Title: Remember

Rating: PG

Spoilers: Ummm…not really.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the ER staff, which really sucks because well, you know…anyway, I own Lana, Cassidy, and Mr. & Mrs. Davis.

It was going to be a long day. Dr. Dave Malucci could already tell. Things were going slow in the ER. No traumas were expected yet. Dave decided to go into the lounge for a little break. "MALUCCI!" Well, looks like his plans were killed

"Hey chief, what do ya need?"

"What do I need? I need nothing, it's the patients that need our care!" Weaver steamed.

"Ok, chief, calm down, I'm just going to go get a coffee and I'll…"

"No! No coffee. You took a coffee break 30 minutes ago, I think you'll live without this one, don't you?"

Dave grimaced. "Aw, come on chief…"

Dr. Weaver glared at him. "Get to work now, or it'll be your head!" She stormed off.

Dave sighed. He walked over to the admit desk to check out what patients he could see.

Hmmmm… 10 year old, broken wrist.

Dave had always had a soft spot for kids, so he decided to take the little girl. He walked to Exam 3 where he found two girls sitting on a bed and two worried adults pacing across the floor.

"Hello everyone," Dave said, cheerfully, "now, which one of you is Lana?"

One of the girls, who appeared to be the younger of the two, raised her hand, looking slightly nervous.

"Hi, Lana. I'm Dr. Dave and I'm going to be taking care of you today. Now, it says here you have a broken wrist?"

Lana nodded her head.

"Is she going to be ok, sir?" the other girl asked.

"Are you Lana's sister?" Dave asked.

"Yeah," the girl replied.

"What's your name? How old are you?" he said, glancing at her.

"Cassidy, I'm 14," she said.

"Well, Cassidy, it looks like your little sister will be just fine," he said.

"Oh, thank God!" said the woman, apparently the mother of the girls.

"Are you the mother?" Dave asked, with a smile.

"Yes, I was so worried about my little Lana," she cooed, "are you sure she's going to be alright?"

Dave was about to reply when the man said, in a gruff voice, "For God's sake, the man said she'd be fine, Amanda. There's no need to worry." Dave raised an eyebrow and looked at Mrs. Davis.

"Roger, I was just making sure. Please, don't make a scene."

"Make a scene? I'm not making a scene."

"I'm sorry, Roger, it's just…you always do and…" Mrs. Davis started, but her words wore away. She looked at Dave and gave him a weak smile. He smiled back.

"When can she get out of here?" Mr. Davis asked. Dave's smile faltered.

"Uh, well, I'm going to examine her to see if anything else might be wrong, but if nothing comes up, I'm sure you'll be out of here in about an hour."

Mr. Davis nodded. "Is there anyplace to get a bite to eat around here?"

"Well, you could go to the cafeteria, or you could go to the small restaurant across the street, Doc Magoo's." Dave said.

"What do you think, Amanda?"

"Why don't we go across the street, Roger? I think it might be better than a cafeteria…no offense to the hospital, of course," Mrs. Davis said, casting a look at Dave.

Dave chuckled. "None taken, Mrs. Davis."

"Alright then, let's go, Amanda, Cassidy."

"Actually Dad, I wanted to stay here with Lana," Cassidy said.

"I'm sure the doctor has better things to do than baby-sit two girls," her father replied, a slight trace of anger in his words.

"Well, actually, Mr. Davis, Cassidy staying here will be fine. I wouldn't mind." Dave said.

Mr. Davis looked from Dave to Cassidy to Lana, who hadn't spoken a word. "Fine, stay. We'll be back soon." He took Mrs. Davis by the hand and pulled her out of the room.

Dave looked at Cassidy. "Are you OK?" he asked, noticing that she was staring at the ground.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine," she said, turning to Lana, "how are you, kiddo?"

"I'm fine," Lana smiled.

"That's a good girl," Cassidy said, returning the smile. She looked at Dave.

"Ok, well, Lana, I need to examine you a little more. I'm going to check if your breathing's ok, is that alright with you?" Dave asked, tenderly. Lana nodded.

"Good, good," Dave said, "Ok, I'm going to use this, what we call a stethoscope, and test your breath sounds. Can you take a deep breath for me…good, now breathe out, good, breathe in again, and breathe out. Good job, Lana, that was perfect. Now, I have to check your back, OK?"

"No! No, don't!" Lana cried.

Dave look at Cassidy, obviously puzzled, but she was looking at the floor again. She looked up, with tears in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Dave asked. He didn't get a reply. Still confused, he shook his head, and untied the back of Lana's hospital gown. What he saw shocked him.

"I…Lana, how did you get all these bruises?" Dave asked, his brow furrowed.

Lana began to cry. Dave looked at Cassidy again.

"Cassidy, do you know what's going on here?"

Cassidy looked up. She nodded. "He doesn't mean it. He just…sometimes he just gets mad…he loves us, he's always loved us," she began to babble.

"Cassidy…are you talking about…is your dad doing this?"

Cassidy began to cry. "Yes," she whispered through her tears. Dave looked down. He felt the anger bubbling in him. "Is he doing it to you, too?" This time, there was no answer, but he saw a slight nod. Dave nodded back. He stood up.

"I'll be right back, OK?"

Again, another nod. Dave sighed. He walked out of the room. He saw Dr. Greene.

"Hey, Dr. Greene, can I talk to your for a minute?"

"I'm kind of busy now, Malucci, maybe later."

"But, Dr. Greene, I…"

"Take care of it Malucci, come find me later."

Dave sighed in defeat. He saw Mr. Davis walk in. He walked over to him.

"Mr. Davis…where's your wife?"

"She went to the bathroom, why?" he asked.

Dave shook his head. "You disgust me."

"Excuse me? What gives you the right to talk to me like that?" he demanded.

"The fact that you've been hitting your kids! Do you hit your wife too, huh?" Dave exclaimed, getting some looks for the people waiting in Chairs. He didn't care.

"What the hell are you talking about? Who are you to accuse me of hitting my family?" Mr. Davis said, furiously.

"I'm not going to let you get away with it!" Dave yelled. The dispute had caught Dr. Greene's attention, stopping him from his task. He'd been watching the exchange between the men and decided it was time to step in.

"You son of a bitch!" Mr. Davis screamed. That did it. Dave lunged at Mr. Davis, throwing punches, but Davis countered it, kicking Dave in the ribs, throwing him off balance. Mark ran over to the men and pulled them apart, with the help of Security, who had run over as well.

"Dave, calm the hell down!" Mark screamed. Dave stopped struggling and pushed Mark off him. He pointed a finger at Mr. Davis. "You know what you're doing. I'm not going to let you get away with it." Security pulled Mr. Davis away. Dave caught the eye of a woman in front of the entrance. She had tears in her eyes.

"Mrs. Davis…can you come with me?" Dave said, meaning it as more of a statement than a question.

"No, you don't Malucci. Get in the lounge, we're going to settle this."

"But, Dr. Greene, you don't…" Dave started.

"Malucci, get into the lounge!" Dr. Weaver walked over. "What's going on here?" she asked.

"Malucci started a fight," Mark replied.


"No, Chief, you don't understand, I was…" Dave stopped at Dr. Weaver's glare. He sighed. He threw his hands up. He walked toward the lounge. Mark and Kerry looked at each other. Kerry followed Dave. Mark turned to Mrs. Davis.

"Now, Mrs. Davis, if you can just wait here, I'm going to go speak with Dr. Dave. I'm sorry for the inconvenience." Mark walked off before he could get an answer.

He walked into the lounge and found Weaver sitting on the couch and Dave next to the lockers.

"Malucci, what the hell was that about?" he asked.

"Look, Chief, Dr. Greene, you…" he tried to say, but was cut off.

"Malucci, this isn't about us, it's about you and that man. What made you go off like that?" Mark questioned.

"That man was abusing his kids!" Dave said, incredulously.

"Do you know that for a fact?" Weaver asked.

Dave paused. He thought for a minute, about the kids, the evidence, the anger. "Yes," he said.

Kerry nodded. "Mark, maybe we should see what he has to say."

Mark looked at her with a surprised look. "He hit a patient's father, again, I might add, and you want to listen to what he has to say now?"

Dave looked down. "Dr. Greene, he was hitting his kids. I had to do something."

"You do not hit anyone in this facility, no matter what the circumstances are, Malucci," Mark exclaimed.

"Those little girls were getting hit, Dr. Greene!" Dave said. He began to walk out of the lounge. Mark and Kerry looked at each other for a moment and followed him.

"Malucci, you don't walk away like that. Those kids might be getting hit, but you don't handle it yourself! You leave that to Family Services!"

Dave stopped. He turned to face Greene and Weaver. The eyes of Randi, Carter, Luka, Abby, Haleh, Chuny, and Chen were now on the three, but Dave didn't notice. He was too upset to notice.

If only they knew. If they all knew, they would be thinking twice about the way they talked to me.

"Look," he whispered. He coughed. "Look," he said again, "those kids were getting abused. I wasn't going to stand by and let what happened to me happen to those innocent girls too!" he yelled loudly. He took a deep breath. He realized what he had just said. He looked at his friends. Carter, Abby, and Luka were staring at him with their mouths hanging open. Haleh and Chuny were looking at the ground. Randi and Chen were looking at him with a look of deep concern. He looked at Mark and Kerry. They stared at him with shocked expressions.

Oh, God. They know.

"Dave," Kerry whispered, "I'm so sorry."

"Chief, listen, I don't want your damn pity, ok? You, all of you, never thought that stupid Dr. Dave wasn't anything. You thought I was just a fool without a purpose, just looking for people to joke around with. Aren't I right? Can you honestly say that you don't think that all I am is trouble?" He looked around. Nobody said anything. "Just because you don't like me," he began, "doesn't mean I don't have a past. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have patients to see." With that, Dave grabbed a chart from his desk, took a quick glance at Randi and Chen and walked off.