Hello everyone, happy Easter etc, I just happen to have a gift for you mon friendies. In return for what lies ahead I ask that you review, come on I know people are reading this I can see the traffic. Read and review and let me know what you think.
Oh and on a side note this chapter contains a graphic sex scene, so if you're sensitive to that I suggest not reading this. Keep in mind that this fic is rated M.
Chapter Six
Tickets secured and long weekend approaching Liera was so excited to get to Boston, Reid had made no mention of it again and he had soon faded from her thoughts. Nothing could make this better, the thought of diving to Boston at full speed and going to the show, going crazy, made her pulse quicken in anticipation. The only thing that was ruining her euphoric mood was the fact that she still had another day of school. That was a killer and more than once the thought if just skipping and heading to Boston early came to her mind. It pulled at her conscience and her more mature side and yet it sat there in the back of her mind like a predator just waiting for her thoughts to wonder back to the concert, which it would inevitably do, whre it would pounce and attack her thoughts. There it was again; the mere suggestion that she run back to her room and pack a bag and head to Boston. Her family had an apartment there and Tia had already had the keys couriered over and they stared at her from her key ring begging her to do it, just leave and damn the consequences.
At lunch she sat in her usual seat, surrounded by her friends happy and serene in their chit chat but Liera was restless, she tapped her foot in exasperation sitting still had never been her virtue but this was worse. Her hands fiddled and her mind wandered, her friends were getting annoyed with her, they would have to be blind to miss the way she could no longer hold a conversation or even hold a conversation.
"Oh my god. Just leave, what's one day of school. You are seriously driving me crazy" Kate said from behind her salad.
"Yeah normally Li, I would never advocate skipping but it's not like you're learning anything here. Go and get it out your system." Caleb argued.
If Caleb thought it was okay…
"You know what, you're right. I'm leaving after school." She said taking a bit of her previously neglected slice of pizza.
"Thank God" Kate declared, leaning back into Pogue.
Liera looked around in question before turning back to the group "Does anyone know where Reid is?"
"No, why?" Pogue asked
"No reason I was just wondering." No one really bothered with Reid anymore. He was MIA recently and the gang had gotten used to it, rather minus one slut than have two. Her thoughts wandered over to the show. After school Liea had to go back to the dorms and change, pack, load some tunes on her iPod, say bye to Tyler and then she could be off.
Two more lessons. She could do it.
They were the slowest lesson of her life. Liera literally stared at the clock for two hours counting the seconds till freedom. It seemed Einstein was wrong, time went backwards when fun loomed but was just out of reach.
When the bell did ring, Liera was the first one out her seat. Out the door and out of sight. She literally ran to the dorms her keys already in hand. It took every ounce of self control not to just use her way in and out of here, but it would be a needless risk and exposing herself would be foolish now that she was so close. Her room was exactly how she had left it and her already half packed bag lay on her bed. Grabbing whatever she could get a hold of she grabbed her laptop and waited impatiently for the stupid thing to sync with her iPod so she could leave, whatever she didn't have now she could get in Boston. Finally Thundercats were go.
Skipping several steps and landing gracefully on the landing she could see the doors. She didn't say goodbye to Tyler. Whatever. She could phone from the road. The doors were closing in and she burst through them a huge smile on her face, a laugh escaped her as she searched for her keys. The laugh was cut off rather abruptly at the sight that was in front of her.
Reid was leaning on her car, bags at foot, smirking up at her. The smile faded rather quickly as Liera walked over and stopped directly in front of him, their toes nearly touching as she leaned up right into his face. He didn't flinch away from the clearly angry girl in front of him. Instead his smirk stretched and he leaned in a little on his own.
"One. Get off the car, she's worth more than your life. Two. It looks like your going somewhere. Good luck with that." She moved away swiftly and was opening her drivers side door when he grabbed her arm, not forcefully but enough to get her attention.
"Come on. We're going to the same place, thought we'd save the environment and go together." he gave her a smile, a genuine smile and her eyes narrowed slightly in distrust.
"You need a ride don't you, Tyler finally standing up to you?" his smile fell but hers grew as she realised she had hit home.
"It would be selfish to borrow Baby Boy's car and leave him stranded, and I'm not that mean."
"You, mean? Never. Fine get in, lets just go please." she was just revving to leave and beside she could block out Reid. Right?
Once all in the car and bags in the back they made their way out onto the road, on their way to the most amazing underground show in the state. Boston was only 2 hours away roughly 81 miles or 103 kilometres, 2 hours, she could handle it. His feet were on the dashboard he was fiddling with her stereo. She couldn't handle it.
"Get your feet off the dash or get out of my car." She said in restrained sing song voice that anyone who knew her knew it meant imminent doom and destruction.
"Doesn't it hurt?" he asked his voice laced with concern confused Liera turned to him and gave him a quizzical look.
"Doesn't what hurt?" she asked
"Having a stick up your ass full time?" trademark smirk in place as he basked in his moment of win.
"Ha ha you're hilarious." Restraint Liera come on. Don't kill him. Jail is not fun.
"But seriously, what happened to the fun Liera that I met in the bar on your first night here?" he asked his voice betraying the seriousness of his question as he looked from the corner of his eye to see her reaction. She shrugged but didn't look away from the road as she answered.
"That girl, the one who climbed up the side of a building, she grew up. The time for being irresponsible and doing stupid shit with boys she just met came and went for me. This is senior year and at some point we have to realise that this is where we define who we will be in the future" she said in all her seriousness. Reid scoffed and turned away to face the window.
"Thank you, I would love some fries with that large helping of condescension. But seriously Oprah your allowed to be a little bit crazy. We're teenagers, we can blame it on peer pressure or hormones or whatever" Liera laughed, a real genuinely amused laugh.
"Is that what the girls say the next morning. "It was peer pressure, I'm not a slut don't judge me?" that's truly amusing" she chuckled and plugged in her iPod into the docking station and hit play.
Anberlin's cover of 'Enjoy the silence' by Depeche Mode came on and she smiled at the irony. She loved this song and openly sang along ignoring the amused expression of the blonde beside her.
"Depeche mode? Really, my dad like this stuff…"
"It's Anberlin actually but yes I do. The 80's were an amazing time for the music movement, it founded the first of 'electronica' which lead to the birth of what we appreciate today as Electro and Drum and Bass." The song ended and the next one came on. "You know Blondie I never would have pegged you as someone that's into the drum and bass scene, you seem a little on the preppy side. How long have you like drum and bass?" she asked making conversation
"Nice, generalisation much? I happen to always have liked drum and bass and Pendulum since the movie Blade. Voodoo People inspired me." Liera looked impressed.
"And you? You hardly seem the type to mingle with the dirty hippies." Smirking knowingly he lit up a cigarette waiting for her to answer.
"Look who's generalising now. Besides in the U.K it's not so underground. You Americans see drum and bas, trance and electro as this underground dirty thing surrounded by drugs and dodgy rebellious teens, whereas where I'm from its more socially acceptable. As for pendulum that was Tia, my best friend and I, we stumbled into a local hang out and there they were, doing a spontaneous gig. We've been hooked ever since." She laughed at the memory of the two incredibly mashed teens rocking out like idiots to Pendulum in this grotty 'lounge.'
They were half way now and it had eased up a little, conversation flowing naturally and it was easy to see how they had connected when they first met because now that they were away from the place that stereotyped them they were just people. Just friends and it became apparent that they could be friends. The energy between them just worked.
"So are you trying to tell me that your friend, Tia, made you, against your will, have six shots of tequila and dance like a dinosaur?" he laughed "because that seems a little far fetched…" he looked over at her a smile on his face and Liera couldn't help notice how that smile made his eyes light up and she smiled herself.
"So if you don't mind me being nosy Mr. Garwin, where are your parents?" the atmosphere shifted a little colder then at the mention of his parents and Reid paused, his body tensing slightly.
"They live mostly in Boston, come down for major holidays and birthdays but other than that it's just me. And yourself? mommy and daddy send you all the way over here? My spidey senses tell me there's a story in there" conversation shift noted.
"Yeah there is. Much like yours, minus a daddy. Mom has her hands full and I wanted to get away boarding school seemed viable." Liera hoped that the vague answer would sate his interest and they could move on. He seemed to recognise the fact that she wanted to talk about her family about as much as he did. "So… what's going on with you and Tyler?" he asked at point blank leaving Liera in a state of minor shock. "Oh my god, you're subtle. There's nothing there at all actually , he's an awesome but he wouldn't survive, Baby Boy is waaaay to good for me." She laughed it off before continuing "Why? You jealous Blondie?"
He scoffed "Yeah right more like looking out for Ty, there is no way he could handle you… I'm still training him, and you'll just undo all my hard work." Smirk at the ready he seemed proud of this. And Liera just laughed at him Reid had a major ego but he wasn't a complete asshole much to common disbelief. They were nearly there now one more exit and they would be in the round the corner from her parents apartment.
"So where can I drop you off?" Reid's face fell a little but only for a second, "I don't know, where's the closest hotel?" he asked while rubbing his hands together and looking around. "No idea? But I thought you said your parents had an apartment here? Why not just go there?" she asked curiously. He dead panned and looked at her as if she had just developed a tumour on her head that was singing la cacaracha.
"Well firstly, it's a school night they might notice that I'm not at school. Secondly I highly doubt they'll appreciate me gate crashing, I don't even have keys for this place and thirdly I want to have fun and tat generally excludes Gavin and Amy" he looked out the window back on the search for a hotel.
"Ok, well my GPS says there a hotel right around the corner. The Hilton I think, that good enough for ya Blondie?" she asked already on her way.
He sighed dramatically "It'll do" he drawled in his fake British accent mocking her real one. Reid got out the car and made his way inside with vague "I'll call you" as he disappeared with his weekend bag. That boy would be the death of me she thought as Liera made her way two blocks down to her apartment, happy to be out of Ipswich. The apartment was exactly as she pictured it, it was all neo modern living with everything designed to be admired not lived in. "Whatever" she thought aloud "home sweet home" and with that Liera made her way to the master bedroom dumping her stuff down and jumping on the perfectly made bed. The apartment was definitely large and Liera liked the open space, looking through the fridge she found everything empty. She would have to go get some food at some point if she was staying here for the whole four days. Long weekends were a godsend to those in prep school purgatory Liera did not feel like going anywhere, all she wanted to do was take her shoes, off put on her pajamas, have a drink and watch televison till she passed out then it would finally be tomorrow and time to rock out to Pendulum.
Just as Liera was pulling her boots off her phone beeped and a little digital envelope popped up signalling she had a text. Liera just knew it was Reid, here to ruin her perfectly planned evening of solitude and drunken contentedness.
"Let's go get drunk I know how good you are at that"
Prick. But still, did she want to stay in or did she want to go and have fun while in Boston… he did say there would be a drink involved. Fine, she mentally battled with herself but in the end her less intelligent side won and she texted him her address asking him to meet her here and they could go together. He was there in an hour and walked in casually holding a small brown bag. He smiled deviously at her and Liera looked between the bag and him and bowed her head in knowing. This was not going to end well. The bag contained a few things. One was an order menu for an Italian restaurant, the other was a bottle of southern comfort, lime and lemonade and for him a bottle of scotch. Liera hated scotch but she adored soco lime and lemonade…
"I thought we were going out for a drink Garwin?" she said while pouring them a drink. He was on the balcony looking at the view of the city. "We are out" he said motioning to the view. "Ha ha. Cute. Here take it before I gag" she said while hastily handing over the scotch "What? You don't like scotch?" he asked. Liera smiled a ghost and shuddered at the memory. "Actually nosy pants I had a bad experience when I was a girl" she walked back inside to plop down rather ungracefully onto the armchair with her legs dangling off the sides. "I would hope your still a girl…" he smirked while following her in. she gave him a pointed look and he sighed and pit n his horrendously false accent "Continue, please" taking a sip she went on.
"My friend Angie and I snuck into the booze cabinet one evening while her parents were out and drank ourselves stupid and somewhere between me passing out and Angie waking her up with the sound of her vomiting rather close by and me having to call an ambulance so she could have her stomach pumped I don't know, I sort of lost my appetite for scotch" she said while polishing off her first glass and turning to Reid. "Bloody lightweight" he exclaimed and made his way to the bar for a refill.
They continued on like this till the early hours, until both were incredibly drunk and were just finishing up a game of I Never Ever Ever… Liera had asked rather slurred if he had had a threesome and he drank signalling that he had while they both promptly burst into laughter and ended up lying opposite each other on the hardwood floor.
"Tell me something no one in the whole wide world knowshhh" she slurred looking into the blurry eyes o her partner in crime. "I watch Ugly Betty" Liera just looked at him and burst into rib aching laughs at the thought of Reid watching Betty's daily struggles. She was gasping for air when Reid moved closer to whack her on the head for laughing at his confession. They were now lying close to each other, within touching distance but Liera just continued to laugh and laugh and futilely hide the escaping giggles that wracked her body until her drunken mind cold no longer remember what was funny and they subsided. Reid propped himself up with his elow and looked at her "my turn. Whatsshh really going on with you and Baby Boy, becasuhe he's my friend and I love him.." Liera shrugged rather unladylike "Nothin. We just friends, he's gonna be super hot when he's slightly older though. Like Nate from Gossip Girl..." He eyes focused and she got this dreamy look on her face.
"Oh yeah? Prove it" he challenged and Liera shrugged once more "Okay" and with that she pulled in. It wasn't a fantastic kiss, in fact due to the height difference of their heads, with Reid being higher up due to the elbow and Liera having to lift her body in her current state. It was terrible. When Liera pulled away Reid kind of just looked at her for a second. "No. That was terrible" and with that he literally rolled on top of her and kissed her like there was no tomorrow. His one arm held her face and the other supported his weight as he deepened the kiss. Liera responded immediately, sliding her hands up his chest to weave her fingers into the soft hair at his nape as she parted her lips for him in a breathy sigh. He groaned softly against her mouth and his arms tightened around her, driven by her eager reaction. His tongue slipped between her parted lips in a sensual, teasing taste before withdrawing, only to return and move with hers in a way that made her growl in a purely feral reaction to what he was making her feel, and when he tilted his head to deepen the kiss further, she was undone, in her alcohol muddled brain she registered that this was a mistake and yet the thought of stopping only drove her further. She pressed her body against him and felt his toned flesh on top of her as she flipped their position so she was on top.
They broke apart for air and looked at each other, Liera was now straddling him, her long black hair a curtain around them as their gazes met and Liera moved in. She wanted more. It was like she had lost all forms of self control as all the chemistry they had been denying for so long became apparent. Liera knew she knew she had to stop before she lost control. She kissed him like she had never kissed anyone before. It was fierce and hard, her hands gripping and pulling, her nails digging and he liked it, Reid moaned into her and she had to pull away. It took every ounce of self control but she did it. She had to look away from him as she tried to get her control together. If Liera let this continue she knew that she would be in some major hot water, she needed to get out of this without bruising his ego. There were two ways she could go about this. Making her decision in an instant as Reid tried to pull her back in for more she grabbed his hand that was firmly holding her ass and looked him dead in the eyes and leant in slowly, almost painfully slow for Reid who was used to being in control. She teased him by hovering just over his lips. "I bet the couch is a lot more comfortable than the floor…" he smiled devilishly as he leaned in the last inch and kissed her as he made to get up. Liera pulled away as they rose and turned around going off towards the bedroom. She was a lot more sober than she was an hour ago and she managed to make it to her room easily while shutting her door and getting ready for bed. Alone.
Closing her eyes she felt the power surge through her. Whenever her hormones got excited it became harder and harder to control the natural urge to use, she wondered if Reid or any of the other boys had this problem. While Liera as thinking about this from under her duvet she heard approaching footsteps. Butterflies erupted in her stomach but she played it cool, the door opened and in the doorway stood a shirtless Reid looking a little pissed off and surprised to find her under her duvet.
"I thought were going to join me?" he asked not in anger just a question when Liera shook her head and gave him a slightly reproachful look "Don't you think we'd end up regretting it? I don't want there to be any weirdness between us, we get along really well and sleeping together will make it awkward, not just for us but for the entire group." She said in a quiet voice. Hoping that he would just understand and not push the subject.
"Yeah…" and he turned away, walking slowly back to the living room. Liera had expected a bit more of a reaction but right now she was not going to question it. Sighing heavily Liera turned off the lamp next to her bed an went to sleep forcing all thoughts of the blonde he-witch out of her mind and to think only of the awesomeness that will be tomorrow.
Liera woke up early her phone said it was 05:14 and she just wasn't falling back asleep so she got up, got changed into her running gear and went for a run. There was no trace of last night. No hang over or embarrassing marks to let her mind wander, but it did. She thought about how amazing it felt to have Reid on her like that, his body covering hers entirely, it felt so right. As cliché as that is Reid had made her feel amazing, she felt alive and free, wild and sexy it felt good to be wanted like that, she liked Reid she had since the first night they met when she had felt the pull towards him at Nicky's. She couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to have him inside her. She ran faster literally forcing herself to forget that thought. Bad Liera, bad bad Liera. Focus on the road, the tar underfoot. Maybe she just needed to get laid. Maybe tonight at the club she would find a nice piece of man candy and take hat home… maybe.
When she got back there was no Reid. He hadn't even left a note or a text he had just left there was no sign of him anywhere, sighing heavily Liera shook it off and went to shower. Peeling of her sweaty clothes she opened the bathroom door and was stunned. Reid was shirtless once more but this time he wasn't wearing pants either. He was completely naked standing there as shocked as Liera their gazes dropped simultaneously taking in the lack of clothing. Liera thank god had the decency to never walk around naked and was in her underwear but his gaze still lingered on her breasts and slid downwards taking in her curves and toned abs where as Liera's gaze dropped following a rivulet of water that had dropped off his hair and trailed all the way down his abs and further still…
She blushed a charming shade of beet red and turned affording Reid a rewarding view of her behind as she exited the bathroom in a serious haste, closing the door behind her. The rumours were true, she would give him that much. Making her way to the other bathroom carrying everything she would need, she locked the door behind her and showered blushing the entire time. After her shower Liera took her time in coming out, she dried her hair meticulously brushed her teeth, twice, combed her hair, veeted her legs and still when there was nothing left to do she stayed and stared at the door in contemplation. Eventually Liera got irritated with herself, this was her apartment and when she heard the sound of the tv coming on she lost it she walked out her head high and looked over to the blonde laying comfortably on her couch channel surfing. "Nice and comfy I see."
"Why yes, although I could do with a soda" he said not looking away from the tv Liera scoffed and picked up a cushion throwing it with excessive force, I hit him square in the face and he made a satisfying squeal. Liera smiled a cruel little smile that was like ice. "What the hell was that for?!!" he shouted getting up and throwing the cushion to the floor as he stalked forward. Liera was incredulous "What was that for?!! Oh I don't know maybe it has something to do with the fact that you're so cavalier about seeing me almost completely naked. I am not okay with you being here right now." What she was saying was not what she was thinking but he didn't need to know that. Surprisingly enough he just smirked and turned grabbing his coat that was hanging on a bar stool. "You're right, let's go out. There's fuck all to eat here anyway and I want breakfast." He was walking towards the door and Liera thought about it for a second. She was hungry after her run… and there was no food… breakfast could work. Mulling it over a second longer in her mind before relenting "Ugh fine. Hang on let me get my coat and keys." Going into her room once more she retrieved her favourite Burberry coat and put on her customary pair of Mui Mui boots, grabbed her keys and headed for the door. Reid was already in the hall way waiting rather impatiently. "Hurry up! I'm hungry" he shouted as she came into view.
"Shut your face, you're like a child" and it seemed that the awkwardness that Liera had dreaded was gone, they bickered like they always had and ate breakfast in equal spirits. Reid didn't mention the Bathroom Incident and life went on as per usual. The day passed easily enough and the two separated ways once Reid had heard the words "I need to go shopping for an outfit" he had bailed making up some lame excuse about having to visit his parents which Liera knew was a lie but she was happy to have some time on her own to do something she happened to love. Shopping. She found a store that housed all her favourite brands and bought the most amazing pair of black jeggings that hugged every curve of her lower half coupled with a grey loose vest and her leather biker jacket she looked every part of the rocker she was. leaving the store happy Liera made her way back to the apartment to relax before the big night. The apartment was empty and Liera ran herself a bath and relaxed curled her hair, did her make up, go dressed. It was 08:45 when the door bell rang and she got up, barefoot and padded over to the door to see who it was. It was Reid surprise surprise. And he looked even better now he had lost the beanie that he always wore at school but had kept the fingerless gloves that she loved so much. He was wearing dark jeans and a simple white vest with an open hoodie. She moved aside to let him in and she saw the bottle of Jack in his other hand. Shit was getting fucked up tonight.
"Hey, you look nice." She said ushering him inside and going back to applying the final touched to her make up "Don't I always…" he sighed as he made his way to the bar and grabbed to glasses pouring the jack and giving one to Liera straight. Jack had never been kind to Liera but she drank it eager to have a good time tonight. "Are you going to be long because we have to go, doors open at 9" Reid stated as he winced at the jack he had just downed. "yeah yeah your highness, lets go" Liera didn't take a bag because she sure as hell wasn't driving home tonight. She deserved a drink and a drink, or nine, she would have.
The gig was at some underground club called The Cave, fitting as it was literally underground and you had to go into this old ass deserted looking building and take a service elevator down into the earth where there was a kind of reverse loft. It was essentially one huge ass underground hall, there was a bar at the bar stretching the entire length of the room and in from there was a stage fit to hold Pendulum. Liera smirked as she exited the elevator after handing in her ticket she had printed and headed toward the bar to get a beer. But Reid had other plans once they had got to the bar he ordered a royal flush which is six different shots of just about all the alcohol. A perfect start to an evening not to remember, shrugging Liera decided to go with it, she was game, she did the shots gagging on the last one. As it burned a hole through her oesophagus, she hid her cough at the sting of tequila as she gripped her beer and chugged to get rid of the permeating after taste. The opening band had started their set and the sound of drum and bass pulled her to the front of the crowd that seemed to make way for her as she slid through like a cat, Reid followed behind bemused by this woman the music had transformed Liera into. She moved, her body moving to the rhythm Reid watched sipping his own drink as her hips moved in time to the music, they danced together each in their own world yet completely aware of the other's movement. As the night wore on and the opening band came to a close Liera and Reid had moved on to toasting a new friendship with more tequila and then on to the favoured soco and lime. By the time Pendulum came on they were completely smashed, they opened with Tarantula and the crowd went mad.
Liera and Reid went equally mad, the tequila had taken over and they lost all control submitting fully to their primal instincts. They found each other on the dance floor somewhere between the second and fourth song, despite all the others that had hit on them and made their intentions known only to be shot down as they found themselves drawn to each other, touching each other, they couldn't keep their hands off each other's body. They were oblivious to the world around them the music creating their own universe where there was no past or looming future, there was no Ipswich they were just two people that felt the pull whether it be hormones or something else they didn't know and frankly did not care to find out. When Voodoo People came on they were indistinguishable as individuals no one could tell where one body started and the other ended. They had become hat couple at the back of the room common sense hindered by alcohol, one thing became apparent to both of them simultaneously though, they needed to leave. They need to go somewhere more private "Lets get out of here" Reid whispered into Liera's hair and she agreed whole heartedly already tugging on is hand as she made her way back to the elevator Reid close on her heels. As they waited for the elevator he put his hand on the small of her back and kissed his way down the exposed skin of her neck and shoulder, she shuddered under the hot touch of his lips and breath as it tickled her skin. The elevator came and they got in, they weren't alone as it travelled upward and it took every ounce of self control not to rip each others clothes off then and there the rest of the ride back was a blur of mouths and touches in the back of a cab.
Liera fumbled with the apartment keys Reid right behind her, one hand braced on the doorframe as he leaned in, trapping her. The other brushed softly over the back of her neck as he swept her hair aside, his breath fanning hotly, lips barely ghosting against her skin as he hovered over her. Eventually she managed to finally open the door, and then they were inside and it was quickly closed and locked Reid holding up Liera's body pushing her up against the door his lips on hers in need. He needed her as much as she needed him, his teeth grazed her neck and she ground against him making him smirk at her reaction. He lifted up her shirt and Liera returned the favour, to remove the pants they needed to move away from the wall and Liera pushed him back unwrapping her legs from around him. His one hand cupped her covered breast as he ran lazy circles over the sensitive bud with his thumb through her flimsy bra she moans into his mouth as they start to stumble blindly backwards towards the bedroom. Reid undoes the button to her pants and Liera drags her nails downwards from where they were around his neck, down his back, undoing his pants in a frenzy of heat and desire. All of a sudden Reid had spun them around, throwing her onto the bed, this display of male dominance was arousing and Liera let a feral growl escape her as Reid slowly climbed on top of her effectively pinning her under him. she was in only her under wear now as he lowered himself so that their skin touched and in an instant their hands were all over exploring each others bodies, Liera placed hot kisses lowering herself slowly down his chest kissing and licking, nails digging. Her hands wandered to his boxers, she could feel him through them and it made her want him even more. She caressed him through the thin fabric, sliding her hands inside to take him in her hand.
She stroked him, running her thumb over the shaft and over the tip as he entangled his hands in her hair and dipped in to kiss her passionately. This girl made him crazy. Liera smiled deviously as she felt his hands fall to her bra strap and he removed it with the skills he was infamous for. While he was doing that Liera continued her administration increasing speed each time until she could feel the throb in her hand, she wanted him inside her.
"Take off your pants" she ordered in between kisses, she could feel his smirk against her lips "Ladies first" it was her turn to smirk as she got up slightly onto her knees and slid her panties off. Slowly affording Reid a small show, the discarded underwear lay unnoticed on the floor as Reid's gaze travelled over her now completely naked form. She nodded to him and he removed his boxers meeting Leira's heated gaze. She crawled toward him in want, their naked bodies entwining as he entered her slowly. He filled her completely and she let out a moan of ecstasy, entwining her fingers into his hair as shit bit down on his neck receiving a satisfying growl from him her eyes were heavy in passion but she fought to keep them open to watch as she ground her hips into him taking them that much closer to their release. It was coming and Liera could feel the heat pooled in her stomach building until she thought she couldn't take it anymore. The fast paced rhythm they had established was making her breathe heavily, the heat was unbearable and she knew she couldn't take it much longer. Reid too had become erratic in his movements, his hand gripping her hips no doubt leaving bruises. Suddenly she switched their positions. She was on top now as the heat came to a sear and she lost control her body shuddered and she felt it. The power. She couldn't control it her eyes mixed into black she felt Reid shudder under her and felt him empty his self into her, she looked down and was met by the shocked expression of Reid. All traces of the pleasure they had just shard was gone as Reid looked into her black as night eyes.
In one swift movement he threw her off him. Ripping himself from her and bolted from the bed, leaving her there in shock as he stared at her.
"Reid, let me explain! Please" she begged from the bed as she wrapped the sheet around herself and tried to get up.
"Stay the fuck away from me!!" and with that he finished outing in his pants and let his own eyes change to black as he disappeared.
"Fuck" she said out loud as she closed her eyes in frustration and fear that she might cry. She willed her clothes on and thought about where he would go.
His brothers.
Liera was dressed but she still felt dirty, she looked around for her shoes and then did the only thing that she could do in this situation she thought about their meeting place, pictured it, and willed herself their. They were all standing by their appointed places in various stages of undress. The majority were I their pajamas seeing as how it was roughly 3 am. They didn't see her immediately as Tyler stood at an angle to block her out. She had gotten their mid conversation.
"She's a fucking witch!! She's evil and been taking us for the piss!! I am telling you, she's a fucking witch! We should kill her before she kills us" Reid shrieked
"Reid are you sure-" Caleb asked, always the responsible one.
Liera felt it was time to defend herself. "Everything he said is true, except for the last bit" she said and was met by four very shocked pair of eyes.
The silence that followed was suffocating. If only for a second before it was broken by Reid
"I fucking told you so"
Longest chapter yet.
Let me know what you think.
Also I apologise for the errors, it was really early in the morning when I wrote this