Chapter 1
It had been just two days since my return to the McGowan house. Things had pretty much returned to normal, and the boys were following my rules.
I was lying in bed thinking about the strained relationship between Finn and I, since I had been back. He had barely said two words to me and was acting like nothing had ever happened between us since I 'almost' left. I was still sure I liked him and wanted to be with him but my doubts of him feeling the same thing was continually growing. Deep in my Finn thoughts, I heard a knock at the door. I looked at the clock, ten o'clock. Had I really been lying in bed for two hours thinking about Finn? I smiled, I really did like him. The knock came again and I grudgingly got out of my bed. As I passed the mirror, I noticed my tangled bed head hair and began to smooth it down. As I got the door, I silently wished it would be Finn, I opened and to my surprise it was Evan.
"Morning.." I said a little disappointed.
"Hey. Where you still sleeping?" He grinned his famous smile.
"Uh, No just being lazy. What's up?"
"Well, Jake Turners having a party tonight and I was just going to invite you. You could bring your friend, Aimee is it? And Finn and Doug will probably be there too."
"Oh, ok well… maybe. I'll ask Aimee what she's up too I guess."
"Ok, sounds good. And by the way, you look pretty sexy in the morning." He flashed another smile and started to his room. Leavng me standing there wide eyed.
After I had a hot shower and washed up my face, I went downstairs for breakfast. Passing the basement I could hear shouts and laughing, and the sound of some video game music. Yup, it was Saturday. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of cereal and sat down beside Miller, who was listening to his radio and the Yankees updating scores.
"Morning Miller." I said sliding into a chair across from him.
"Hi Meagan." He said without looking up from his height order arranged food display infront of him.
We sat in silence with the occasional conversation. After twenty mintues, I got up and cleaned up my dishes. Heading up the stairs, I ran into Finn.
"Oh sorry." Finn mumbled.
"Its fine, how are you?" I asked.
"Good, I heard Evan asked you to Jakes party tonight, and you agreed to go with him." He said sulkily.
"Where did you hear that?"
"Does it matter?" He said grumpily.
"Well just to clarify, yeah he invited me to the party but not with him as a date, and I didn't say I was going for sure."
"Oh," he said looking down at his shoe. "That's not what he said."
"Yeah, he's lying…" I began
"I have to go, I'll talk to you later." He said abruptly but not overly friendly. And with that he sauntered out of the house.
Ok, so what the hell was going on? By now, I was sure I was NOT over reacting at Finn shutting me out since my return. The only thing I didn't understand was why. I guess I would just have to go to the party later, and hope to find some answers.
Hope you like it. Feedback please, its my first one so let me know what you think!