*Final Thoughts*

Well, ladies and gentlemen, here it is. Dark Rendition has come to a close.

First of all, thanks to everyone who has followed this journey. It's hard to believe this thing has been ongoing for well over a year but as I put down the final word I was filled with an odd sense of sadness, as if a part of my life had ended as well.

I feel I owe some of you an apology too. Some of you have already let it be known that my cliff-hangers are infuriating and what did I do but leave it with the biggest cliff-hanger of all! My main reasons for this are twofold. First, I simply don't have the strength to begin what would be a whole new story arc and second, I didn't really feel the need to explain what happens during the suicide mission to begin with. My story was always focused more on Shepard's personal journey and relationship with Tali than the events of the game in general though, as you can tell, I got a little carried away at times.

There are so many parts that I wanted to include, from Tali's trial to Mordin's encounter with Maelon. I wanted to work in an entire sub-plot with Miranda and Jacob, as well as expand on the little history I brought up between Zaeed and Thane. In the end though, had I pushed through with all that I would still be writing it well after ME3 had been and gone so I've had to restrain myself.

The story was, from the very beginning, an experiment and one that I never thought would go on this long. I know there are huge inconsistencies in both plot and characterisations but this is to be expected with something that was never planned out and I've made my peace with those. A future 'tidy-up' may correct some of those but I'm more concerned with learning from those mistakes and enforcing those lessons in my future work than re-writing what I've already done. If anything, those mistakes will be there to remind me how far I've come as an author, should the situation arise.

Thanks to all who regularly reviewed the story, you guys really kept me going to the very end and without your feedback, praise and advice I wouldn't have made it even nearly this far.

Special thanks go to Lt Ashler and Demented Assassin, both fellow writers and good friends. I couldn't have asked for better guides and compatriots so thanks a lot, lads.

Most of all though I have to thank TheCrazyRabbidFangirl, who endured all my writers blocks, bad moods and general frustrations and gave me kicks up the backside whenever I was about to give up. My arse still bears the scars but every one of them is worth it.

All of the above are fellow authors so feel free to look them up and check out their own finely crafted works, all of which dwarf my own in terms of quality.

Thank you one and all, and if you are so inclined, please feel free to give Mass Effect: Interceptor a shot. As always, feedback is greatly valued and appreciated.

Keelah Se'lai.


ADDENDUM – April 2013

Did you like Dark Rendition? Were you irritated/appalled/suicidal over the lack of some major plot events? Would you have liked to see more?

Well, my friends, after many, many requests I have relented. Okay, maybe it's also through my own morbid curiosity but the good news is that I have begun to tell Commander Shepard's story from the very beginning.

This is the big one – it includes everything, from a brutal beginning on Torfan to Eden Prime, from Ilos to Horizon and back to Earth again. This is the Mass Effect tale to end all tales and will tell the story of Commander Shepard, his quest against the Reapers and his eventual relationship with Tali'Zorah. The latter will include the beginnings of Tali's infatuation on the original Normandy, their heart-wrenching separation as duty forces them apart after the Collector Base and…well, let's just say you'll be getting a decent ending this time around.

So in short, if you liked this story then start faving/following Mass Effect: Dark Saga right this instant. You won't regret it!