Heyy Guys, I have finally uploaded the Sequel, I would of done it Yeasterday but i went to a Concert and it was AMAZING! so anyways heres the first chappy :D hope you's like it

-Lauren xoxo

The Siblings 2

A few months after The siblings took a trip to Condor Studio's They go back to school. Will there be some unexpected suprises?.

Mackenzie's POV

"Kenzie are you ready?, I'm taking you to school today" Chad Shouted up the stairs

"Yeah i'm coming now" I shouted back

I picked up my books and went downstairs to meet Chad. We don't have a uniform at our school so its easier. I am just wearing black jeans, white t-shirt and Grey hoody.

"Good now lets go" Chad said when i got to the bottom of the stairs.

"Fine" i relied


"I'M NOT SONNY!" I shouted and walked outside to his car.

"Someone's not a morning person" i heard him mumble

Makayla's POV

Today was my first day at my new school. But i will be ok because Ashely and Kendall go there.

There is no uniform in this school so I can wear my normal clothes so today I am wearing boyfriend jeans, plain blue tank top, Blue heels with a black charm. For jewellry blue, grey and silver bangels and silver hoop earings and for Make up Grey/silver eyeshadow with eyeliner and mascara and pink lipgloss. (LINK ON PROFILE)

Sonny was taking me to school today and afterwards she has got all the stuff sorted she is going to work.

I went downstairs and founs Sonny and went towards the car so we could go to school.

I got there and evveryone was heading to there first class while we went to the headteacher's office and got me sorted out i got my sheduale my first class was Art.

Mackenzie's POV

I was sat down in Art waiting for the teacher to come, she was always about 20 minuates late anyway so we were all talking. I was talking to Lucas and Cody when Ashley and Kendall came over.

"I can't wait" Kendall squeled

"Can't wait for what" I asked

She was about to reply but Ashley put her hand over Kendall's mouth

"Oh nothing"

I gave her a suspicious look.

"Why can't I tell him?" Kendall asked

"Because just picture his face when it does happen" she said

Kendall thought for a minuate then started giggiling

"I am so not telling him"

"Tell me" I whined


So we carried on talking until the headteacher came in.

"Settle down pupils, I have an anouncement to make"

we all shut up and waited for him to proceed with his announcement.

"We have a new pupil joining today, so be nice to her"

Her, hmmm

"Makayla come in"

Then I saw Makayla walk through the door. Oh my god.

I groaned loudly which I didn't mean to do, and the headteacher looked at me and Makayla noticed me she looked shocked at first then she smirked.

"Is there something you would like to say Mr. Cooper?"

"No sir"

"Very well then your teacher should be here momenterily, Be good" and with that he walked out the door

I gave Ashley and Kendall evil's

"You knew about this" i said in there direction

"Yes we did" Ashley responded

"Hey girls" Makayla said waking over to us

"Hey" they replied.

She looked in my direction and smiled

"Hey Mackenzie, did'ya miss me?"

"Of course i did" i replied sarcasticly

"I bet you did really"

"Trust me no I never"

"What a shame"

"He did miss you Makayla, your all he ever talks about, your name pops up into every sinlge conversation" Lucas interuppted

"No i didn't, No I don't and No it doesn't" I stated.

"Aww see you did miss me, can't blame you though" she said laughing

"Well i bet you missed me" I said crossing my Arms

"Yeah 1% out of 100" she said

"See you missed me too"

"I never denied that and you just admitted that you did miss me"


Then the teacher came in. THANK YOU!

She introduced Makayla and told her were she would be sitting and guess were she sits next to me. oh what joy (note sarcasm).

Art class took forever. I mean seriously why am I being tortued.

Finally it was Lunch, Makayla sat next to Kendall and Ashley and i have no idea what they were talking about.

"Mackenzie?" Cody said

"What?" I asked scared by the tone of his voice

"Yeah now would be the time to hide Brianna just came in"

"Crap erm" I got up and went to stand behind Makayla i bent down and whispered in her ear.

"Makayla you remember Brianna from the mall?"

"Oh yeah your personal stalker i remember"

"Good you know how you pretended to be my girlfriend?"


"I need you to do it again"


"Because she has just spotted me and is coming over here now"

"Oh okay, but you owe me" she said in a sing-song voice

"I know"

"Hey Mackenzie" Brianna said twirling her hair around her finger.

Sooo What do you guys think of the first chappy of the sequel??

-Lauren xoxo