"Puck, you have to wake up!" Sabrina cried. He was lying motionless in the sand, and he didn't seem to be breathing. Sabrina heard someone chuckle. She looked up to see a familiar figure floating above the wide chasm in the ground. His hair and clothes were whipping around in a powerful wind that had suddenly appeared. His eyes glowed, and his hands were surrounded by a fiery blue energy. "It's no use, Sabrina," he said, with a wide grin. "He can't wake up. My new power was too much for him."

Next to Sabrina, the other boy growled and launched himself at the man, wings flapping furiously. But the floating figure just laughed again, and with a wave of one of his hands, a lightning-like bolt of energy shot towards the boy, hitting him square in the chest with a painful sizzle. His wings fluttered faintly in an attempt to stay aloft, but the attack had been too much for him, and he started to fall, right down into the chasm below.

"Nooooo!" the girl who stood on the other side of Sabrina screamed. She ran towards the edge of the canyon, her arm reaching out towards the falling boy. "No, wait," Sabrina cried out to her, but the girl didn't seem to hear. Just as the boy's figure disappeared into the chasm, swallowed by the darkness, she leapt off the edge of the canyon to fall with him.

Sabrina slumped to her knees, and cradled Puck's head in her lap. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. The floating man sighed. "I really didn't want to have to do that," he said, looking down at Sabrina. "But your friends were in my way, and I couldn't allow that." He descended gently, to land firmly by the canyon's edge, and reached out his hand, which the flames had disappeared from, out towards Sabrina. "Now, Sabrina," he said, "will you join me?"

Sabrina glared up at him with tear-stained eyes. "Never."

The man sighed. "Well, then, you leave me with no choice." He raised his hand, which became surrounded by brilliant flames once more, to deliver the fatal blow.