Chapter 10

To say they were nervous was an very weak description to the two slytherins. In fact Blaise and Draco were anxious, impatient and afraid. They would meet their mate officially for the first time This evening. And they couldn't wait for the time of the Snapes arrival.

They had returned from school last weeks,they had already agreed that Blaise would at least spend the first month of the holiday with the Malfoys, so they wouldn't have to wait more than was necessary for the identification test. They were surprised when they were both surprised when they were asked strait away to Lucius study, and they found their parents already their waiting for them. Their chock greaw again when they were informed that their head of house had already done the test the last week and he had informed their family of their mate name. They couldn't shake the shock they felt at the name they were told. Elizabeth Snape.

Who was this witch, from what they were told she was Snape oldest daughter, and she was a student in Merlin's Institut in London, who happened to be in her final year. The two boys were spechless from the shock. They had both guessed that their mate was Hermione Granger. All of the clues they had pointed to her. So who was this witch they were told about. They both felt that something was wrong.

' how could she be our mate, if we hadn't meet her befor ? our mate was at Hogwarts for at least three years, and it was just this past year. she is also younger than us, so how can she already have finished school when we have still a year left' asked Draco

He was surprised to see a look of pride and love crossed his father eyes befor he respond' very good observations Draco, yes you're right your mate indeed had been at Hogwart for five years, and not just three, but she had quit it to Merlin Institut. And even if she is younger than you two, she had finished her education with the best marks this past year from what I have heared.'

Blaise had been very quiet until that moment when he said 'but how ?we should have known of her. It would be hard to miss Snape daughter at the school. She couldn't be a slytherins, and to be a Griffindor would be a nightmare for her because they hate her father. Unless ..' he stoped talking and his eyes bacame wide with his surprise 'but how, and why did they hide it, how could Hermione be Snape daughter, he always was mean to her, and didn't treated her differently from the other gryffindores. He was more vicious to her than any other save Potter. So how ?'

The rambling of Blaise was interupted by Lucious.' Very good Blaise, yes your mate is Hermione Granger, and yes she is Severus daughter. It's quiet a long story, and I would told you all I you know about this matter Tonight'.

They had both been surprised by what they were told. The act Severus and Hermione at Hogwarts was very convincing. Nobody had suspected that the gryffindor princess was the daughter of the slytherin head. And yet when they recalled the memories they had at the time, they could see some form of affection and pride in their head of house behavior. Severus with all the insults and name calling had never called her idiot or dunderhead. She was always the know-it- all. Wich would also refer to her intelligence. When he had said that he hadn't seen a difference in her apparence in their fourth year they had all laughed very hard beliving his words were insults, and while they could be, they could also mean that no matter how she looked like, she would always mean the same to the man. Hell he had praticlly told her he loved her in front of them, and nobody had been the wiser. He often ignored her in his class, and never asked her first, humiliating other students instead for their ignorance, and when he would asked her, he would always give her the most difficult questions. At the time all the students had guessed that he did it because of her knowledge and intelligence, but it also proof that he respected her , and would always challenged her with the most difficult tasks, to keep her in tows. It was really a master piece. They had all been fools. They could see it now.

They fear grew as they tought about what their head of house would do to them to pay them back for what they had done to his daughter. Draco more than Blaise because he was often on his ways to insult her. But nontheless, the quiet slytherin would also pay because he hadn't done aything to stop his friend. In fact he had laughed with the others at her expens.

But the real cause of their fear was Hemione herself. They both feared that she would rejected them or accept just the marking to insure their life and then leave them. They both wanted her love, not just to be with them to avoid Azkaban.

Lucius had insured them that she was aware of their conditions for some time now, and that from what her father had told him she was willing to start with the boys from scratch. She was willing to give them chances, and had proposed that they spend some time togheter this summer to know each other better. But they have to wait for her to finish her year.

The week that had followed had been one of the most infuriating for them. They couldn't wait for the time to pass, and when they remembered their concerns, they found that the time passed to quickly. Finally, it was almost the time of dinner and the Snapes would arrive soon. They had wanted to great Hermione at the fireplace, but Lucius had refused, he wanted to give them time to gather themeself, he knew that at the time they would sense her, they wouldn't be able to stop themeself and would both try to assault her, wich will infuriate her father, and frighten her. That's how they found themeself in Draco study nervous, and impatient, when the most beautiful sent invaded their nooses. They knew immediatly that their mate had arrived, and had a hard time controlling themeself. They both couldn't help the toughts that crossed their minds « if it was hard now, how could it be when she reached her maturity, and they won't be able to stop themeself ».

They hurried to the living room where the sent of hermione was coming from. They were surprised at the sight that greated them. There in front them were three purblood supremacists were sitting with the epitome of everything they stood against.

Hermione was talking with Lucius like they were old friend, and Narcissa and Catrina couldn't take their eyes from the young witch. She was very beautiful graceful, and seemed to be very intelligent. She didn't seemed to harbor any previous judgement on them, and was willing to give their sons the chance to woo her.

Severus and Lucius had both agreed that the three of them would need to spend time togheter to know each other during the holiday because come septmber, the urge to mark Hermione would be impossible to fight for the boys, and they needed a willing mate.

Draco and Blaise had arrived just as the two men agreed on a weekly date for the three of them, and they couldn't take their eyes from the girl. She was very beatiful, they both were stunned that nobody had seen her for who she was really, and both were grateful that she was their mate.

They stood in the hallway gaping before Lucius brought them out of their stupor, and they entered the room. They were very nervous about Hermione reaction,but when she smiled nervously to them, they knew that she was willing to try, and both were thankful that they had such caring mate.

The dinner and the conversation afterward were like a blur to them, and all they retained, was that they would meet their mate every weekend, and have to spend an afternoon with her. they had wanted more time, but Severus refused, his princess would spend the rest of her time with him and her brothers.

They agreed on Saturday afternoon, and when the two Snape stood to leave, Blaise asked the question that all of them had in mind

'what about the school year? Hermione had already finish school, but we have to go for our last, and the marking couldn't be postponed untill the chrismats holiday, what will do?'

' well Mia will be at hogwarts next year, she had accepted an aprentiship with me, and would began from now, she will be my assistant and you will be able to see her then. Now for your weekly meeting, you will meet here or at Prince Manor, and for the first month you will meet all togheter, untill your veelas settle on your situation, then you can meet hermione individually, is that clear?' said Severus,

'yes' mubled the two young boys, they had both wanted sometime alone with her, but they agreed that Severus was right, they would put up with this, but don't ask them to wait more. They hadn't touch her today, but they would do it next time.

Autor note

I'm really sorry for the delay, but I had some problems working on my thesis, this chapter was just a transition one, next one will have the beginning of action, and Harry.