I might add another chapter sometime in the future if I think of something, but for now this is the last chapter.

Disclaimer: Not mine.

The three shinigami didn't linger at the mansion. Undertaker led the way up the stairs from the cellar, chuckling softly to himself, as William and Grell followed after him. Grell was still handcuffed, and was currently trying to get William to take it off, promising to not run away.

"William, take them off, please?" Grell pleaded, poking William's shoulder with his cuffed hands, "I'll be good."

William moved away a little and said, "No." He didn't want Grell clinging to him at the moment.

"Why not?" Was the whiny response.

"I'll tell you later, be quiet Grell." William responded as he followed after Undertaker through the mansion's front doors.

Grell followed after him in silence, wearing an unhappy pout at not being able to move his hands freely. Why would William want to leave him like that? Grell pondered the thought for a moment, before he started to grin. Grell moved a little more quickly to catch up with William, and leaned up against him lightly, "Does William want to be naughty when we get back home?"

Undertaker paused to stare at the sky, while behind him Grell and William had another mini argument regarding the dark-haired man's decision to keep him handcuffed.

William found himself backed up against the now closed mansion doors, as Grell pressed closer to him with a smile. What was he doing?

Grell grinned a bit at William's tensed posture against the doors, and found it amusing that William was being all defensive. After all, William wasn't the one with his hands restrained. Grell moved a bit closer so he could lean up against the other man comfortably, "Will~iam. What's wrong? You don't look too good right now." Grell smiled toothily, "Was it something I said?" He poked William's closest arm with both hands.

William grabbed Grell's cuffed hands and pulled them away from his body, so that Grell couldn't touch him. William ignored Grell's unhappy whine, and spoke, "Can you behave yourself until we return to my house?"

Grell looked at William for a moment, then said, in a mischievous tone, "Then I can misbehave when we get there?" Grell let out a little yelp as William moved away from the doors and walked down the stairs, one hand dragging Grell along by the handcuffs. Grell stumbled for a moment before getting his footing, and managed to keep in step with William. Grell was about to say something to him, when the red head felt as though someone was watching him. Grell cast a casual glance over one shoulder, back at the mansion. Grell tensed, once he saw Sebastian, who was wearing a white shirt now, glaring down at him from the window of Ciel's office. Grell recovered from the surprise he felt, and returned the demon's glare coolly, before turning and resting his head against William's shoulder, grasping the dark-haired man's right arm with his cuffed hands.


Sebastian watched the reapers leave, deciding that at least he didn't have to deal with them for awhile. That was fine with him. He could now focus on his duties as butler. Sebastian smiled faintly, not facing Ciel at the moment. He was now free to exert some 'punishment' on his young master, for the boy subjecting him to Grell's whims.

Ciel was seated at his desk, eying Sebastian's back warily, as if he expected the demonic butler to try something. He had seen Sebastian's unhappy expression when he had come back from the cellar, and it was all Ciel could do to not wince at the damage Grell had done. At least Sebastian wore pants when he came into the office, but had been pulling the white shirt as he had entered. Without knocking. That made Ciel a little uneasy, and he was careful when giving Sebastian orders. After all, Sebastian had been giving him an unfriendly look. After the orders had been said, Ciel couldn't resist telling Sebastian that he looked awful. The glare sent his way made Ciel quickly drop the subject, and the window became a new source for the demon to glare daggers at.

"Young master..."

Ciel broke out of his thoughts, and slid back in his chair when he realized that Sebastian was leaning over the desk, invading his personal space. When he decided that Sebastian wasn't going to get any closer, for now, he spoke, "Yes, Sebastian?" The smile Ciel received made him concerned, but managed to not show that it bothered him.

Sebastian wore a closed eyed smile, "I must applaud your orders, it seems as though you thought them up very thoroughly. However, may I point out one small thing that you neglected to say?"

Ciel eyed Sebastian suspiciously for a moment, thinking back to what he had told Sebastian. He didn't think that there would be a loophole, with all that he had ordered, but Ciel knew that Sebastian was able to find them if he felt like it. Plus the order of not lying to him made Ciel believe that Sebastian had indeed found some small mistakes in his orders. That being said, did he really want to know what Sebastian had figured out?

Sebastian watched the boy think, and smiled thinly to himself. Children had a lot of curiosity, which meant that Ciel would want to know, sooner or later, "Young master?"

Ciel sighed. Now he was curious. Sebastian had probably been betting on that. Hopefully he wouldn't regret this, "Well, what is it, Sebastian?"

Sebastian's eyes opened as he smiled at Ciel, "Well, young master, you see..."

Ciel watched Sebastian expectantly.

The demonic butler, however, had merely smiled, "It's nothing to worry about, young master."

Ciel gave Sebastian a suspicious look, but then suddenly started to feel drowsy. Why was that? It didn't make any sense. Ciel heard Sebastian say something, but fell asleep.


Ciel woke abruptly, and frowned. Had he taken a nap? Ciel shook his head a little, trying to move but found that he couldn't move very far. He was likely in the cellar, or at least he thought he was, owing to the fact that he appeared to be in a barrel for some reason or another. Maybe he was still dreaming. Ciel twisted a hand to pinch himself, not giving thought at the moment as to why he had to work so hard to move a hand.


Ciel winced. Nope. Not a dream. Ciel scowled. This had to be Sebastian's doing. Ciel reached a hand up to pull the eye patch off and give Sebastian an order, but found that his hands had been tied behind his back. Why had he tied him up? Well, Ciel supposed it was because the demon didn't want him to order him to get him out of the barrel.


"Sebastian! Get down here right now and untie me, you bastard! You think this is funny? I have work to do! I know you can here me!"

Sebastian, hidden in the shadows nearby, decided to let Ciel stay there for a little while while he prepared dinner. Perhaps then the young master would think before giving an order. Sebastian walked off amid Ciel's angry complaints.

"Dammit! Sebastian! You're going to regret this! Let me out now!"

His calls were met with only silence, before it was followed by a curious 'meow'?



There had been no mishaps on the way to William's house, though once inside the house, Undertaker decided to break the news about taking a few days off to William.

William had just unlocked the door and walked inside, frowning as Grell moved past him excitedly, apparently ecstatic about being back in the house. William was about to go and drift off to his office, when Undertaker spoke up.

"Ah yes, William, I forgot to tell you something earlier."

William stopped walking and turned around to regard the gray-haired man. After a moment he spoke, "Yes?"

Undertaker smiled cheerfully at him, "I spoke with the director earlier, and he and I are in agreement that you should take a few days off to recover from your injuries. We didn't want you to make any mistakes when you were in pain." Undertaker kept smiling, and seeing William's unhappy frown, wagged a long-nailed finger at him, "Now, now, no need to get upset. You just get some rest and heal those injuries. I'm sure Grell will make sure that you do so."

William was very unhappy about this announcement, not liking the idea of not being able to work for a few days. He also ignored Grell who had latched himself to his arm again, smiling.

Grell merely clung to William more closely, when it seemed like William might walk off to his office even after what Undertaker had told him. Grell's hands weren't restrained anymore, as William had taken the handcuffs off earlier, no longer able to stand his complaints anymore. Grell was amused that William seemed to be upset about basically getting a mini vacation. Grell would have loved to get more vacation time instead of working so often like he usually did.

Undertaker merely smiled again when William tried to argue, "The director agreed, William, that you need some time off to heal, so there you are. Be good and rest now," Undertaker headed for the door, giving William no time to think of another argument, "I'll come by tomorrow to check up on you two. Don't have too much fun now~." Undertaker left the house, leaving William and Grell alone.

There was a short silence.

Grell saw William glancing longingly in the direction of the office in the house, "You don't have to worry about work for at least two days, three if you can handle it. Bed, now," Grell gently chided, using his freed hands to grab William's. When William didn't move, Grell leaned over and left a quick kiss on his cheek, winking at the other when he turned his head to look at him, "Come on, Will."

William thought to argue, but, still feeling his injuries healing, relented and allowed Grell to lead him to his bedroom. He really was too tired to tell Grell off at the moment. Sleep actually did sound like a good thing. He definitely needed it. William opened the bedroom door and glanced around, trying to decide if he really wanted to change clothing or just sleep in the clothes he was already in. Casting a casual glance in Grell's direction, he decided it would be safer to stay in his current clothes. Grell was starting to grin again, and William didn't want to encourage him by changing into something else. Besides, it was only three in the afternoon. It'd just be a nap.

Grell watched William with a toothy grin, seeing that the dark-haired man was considering his dresser with a frown, as if unsure whether he wanted to change clothing or not. Grell's grin turned into a devious one as he snuck up behind William and leaned up against him comfortably, "William~. Do you need some help?"

William moved away from Grell as he headed for the bed, "No, Grell."

Grell pouted for a moment, before he started to smile and went over to William again, grabbing him by the arm before he could lay down.


"Will, there's blood on your clothing. Do you really want to lay down on a clean bed and get blood stains on it?"

William gave a light sigh as he turned and headed for the dresser. He really didn't want blood on his sheets. It would never fully come out. William rummaged through the dresser, before looking at Grell hovering nearby. An eyebrow raised, "You'll need to change as well. You are covered in more blood than I am." William eyed Grell's hair, "You'll have to wash your hair out too." That distracted Grell, who fretted about how long it would take to dry afterward.

"Will! Do you have any idea how long it takes for me to dry my hair?"

William was unsympathetic as he selected a shirt and pants, "Either clean up or you're not going anywhere near my bed."

Gell's protests died as he thought about what William said, then went into the nearby bathroom without a word.

Well, no words were needed, William supposed, as Grell had sent a suggestive look over his shoulder and wiggled his hips a bit as he basically strutted to the bathroom. William frowned. No man should have been able to wave his hips like that. Damn Grell for being able to make himself look appealing even when covered in dried blood. William shook his head and turned his attention to the clothing he had picked out.

William heard some water running, so he decided that it was safe to try and get his outfit changed before Grell came back out. William fought to get the clean shirt on around his injuries, and had just finished buttoning up the shirt when Grell came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and another towel which he was using to try and get his hair dry. He eventually gave up and tossed the towel aside, shaking damp hair out of his face as he looked to see where William had gotten too. William saw a tooth filled smile as Grell approached him, and wondered whether or not to tell Grell off. After all, he really shouldn't be trying to do anything with his wounds...

"Will~." Grell said as he sat down on the bed next to the dark-haired man, and leaned up against him, "Did you change already?"


Grell tilted his head and looked up at William's face, "Are you all right?"


Grell was about to say something else when he was cut off by William grabbing him by the chin and kissing him.

William released Grell from the kiss after a moment and looked away. He felt Grell's hands playing with the belt of his pants, and grabbed Grell's hands, "Grell Sutcliff, I am going to sleep. Nothing more today. Go find something to wear."

Grell let out an unhappy sigh, but got up off the bed and went through William's dresser. He wasn't exactly happy with what he found, but after a moment of staring at the boring clothing, he pulled out a pair of pants and a white nightshirt. Grell disappeared into the bathroom again, and then returned wearing the clothing, batting his still wet hair irritably.

William found the sight faintly amusing, and was about to settle down in bed when Grell stopped him, smiling again, "What are you doing?"

"Will didn't change out of his pants yet." Grell's smile turned mischievous.

William glared at him, "It is fine as it is, Sutcliff." He had removed the belt when Grell had been in the bathroom a second time in an attempt to make it look as though he had changed. Too bad Grell was good at catching minute details like that.

Grell ignored William and in a few short moments had changed the pants and curled up against William, huddling beneath the blankets as he did so.

William didn't feel in the mood to deal with Grell's smug expression, so he turned him over and pulled him up against his chest, "I want to get some rest. I know you need some more sleep as well, so don't try anything when I'm asleep." He heard the red head giggle, but other than that he was silent. William closed his eyes to fall asleep, but failed miserably due to the fact that Grell was so close by. Thoughts of what happened earlier at the mansion crossed his mind, and he tried to push those thoughts away.

Grell, of course, seemed to be able to pick up anything that was going on near him, "Are you sure you don't want to play, William?"

William tightened his arm around Grell's waist so that the other man couldn't turn over and sighed lightly. Maybe he should pretend that Grelll was a warm pillow. That might help.

Grell was amused with William but didn't say anything else. He let his mind wander for a moment, and wondered what Undertaker was up to when he had left. Probably went back to his shop to work again. Talking to the corpses as he did. Grell shuddered a bit. It was kind of creepy, but then Undertaker was too. It just seemed like he got a kick out of weirding anyone out that he could. Grell smiled a bit when William pulled him closer, moving the blankets so that they were both covered.

Grell decided that perhaps he should get some sleep, but was also wondering what Sebastian was going to do, if anything. Supposedly he couldn't do anything to them for awhile. Maybe he'd go after the brat. Grell entertained the idea for a moment before dismissing it. It wasn't his problem anymore.

Grell, oblivious to what Undertaker and Sebastian were up to, started to drift off, deciding sleepily that he wanted to stay with William for as long as he possibly could. He knew now that William cared about him, in his own way, despite not being very good at expressing how he felt. Grell appreciated the fact that William appeared to be making an effort for him. Grell fell asleep, thinking that tomorrow he'd try and get William to come over to his house, so that they could be alone. After all, William wasn't supposed to be working tomorrow.

William could tell that Grell had fallen asleep after a few minutes, and stared at the back of his head. Oh, he was wearing his glasses. William thought to take the glasses off, but didn't want to wake Grell up in the process. Shaking his head, William rested his head on the pillow next to Grell's. The other reaper used something in his hair so that it smelled far more pleasant than the blood that had been in it before. William let out a soft groan and closed his eyes. He was trying to not think about Grell so he could fall asleep.

Maybe William would let Grell decide what they did tomorrow, in exchange for letting him get at least an hour or two of work done.

I finally finished a chapter story! It would be appreciated if you'd let me know how the story went, so if I write something this long again, I'll know what I can improve on the next time.

Other than that, thanks for reading.