"Ah. So there is a reason for all this." Tamaki looked relieved, taking a seat across from Kyouya, who paced the small confines of the study.
"Don't play games with me!" He roared, eyes fierce under his tangled hair.
"Listen, if it's about Haruhi.." He started.
"It's not! You idiot, I bet you don't even remember. You stole her, and I loved her!"
Tamaki was hit by a wave of memory. Beautiful Miyako with her long black hair swirling in the wind, and the day he spoke to her.
"You were there… Look, I thought you were just friends." Tamaki was very pale
"YES, I was there! You knew I loved her, and you fucked her!" A single tear fell to the ground under Kyouya's huddled form. "Right there, in the fountain. You did it to spite me, I know it."
"I thought you were just friends.. You should have told me." His voice was very quiet, but it shattered all of Kyouya's reserve.
"Go to hell, Tamaki. You fucked the love of my life, and I vow to do the same."
"You wouldn't…" The threat still hung in the air and Tamaki couldn't breathe.
"I will." And with that he threw himself at the door, breaking into a sprint down the long hallway, through the dining hall, to the study where Haruhi would certainly be.
The sound of Tamaki running after him made him speed up, and once he reached the door and pulled himself through, he slammed the lock shut and fell in a heap to the floor to catch his breath.
Tamaki pounded on the door, and screamed Haruhi's name. The door broke open after a moment of abuse and hit Kyouya's back, sending him sprawling.
"She's not here. They took her." Kyouya panted, curling up into a ball in front of the fire.
Tamaki stood frozen, staring at Haruhi's book still open on the table and the blanket she was in still imprinted by her small body.
Even with the miles separating them from civilization, Tamaki's enraged roar echoed through the distance.
(WARNING: Lemon ahead! Skip to next 0o0 if ya don't want some~)
The plane rocked and shuddered against the strong winds pummeling it, throwing it's anxious passengers about.
The twins were in a different plane ahead of them. Mori had suggested they go on ahead for "preparation" time, but his intentions were far from that. He was, in fact, surprised they had taken the bait so easily, leaving poor frightened Haruhi in his arms, not theirs, not Kyouya's or Tamaki's, but HIS.
The beat of his heart quickened against her cheek and he nestled his face against her hair, eyes rolling back as her scent stunned him. His hands tightened against her shivering ribs and she looked up with wide eyes into his.
"Mori?" Her voice was worried, "You 'kay?"
Those few, immeasurably cute words sent him over the edge. He pulled her against him savagely, lips crashing against hers. With pleasure, he felt the force of her lips moving brutally against his as well, her arms moving up to the back of his head and pulling him closer and closer until there was no room left, but they longed for more.
He stood with her still locked in the cage of his well-muscled arms, her feet hovering a few feet off the ground, chest moving rapidly against his.
"I'm NOT okay, Haruhi. If I don't have you, I'll never be okay." His voice was a growl, the words leaving his lips just before he bit down on her neck. She gasped and arched against him, feeling the hottest part of him hard and insistent against her thigh.
"Please-" she begged brokenly, panting hard. "Please…"
He swept her onto the long leather seat, the plane still rocking and jumping, making them slide and grind against each other with broken gasps and half-formed pleas.
She quickly removed her dress and threw it into the corner and he growled as his tongue ran up her stomach, his strong hands removing the clasps of her bra. His tongue and lips and teeth locked savagely on her nipple, the electricity and pleasure sending her writhing against him, hips grinding against his leg.
His hands skimmed down her ribs, thumbs massaging their way down her stomach until they reached the edge of her panties, swiftly slipping them down and off of her legs until she stretched bare and radiant beneath him.
He shifted down a bit until she could feel the scalding heat and hardness of him through his pants against the core of her. She whimpered, craving more, rubbing herself against him. His eyes rolled back and he thrust softly against her, growing firmer and demanding more.
Finally, she snapped, tearing at his shirt viciously until it floated down to the floor, exposing the hard, flat plane of his chest, it's sweet golden tint. She ran her tongue from his collarbone to his navel, fingers toying with his waistband, gasping as he thrust harder against her.
He stopped very suddenly, going very still above her save for the rocking of the plane. A very strange look entered his eyes. "I want to be inside of you. I want to hear you scream." He waited, looking down into her dazed expression. "Do you love me?"
She unzipped his pants, pushing down his underwear and all, glancing down with a blush at the extent of his need. The size of him would tear her in two. She arched her hips up against his, the wetness of her calling to him, inviting him in. He closed his eyes with a pained expression, groaning low and deep in his chest as he slid in inch after slow inch. She gasped as she reached her limit, but he kept pushing, pushing in until she was filled completely. She looked up at him and he down at her, both expressions awed and vulnerable.
"I want you. I love you. Take me." She whispered, gaze never leaving his.
"I will." He said, thrusting into her.
I had dropped her off in the twins' limo, but that sure as hell didn't mean I was leaving her with them. I hired a driver to tail their car, planning the whole way to their mansion. I planned to steal her away from everything, take her to some other part of Japan, maybe even out of the country. Somewhere where we could be alone and love each other without fear of the club. She was mine, and she'd stay that way.