now. Come on, let's get you home."

As she helped her up and started off, police sirens became apparent in the distance. James and Henry sat among the debris, the former completely befuddled.

"What did I just see?" he said. "Was that—was that real?"

Henry, however, gave no response. He stood, cradling the remains of his camera. "Heather Mason," he muttered under his breath. "Princess Heart. You're responsible for this!"


"Father, I'm home." Claudia entered the living room, where her father, Leonard Wolf, sat before the television, a glass of scotch in his hand. He turned to her, a tall, intimidating man, his short blond hair gelled back. He granted his daughter a brief smile.

"Welcome home, Claudia. Dinner will be ready within the hour."

"Yes, sir." She left to her room, and a phone rang from Leonard's breast pocket. He fished it out and held it to his ear. "Yes?"

"Sir, I—I'm sorry to report that I was unable to retrieve the last seal fragment," Vincent said on the other end.

"And why is that?" Leonard inquired coolly, raising his glass to his lips.

"There—was an unexpected development. The girl—she used the seal's power. She defeated the demon I summoned."

Leonard chuckled. "Is that so? Well, then, Vincent, take heart in what I am about to tell you: it is imperative that we retrieve the seal. You will try again. You will not fail, regardless of whatever or whoever stands in your way. Are we clear?"

"—Yes, sir."

"Good." Leonard pursed his lips. "I am not the one you should be afraid of, my friend. Kaufmann and Dahlia will be expecting results. We are running out of time."

"I understand, sir."

"I'm glad to hear it."

"But, sir—one more question, if you'll let me."

"And what is it?"

"What about—Walter Sullivan?"

Leonard chuckled again, twisting his glass in his hand. "Sullivan will play his part soon enough. You needn't worry. Everything is coming into place."


Suddenly Heather's life is changing before her eyes! As she tries to come to terms with her new-found powers, she must also contend with the mysterious cult, the Order, that is trying to steal it—and will do anything in their power to do so! Meanwhile, Henry Townshend begins his investigation into what exactly Princess Heart is, but what will his quest indirectly lead him to?

Next time on The Whimsical Adventures of Princess Heart!

"Episode 02: The Bubbling Conspiracy!"

See you there!

DISCLAIMER: "Silent Hill" and all material therein are the property of its respective copyright holders