Orange Blossom chapter 3 (unbeta'd)

disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Sakura regretted blowing up Rei's face. If not for any other reason then it caused such a commotion, and attracted a teacher, one that Naruto never heard of, and was currently serving detention for misuse of school equipment, and blowing up a fellow student. Well, it's not like she really blew up Rei, it was only a smoke tag. And after detention, she was to report back to the hospital, just in case she had brain damage or something. She wondered, why, if they were so concerned about brain damage, why she had to first serve detention.

The doctor said something about chakra exhaustion and narcosis something something. Apparently you can get high while recharging your chakra or something. Didn't make much sense to Naruto at all, but then again, he stopped paying attention when the words got too long, so he just drifted off.

Anyway, Sakura was having a bad day, so once she was released from the hospital there was no other choice but Ramen therapy.

"Ok, first off, Ramen didn't need a capital 'R', ramen is not a proper noun, and thus, does not get capitalized. Second, HELLS NO! Your not going to put that slop in my stomach, its oily and fattening." Shouted inner Sakura.

Oh, come on now. I had a shitty day. I'm gonna gets me some Ramen! It's the food of the gods! Besides, we're here, and you can't stop me anyway! Nothing was going to was going to keep him away from his just desserts!

"Fine then, I hope you choke on it! But I get a tea party afterwards!"

You are not getting a tea party!

"If you're getting Ramen, then I get a tea party! You promised!"

No I didn't!

Climbing up onto the stool at the Ramen Ichiraku, Sakura happily ordered a miso ramen, and eagerly awaited the soft, salty noodles. Nearly giddy, as old man Teuchi poured the warm broth over the noodles. Sakura twirled the noodles around her chopsticks and gently blew on them before slowly bringing them past her lips... and nearly choked!

"Hey, hey, you alright there, little miss?"

"They're... they're really salty..." Naruto wanted to cry, Sakura was already in tears. The impossible has happened.

"Ahh, I'm sorry to hear that, little miss. How about some tea, on the house. Ramen can be a bit salty for some people!"

Ramen no longer gave her joy, it was too salty, and oily, and it just didn't taste right anymore. It was dull, bland shadow of its former self that was just so... salty! Why did it have to be so salty? Even ramen has turned its back to Naruto, and he knew... knew at the bottom of his heart that he was now truly alone in this strange, yet so familiar world!

"I'm right here, you know. I can hear your thoughts, stop being so melodramatic!" shouted the inner voice of Sakura.

Sakura was still downcast as she walked into her home. Home, it really was an alien concept to Naruto. In a way, Ramen was the only home that Naruto ever knew. The one constant in his miserably short little life that he knew would never abandon him. Now even that was gone.

And when she mournfully walked quietly up to his room, her mom thought it was because she truly felt bad setting off a smoke tag on that poor girls face! Honestly, what was that girl thinking? She could have hurt that poor Rei. She was a miko-in-training for crying out loud!

"Hey, Naruto, are you... are you alright?" Inner Sakura asked quietly. She felt triumphantly happy at the time that she wasn't going to eat ramen after all. But looking (figuratively speaking) at the body snatcher that became her, she really couldn't muster up the energy to gloat.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Its just... it's like... before... I kinda forgot that I'm this whole other person, I was just me. That I could live me life as I would, or maybe even somehow get my body back. But I'm not really me anymore. I'm not quiet Sakura-chan, but I'm no longer really Naruto either. The Ramen confirms it. I must try to follow my old path as Naruto, but I must venture forth, and start my own path," Sakura whispered to herself outloud.

"Wow, that was kinda introspective. I didn't actually think you had it in you."

"Normally, I'd probably agree with you. But that was before Haku, and Gaara. Before the old man died and Sasuke-teme's betrayal. Before a whole lotta shit that happened. Trust me, there's no way in hell anyone could have lived the life I've lived and not be somewhat introspective. I've seen villages fall, the death of my precious people and zombie apocalypses. But I've also seen enemies become friends, and the whole ninja world uniting together for a singular goal."

Inner Sakura was now in awe at the passion Naruto was speaking with. Is this really the same loud-mouth brat that all the other kids made fun of?

"Even through all that, I've found out that there's something you can learn at any time." A wide grin appeared on Sakura's face. "I knew there was a reason Sakura-chan kept turning me down when I asked her out for Ramen!
A week later...

Sakura was in heaven. Sure, the amount of chakra she now commanded was... significantly less what he was use to. But her control was near perfect, and she was finally fully charged. Heck, with the amount of chakra he use to have to deal with, this controlling chakra thing was now child's play. Kage-bushin was... maybe lost to her now for now, not to mention all of her rasengan varieties. Rasengan, though, she could still do. It was compressed to about the size of a marble, but she could pull it off if she had to. Which she probably couldn't use anyway, unless she can somehow convince this Naruto to show it to her. She wasn't even sure how useful it would be, not knowing how much damage it could do. She dared not test it out because it would lead a distinctive impression. But at least she knew


Sakura blinked, "Yes sensei?"

"If you're just about done day dreaming, perhaps you can enlighten us on the story of Konohagakure's founding!"

"Eh.. heh..."

"Before the great ninja villages formed, ninjas where organized into mercenary clans, the strongest being the Senju clan in the north, and the Uchiha clan in the south, forming what was then the northern and southern borders of." Inner Sakura told Naruto so he could repeat it to the rest of the class. "Konoha proper, where the Hokage tower now stands was the former village Odake, which was chosen because it stood equal-distant from both Uchiha and Senju compounds. The former grounds of the Senju clan compound now houses the Memorial stone, which the Second Hokage donated to the village after his brother died during the first Shinobi War. His brother, who was the First Hokage, is the first name to appear on the memorial. It was only then that the Hokage's residence was moved near the Hokage tower, and all subsequent Hokages have kept up that tradition, though I'm sure it had nothing to do with it overlooking the hotsprings!" The last part Naruto, himself added, to much amusement to the rest of the class.

Taka-sensei's eyes narrowed slightly, "Thank you for that interesting, interpretation." Taka-sensei said awkwardly. Naruto knew she was wondering if old man Hokage was a peeping tom, which he was, but he had his crystal ball for that.

"So, about this tea party..." Inner Sakura mentioned to Naruto

"There's no way in hell that I'm going to a tea party," Naruto inwardly grumbled to herself... her other self...

"Oh, come on, after I helped you out, you just going to leave me high and dry like that? I thought I was your precious person!" Inner Sakura said with a wide-grin.

Inner Sakura was also learning how to push Naruto's buttons. But... but she's right, she did help him out, and she was really growing on Naruto... not that either had much choice... but it was better to keep the inner voices happy... "Fine, we can have a tea party... "

"Invite Ino-chan!" Inner Sakura yelled inside her head. Naruto winced.

Three years later.

Sakura felt guilty every time she looked at Sasuke, she completely forgot about the massacre, though, she doubted there was anything a seven year old could have done anyway, but she could have at least tried. She should have remembered. But memories were coming back slow then, she's still remembering something new every now and again, but how could she forget the massacre of a whole clan!

She also felt guilty every time she looked at Naruto. Given the life he lead the first time around, she could have made thing better for him. Helped him out with his school work or something, played with him at least. But... it was just so creepy every time he asked her out on a date... "I said no, Naruto, how many times do I have to say no!" It must be his karma rearing its ugly head, because nothing else could have been this ironic.

"Oh, come on Sakura-chan, at least tell me why!" whined Naruto.

"Well, he has a point," chimed in Ino-chan. "I haven't really seen you chasing after any of the other boys. Hey, you're not secretly trying to go after my Sasuke-kun are you?"

Man, how I'd love to wipe that shit-eating grin from Ino's face. I knew it was all in good fun, but Naruto's... the other Naruto has been grinding down on her nerves. If one more person

"Come on Sakura-chan, I'll take you out for some Ramen, it'll be great! I've never seen you eat Ramen before, you don't know what you're missing out. At least give me a good reason

"I Like Girls Naruto, alright? Is that a good enough reason not to go out with you?" screamed out Sakura. It was only then Sakura noticed complete and utter silence from the rest of the class. Oh crap.

The whole class was staring at her. Just staring at her with wide, surprised eyes. Which, on a Hyuuga was down right creepy. Even Iruka-sensei was staring. Man, school is totally going to suck today.

It wasn't until lunch when someone finally approached her. Though she could feel the whispers behind her back all day. It was a shy Ino-chan that finally came up to her, "Hey, Sakura-chan, mind if we have a bit of a chat?"

I sighed heavily. I managed to stay friends with Ino-chan for all this time. It probably had to do with never becoming rivals for Sasuke's affection. For all that time, Naruto finally really saw the person Ino would grow into. She brash, fearless, not afraid to speak her mind. But there's a fragility underneath it all. Was that why things fell apart the first time? Did her underlying insecurities help cause the breech between the two former best friends? Would it... would it cause another breech?

"S-sure Ino-ch-chan." I choked up suddenly, wondering if perhaps this might be the last time I called Ino-chan Ino-chan. God damn fucking female hormones. I could feel it making my eyes start to water.

"So... so you... "

"Yes, I like girls, it wasn't something I just said to get Naruto off my back." I tensed up, not sure what I was expecting.

"So, is there anyone you particularly like?" Ino said evenly.

I blinked, still not entirely sure where this was going? "Not really."

"Are you sure you really like girls? Maybe its just a phase?"

I sighed, "No, its not a phase. I'm sure of it."

"So, all those sleep overs we had... did you ever... I mean... you know..."

I blinked, just now noticing how red Ino-chan's cheeks were. "N-no, Ino." Was she afraid I molested her in her sleep or something?

A steely resolve formed over her face. "Well, why no? Aren't I cute enough?"

Huh? "Ino... that's... that'd be like fantasizing over a my sister... if I had one."

A grin sprung up on Ino's face. "So I am cute enough then, aren't I." Huh? "Though at least this way I can be sure you'll never go after my Sasuke-kun!" Ino then laughed good naturally and gave me surrounded me with her arms. "Dork, I don't care if you like girls or not, just as long as you stay away from my Sasuke-kun," she laughed, and I buried my face into her neck unable to stop the tears. I was just so relieved, I never really realized how close she was to me until I started wondering if I might lose her friendship forever. Damn fucking female hormones!

"Hey, lets say we play hooky for the rest of the day. I don't think you're in any shape to return to class."

"Wh-what about Iruka-sensei?" I said inbetween sniffles.

"Oh, let me handle him, besides, he already gave me permission to take you out if I need to." Ino said with a laugh. And that laugh became precious to me too.

I arrive home late that night, after spending the day with Ino-chan getting icecream, then going out shopping. I opened the door to my mother, standing there at the doorway looking stern.

"Is it true?" she said quietly, and cold.


"Is it true? Are you a little dyke? Is that why you wanted to become a ninja? To practice all your little kunochi skills on all your little friend?"

"What? No, I mean yes... yes I like girls but I didn't do it" SMACK

She knocked me right on my ass. "Don't you lie to me, you little bitch! The only reason I sent you there in the first place was so you'd marry into a clan! But you failed me in that as well. Now no more prestige, no more grand babies, and I got a little dyke as a daughter."

She smacked me again. "I want you out of my house you little dyke, and don't even think about every trying to return!"

So, do I lose another precious person? This time to prejudice? No, I wasn't going to just give up that easily, now that I actually had a mom. "It's not like I did this on purpose. Its" Thats when she slammed the door in my face. I banged on the door, "At least let me get my stuff!"

She swung the door open, "You're stuff? Its my stuff, you didn't buy any of it, so you don't get to take any of it. Now leave!" and she slammed the door in my face again.

Well Fuck.

I could hear inner-Sakura crying now. I knew this day was going to suck.

I made my way to Ino's place. Maybe she'll let me stay with her. If not... I'm sure Iruka-sensei wouldn't mind.

"Well well well, if it isn't the little dyke-nin!"

I turned around, it was a bunch of gennin, and a couple of chuunin. Well, triple shit. This day was just starting to look from bad to worse.

Chapter end

Author's note:

After a year and a quarter, I finally updated it. Took me only a day to actually write it. Started earlier today, so it's not beta'd or anything If any mistakes were made, let me know. I know I should have added more scenes with Ami, and her gang, but I just couldn't think of anything. Well, I thought of a few things, but there were a few plot problems, so I had to omit those scenes. If anyone has any ideas, let me know and I might add them on.

Told you it was going to get a bit darker, but it should lighten up soon. There's a reason I ended it the way I ended it. It was to get a particular result... one that shall be revealed... NEXT CHAPTER! BWA HA HA HA HA!

Oh yeah, if anyone wants to write an omake for the tea party...


Ryouga: Lost on Death's Road

"Does that mean that this is all, inside my head?" Harry asked his mentor. He was at Kings Cross, or rather, a terribly clean facsimile. The realm between life and not life.

"Of course it's inside your head, Harry, but that doesn't mean it's not real!" Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his eye, before turning around and vanishing.

"Professor, what should I do?" Harry asked, but he Professor Dumbledore was already gone.
Harry just stood there for a moment, he knew what he had to do. There was still one horacrux left, and he couldn't just abandon his friends. Steeling his resolve, he made a decision, when he heard a voice behind him.

"Excuse me," Harry spun around, not really expecting to see a young Japanese boy... not much older then himself wearing a yellow tunic and bandanna. "Can you tell me how to get to the Tendo dojo?"

Ryouga, for his part, was finally glad to be out of the darkness. He didn't know how long he'd been wandering around there. "Head into the light!" Isn't that what the blonde guy was saying? So when he spotted some light, he tried his very best to stay focused. He might have lost the light a couple of times during the journey, but if Ryouga Hibiki has someplace he wants to go, he'll get there... eventually.

"Not sure I've heard about this Tendo Dojo," Harry replied, "where did you say it was?" Harry could only assume it was some poor soul, who got lost to his own afterlife. After all, Harry never met him before. Then again, Harry didn't really know all the rules about Death's pathway, or if there are really any rules at all. Maybe they were just merely suggestion?

"It's in Nerima, Japan. Just east of Edo, I think," the young man was postulated.

Harry was losing time though, he knew he had to get back to the war. Maybe he could help him afterwards to pass on or something, but right now he had to get back to his friends. "Just follow me, I'm in a bit of rush right now, but I'll promise I'll help you out once I'm able to. Harry really did have a "people saving" problem.

Harry just figured that if he avoided the trains, he would get where he wanted to go. In the mean time, they talked a bit. Turns out the spirit was holding on because of some girl who was dating some arrogant playboy, sounded a bit like Malfoy, so he was all to happy to help out this poor spirit.

"... he spent about 10 years in prison for something he didn't even do, no trial, no nothing!" Harry seethed. He was just telling his new friend. It still hurt, he barely got to know his godfather before he lost him again. It felt good talking about it though, that he didn't even notice that he was no longer on King's Cross. Harry looked around, but his new friend seemed to have disappeared!

No... "NO!" Harry yelled! He ran back the way he came, hoping that it would take him back to King's Cross, and from there, back to the land of the living, when he came upon a stone pillar... Death's Veil. No, the stone was white... maybe this was Life's Veil? The way back? Harry hoped so, but there was only one way to find out. Running full speed, Harry jumped into the veil, and fell.

It was dark, but the fall seemed much slower then it should have. He didn't accelerate as he should have, instead, falling a constant speed in the darkness. Finally, he felt an impact as he hit the ground, and the darkness turned... well, it was still dark, Harry briefly noticed as he coughed up something dark, before falling into unconsciousness.

Harry didn't know how long he floated between consciousness and unconsciousness, but when he awoke, the first thing he noticed was the smell.

It was death and decay, and feces and overripe urine. It took Harry just a moment to realize that that smell was coming from him! He rolled out of a puddle of vomit and excrement before he noticed he was in some cell. No! Was he captured by the Death Eaters while he was out? How long has he been out anyway? He felt impossibly weak, but at least he was awake now.
That's when he heard the door creep open. He turned his head, only to noticed the Dementors entering his room.

"Expecto patronum!" Harry called out reflexively.

The spell shouldn't have worked, by all accounts. Harry had no wand. Right before him though, light began to coalesce into being. Bright blue, four hooves, and antlers.

Harry ran after Prongs, leading him out of his prison. He didn't know how long it took. 10 minutes? An hour? He was finally out though, and Prongs led him to the beach before dissolving into the night. Harry turned his back one last time on Azkaban before diving into the cold water.