A/N: Here it is, the closing chapter of Daddy's Little Princess. What use to be a oneshot, turned into a 15 chapter story. I'm hoping this chapter won't be too rushed because I have to fit A LOT in here. Here we go, last on... *tear*
(Final) Disclaimer: I do not own the Suite Life on Deck. All characters I have not made belong to Disney.
The next seven and a half months were filled with drama, friendship, and sadly, heartbreak. Brady and Amanda continued to try their long distance relationship, but it ended up failing due to their lack of actual seeing each other in person. They didn't make a huge deal of it, and decided to continue to be friends; texting each other every once in a while to catch up.
Like Kinley had mentioned to Scott, she remained in his life through Chandler; helping her with whatever she needed. Even though they never really decided to be 'friends', they talked and helped Chandler together. They had their disagreements, but all would be sorted out for Chandler's sake.
Chandler and Bentley kept their agreement of friendship, with Bentley giving his promised support to Chandler on a decision with the baby. The decision was between Scott and Chandler, who both wanted to keep the baby, but when it came time to tell Scott's mom, everything went downhill from there. Unfortunately, Scott's mom was offered a lot better job in Phoenix and she gladly accepted, dragging Scott with her. He had refused at first, and they took custody to court, but the judge (for some reason) decided that Mrs. Carrington had control and took him half way across the country.
Chandler was confused and barely had any support from her parents. She needed the advice of ex-boyfriend and her best friend, Kinley. They all sat down and discussed what would be best for both the child and Chandler. After a few phone calls and talks with Scott, he also agreed that adoption seemed like the best option, so they began their hunt for the right family.
After several weeks of searching and interviewing, the 'perfect' couple caught Chandler's heart and they agreed on an open adoption. Pictures would be sent every once in a while and Chandler would be allowed to visit once a month since the family lived in Boston. Everything was set except for one thing: the baby needed to be born first.
Cody, and even Bailey, helped Chandler more than her own parents did. Chandler's father was still very upset with his daughter's decisions. Though Bailey wasn't all too thrilled about helping out at first, she then had sympathy for her son's ex-girlfriend, who had no support from her parents or the father of her child. Bailey reluctantly gave in and was practically Chandler's second mom, taking her to the doctor and making sure she ate right to keep herself and the baby healthy.
The school year flew by fast with the twins turning eighteen and being seniors while Brady's eight grade year meant he turned fourteen. Tests, quizzes, homework, field trips, Homecoming, Prom, doctor's visits, and anything baby-related practically took over Bentley, Kinley, and Chandler's lives.
On one specific doctor's visit, Chandler found out that she would be having a boy, which thrilled the adoptive parents who had wanted a boy. Also, she was told that her due date would be May 28th. This news relieved her because she wanted to give birth before graduation. She didn't want to walk across the stage and get her diploma with a huge stomach.
Unfortunately, it was June 5th, also known as Graduation Day, and there was no baby yet. The ceremony had gone by nicely, as each senior walked across the stage, ending their high school career. After it was all over, Bailey was crying while Cody was taking pictures.
"Smile!" Cody said while holding up his camera. He pressed the button and there was a flash, causing Kinley and a very pregnant Chandler to blink continuously.
"Oh my gosh!" Kinley exclaimed while rubbing her eyes.
"I can't see!" Chandler said exaggeratingly as she laughed.
Kinley laughed as well and gave her a side hug.
"Girls, go find Bentley so we can get pictures of all three of you," Bailey offered. The newly graduates nodded and then walked into the massive sea of blue and gold hats and gowns.
Bailey sighed. "Can you believe it? Our twins are about to leave us!"
Cody smiled. "It will be alright. They won't be too far away, you know."
Also in the past seven months, all three teens applied at many colleges, but got turned down. This greatly upset them, but Cody suggested Boston University. Of course, it was no Yale or Harvard, but it was a decent college with a good amount of teachers that would offer education. The twins and Chandler agreed, each filling out an application and being accepted. Not one of them felt down on themselves for only going to Boston University. They all agreed that they were happy enough to not be at Boston Community College, where 'underachievers' go. Unfortunately, those who did go to BCC were known to not make much of their lives, but many actually did come out and make their marks upon the world. Anyways, all three would be attending Boston University in the fall, which was about half an hour from the Martin's house.
"I know, but it's still the fact that Kinley won't be living with us, but in her own apartment with Chandler... And Bentley on campus! Can you imagine how many parties he'll go to?" Bailey asked worriedly.
"That's college, sweetie; we both went too, and look how we came out? I mean, we went to a few parties here and there, but Zack was the life at each and every one of them and he is pretty successful himself!" Cody informed, putting his arm around his wife's shoulders.
Bailey smiled. "You're right; I think they'll be okay."
Cody grinned back and kissed her temple as Chandler and the twins walked toward them. Kinley pushed her brother toward their parents. "Found him! Now put the leash on him before he runs away again!"
Bentley rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out at his sister. "Whatever, let's just get this over with..." he muttered.
The twins took a couple alone...well, more than a couple when Bailey took the pictures. Then Kinley switched with Chandler so she and Bentley could get a few with each other. Finally, all three stood next to each other with Bentley in the middle. Being taller than the girls, he put both arms around their shoulders and they smiled.
All of a sudden, during one picture, Chandler winced.
"You okay, Channy?" Kinley asked coming to her side.
"I-I don't kn-OW!" she exclaimed, clutching her stomach.
"Cody, Bentley, get the car now," Bailey ordered. The boys just stared at her for a few long seconds. "GO!"
They flinched and ran toward the car as Bailey put her arm around Chandler. "We need to get her to the hospital. She's gone into labor," Bailey informed.
Kinley nodded. "Mom, help Chandler to the car. I'm going to make a call."
Bailey nodded and helped the expecting teen towards the vehicle. Kinley took out her phone and dialed a number. After a few dial tones, he answered. "Hello?"
"Scott," she breathed. "It's Kinley."
"Hey, what's up," Scott asked casually.
"Chandler's gone into labor," Kinley told him. "Do you want to be here for the birth?"
He was silent.
"Uhm, I'm kinda busy right now," he answered slowly.
Kinley's mouth fell open even though he couldn't see. "What? You're too busy to see the birth of your child?" A honk from the car came loudly from the street, signaling that they were ready to get to the hospital.
"How the hell am I suppose to get there Kinley? I'm in frickin' Phoenix and you're in Boston!" Scott shot back.
"I don't know, but if you really cared about this baby, you would find a way! And what ever happen to 'I need to be there for Chandler, no matter what'? Isn't that what you told me when you broke up with me? And now you aren't even here to be for her!" Kinley yelled.
Another honk made her jump. She turned and shouted, "HOLD ON!"
"I had no choice but to move, Kinley, the stupid-ass judge made me go! I'd be there if I could!" Scott protested.
"Then why aren't you?" she asked calmly. He had no answer for that. "You know what, Scott... Don't even bother trying to come because you don't even want to be here. I can hear it in your voice. I don't even remember why I thought I loved you. You're such a shit head that only cares for himself. So, Scott Carrington, you can kiss my ass 'cause I don't even give a damn." And at that she hung up, not waiting for a response... As if there would even be one.
Cody's driving had got them to the hospital in less than ten minutes and Chandler was in a room in less than five. They had all been there for hours, including Chandler's parents, waiting patiently for the arrival of the little one. Later, the doctor called Chandler's mom, the adoptive mom, and Kinley into the delivery room because that's who Chandler had requested.
Soon, there was a new person in the world to add to the 6.5 billion already alive. The adoptive parents named him Thomas Cameron and he was six pounds even. He was perfectly healthy and when they put him in the nursery, Chandler finally got some sleep.
Bentley and Kinley were currently in the cafeteria, eating the 'oh-so appetizing' food that was offered to them.
"So, last few crazy months, huh?" Bentley asked as he stabbed his macaroni and cheese.
Kinley scoffed. "That's no lie." She played with her salad. "Now what? Do we act as if this is in the past and not look back or what?"
Bentley shook his head. "No, I mean, Chandler agreed to an open adoption. He'll still be a part of her life... Our lives..."
Kinley nodded in agreement and nothing else was said for a while. They continued to eat when her phone rang and she answered it. "Hello? Oh, hi Daddy..." She paused and listened to what Cody had to say. "Okay, we'll be up in a minute... Love you too, Daddy."
After she hung up, she looked to her big brother. "Dad says Chandler's awake and she wants to see us."
Bentley smiled and laughed.
"What's so funny?" Kinley questioned.
He stopped and a serious look fell over his face. "You know, after all that's gone on... The fights, the breakups, the drama, the baby, school, etcetera... You've been a suck up to Dad all this time."
"And?" Kinley asked.
Bentley laughed some more. "I guess you'll always be Daddy's Little Princess..."
Kinley smiled and rolled her eyes. "Come on, let's go see Chandler."
They stood up, threw their food away, and made their way to the maternity floor. Bentley nudged the blonde. "You know it's true!"
"Shut up," she muttered before punching him in the arm.
They both laughed as they chased and playfully punched each other all the way through the silent hospital.
A/N: AW! End of story! It's come a long, long way, don't ya think? I would like to thank all of you who are faithful readers/reviewers. Even if you read the story and never reviewed, thanks for still taking your time to read my work. To my AMAZING reviewers: thank you sooo much for all the nice and encouraging reviews! They make me feel sooo happy and like I've done a good job!
Look for more of my work soon; I will be writing more, of course. But as for the trilogy, 'Cailey Road' ( totally just made that up on the spot, and it's horrible! :P), it is now complete.
Thank you all again!
Please, please, please review!