Thanks again to all the people who have given me feedback/ tracked /favoured or anything else on my other stories and possibly this one later. If you guys have any ideas for any of my stories (including this one): Little and In Trouble, What if Sirius let me know. I do allow anonymous reviews, so thanks again and hope you enjoy.

Little Chris Big Trouble

Disclaimer: I do not own anything

Chapter four: Really more spells!

"We've been kicking a child around?" Piper said guiltily.

"No, this can't be real. Phoebe, your emotions must have messed with the spell" Leo said.

"Hey! It's not the spell, it did what it was meant to, it showed who Chris really is." Phoebe argued.

"But maybe Leo right" Piper said.

"What!" Phoebe Yelled.

"I'm just saying you've been kid mad lately" Piper said.

"Piper how can you say that" Phoebe said.

"There is nothing wrong with the spell it gave us the truth about Chris" Phoebe said.

"But it may not have" Piper said.

"Piper" Phoebe yelled.

Paige stepped in. Just then at the same time unknown to anyone Chris started to come round.

"There is an easy way to solve this" Paige said.

Everyone looked at Paige.

"Write a spell to fill in the gap in our knowledge, which is a gaping hole. We don't know about his past and his time, a spell can show us that and also we will see the truth whether Chris really is a kid or not" Paige said.

They heard the sound of orbing and span round to see the spot where Chris, the little 9 year old, had been 2 seconds before.

"Leo" Piper said.

Leo looked at her.

"Go get him before the elders or a demon find him, we need him alive for the spell to work" Piper said exasperated.

Leo orbed out, cursing silently about being stuck on babysitting duty, for the brat a.k.a (in Leo's opinion) Chris. Meanwhile the sisters started working on the spell.


Little did they know they were not the only ones working on a spell. In the future a young man was flicking though the Book of Shadows looking for inspiration for a spell.


After about an hour Phoebe dropped her pen.

"Ok, done" Phoebe said, causing Piper to stop pacing and Paige stopped her flicking through the Book of Shadows.

"Leo" Piper called.

Leo orbed in but unfortunately alone.

"Sorry, couldn't find him" Leo said.

"Don't worry, we don't actually need him here" Phoebe said.

Paige took the spell off Phoebe and started to chant in the attic.


"Finished", the young man said to himself. Don't worry baby, daddy's coming, the young man thought. He started to chant in the attic .

Unknown to both past and future they started to chant spells at the same time.

Paige's spell

"Let Chris's past be known

Bring his life to our home

Reveal his memories

And stop being enemies"

The young man's spell

"Give my words the power to soar

Open up time's door

Take me back to where I'll find

My son in hiding, back in time"

They finished at the exact same time, causing the 2 spells, one going forward in time and one going back in time, to collide and join together.


White light surrounded the young man, same as any other time travel spell, he hoped.


The Charmed Ones and Leo were just about to give up on the spell they cast when they saw white lights appear in the attic.

When the lights cleared they saw a muscled young man with shoulder length blonde hair wearing thin black t-shirt, black trousers and heavy black boots to finish.

Piper looked closely at the young man, he looked so familiar.

"Who are you?" Piper said sternly.

"Don't you recognise me mother?" The young man said adding a too sweet edge to the last word.

"Wyatt" Piper breathlessly gasped in shock.