Naruto the master of summons






Naruto awoke after having a good nights sleep. He slid out of bed and looked around but noticed that his apartment was suddenly smaller. But quickly ignored it as he went to his bathroom to get ready for the day.

As he reached his bathroom Naruto looked in his mirror and freaked out. First he noticed that he was a few inches taller. About an inch taller then Sasuke and an inch shorter then shino.

Naruto then noticed that his teeth looked sharper. Like razor blade sharp all of them. Then he looked at his body and saw that his body was ripped but still small enough for him to have his maximum flexibility.

Naruto then noticed his hair was longer. About 4 or 5 inches longer making it hang just above his shoulders. Then he felt chakra being drawn to his eyes and noticed he could see things much clearer and could zoom in on things.

'wow what happened? Wait a minute oh yeah these are the powers of my summons, lets see I got the teeth and possibly strength of a shark, speed and stealth possibly of a leopard the eyesight of an owl and also enhanced senses since I can hear and smell things better. Hmm me like.'

Naruto stretched out for a few min. then went and got dressed in his new clothes and got his katana, greaves and gauntlets on. Then he tied his forehead protector around his neck.

"well since im in a hurry I'll just eat something on the way," he grabs a green apple and goes out the door and towards the academy.

Ten minutes later at the academy

Naruto calmly strolled into class and threw away the remains of his apple and walked towards a desk when he saw that all eyes were on him

". . . ummmm hello?" Naruto said, and Kiba Inuzuka being the loudest of the bunch started talking first.

"HEY WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU HERE!!!" Kiba yells out at Naruto.

"what's wrong dog shit? You don't see me in a day and forget all about me?" Naruto says

"N-NARUTO IS THAT YOU???!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Kiba yells

"duh. And can you not yell its kinda hurtin my ears." Naruto says


"dude are you blind." Naruto pointed at his forehead protector.

Kiba then shut up and had a stupefied look on his face. Naruto walked to a desk that had two open seats. The other one had Sasuke Uchiha the famed rookie of the year of their graduating class.

Sasuke looked over at Naruto and scoffed before going back to brooding. Naruto then sat down and right when he sat down the classroom door slammed open where two girls burst in at the same time.

One girl was Haruno Sakura she was the brains of the class and had a big forehead and pink hair with green eyes. She wore a red dress and blue sandals.

The other girl was Yamanaka Ino she was known as the beauty of the class. She wore a purple skirt and a purple shirt that went to a few inches bellow her breasts she also wore bandages all over her and had blonde hair and green eyes.

They both yelled out at the same time, "HA I GOT HERE FIRST PIG/FOREHEAD GIRL!!! I GET TO SIT BY SASUKE-KUN!!!!!!!" they both yelled at each other. Then other girls in the class joined in.

Naruto was about to say 'hi' to his long time crush sakura but then got thinking. 'why do I even like her. She's a bitch and all she does is hit me and yell at me. Plus she's not even that pretty. Hmmm I guess im over her.'

Naruto just sits in his seat quietly thinking about where he could learn some kenjutsu and maybe some taijutsu. But then he noticed a small amount of killing intent being directed at him.

Naruto turned to look and saw all of the females in class. . Well except for Hinata glaring at him.

"Um hi?" Naruto said then sakura screeched,


"um are you people stupid? Im sitting right here and there is a seat between Sasuke and me." All the girls got pissed off for being called stupid but then realized what he said and then all hell broke loose as the girls battled to get to the seat.

Naruto just sighed at there stupidity and lay his head down and went to sleep.

10 minutes later

Naruto woke up as Iruka walked in slowly still in a little pain from the night before. He walks up to the front of the class and looks around and sees sakura sitting next to Sasuke and Ino behind looking angry.

"alright class I would like to congratulate all of you for passing the exam-" Iruka was cut off by sakura


Iruka sighed and said, "yesterday my assistant Mizuki tried to steal the forbidden scroll." he stopped for a second while everyone gasped, "but he was stopped as Naruto fought him and killed him and so the hokage rewarded Naruto for defeating a chunin level ninja by letting him graduate."

Iruka stopped talking and everyone looked at Naruto and saw he was half asleep and they all thought Iruka was lying so that it wouldn't look like he was showing favoritism to his favorite student.

Sasuke deciding to show his ass said, "pssshhh if the dobe here could beat Mizuki then Mizuki must have been asleep."

Naruto just gave him the finger and stayed quiet so Iruka said, "that's enough of that Sasuke. Now I will name out teams. Team1"(skipping all the way to seven cuz nobody cares about 1-6)

"team7 Sasuke Uchiha," Sasuke starts listening, "sakura Haruno," sakura starts screeching about how 'true love conquers all, "and sai." sai was a new kid secretly sent by Danzo to watch the Uchiha, "your sensei will be Hatake Kakashi."

"next is team8 which will consist of hinata hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, and Shino Aburame. Your sensei will be yuhi kurenai."

"team9 is still in rotation from last year so team10 will be Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, and Ino Yamanaka. Your sensei shall be Sarutobi Asuma."

Naruto raises his hand. "yes Naruto?"

"um Iruka sensei you didn't put me on a team." Naruto says

"that's because you are going to be on a team with someone who just joined our village as a genin and your sensei will be Hayate Gekko. Alright all of you go to lunch and when you get back your sensei's will be here. And Naruto you need to go to the Hokage tower to meet your teammate and then both of you come back here."

"okay sensei see ya later." Naruto does a hand seal and disappears in a puff of smoke, making everyone else go wide eyed. 'where did he learn that!?' everyone but Iruka thought.

Hokage tower

Naruto shunshined to the outside of the tower and walked in the tower and up to the hokages office where the receptionist said the hokage was waiting on him.

Naruto walked into the hokages office and saw the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

She had green hair and tanned skin, her eyes were pinkish red her shirt was white and she wore a white skirt, under it she wore fish nets and under her shirt. She had white sleeves on her arms. And she had a pink hair clip in her hair. Finally her forehead protector was tied around her right bicep and white sandals.

She turned to Naruto and smiled at him and Naruto felt as if his heart was going to melt. 'wow she's beautiful.'

Fu's perspective

Fu had left her home village to come and become a ninja of Konoha because her village didn't accept her for being the jinchuriki of the seven tailed horned beetle.

So here she was in front of the hokage and he was about to tell her about her teammate when he walked in. She saw how he was dressed and how he was about half a head taller then her. Then she saw his muscles and almost drooled a bit,

'damn he's hot. Wow I hope he's my team mate!' Just as she thought that.

Normal again

"Naruto good to see you again. I see you've grown a few inches since we last talked. I would like to introduce you to your new team mate Fu. Fu this is Naruto he will be your new teammate."

Fu smiles again at Naruto and walks over to Naruto and says, "hello Naruto my name is Fu I am looking forward to working with you."

Naruto smiles and lifts up her hand and kisses it, "well I can honestly say I am going to love working with you." Naruto winks at her. Making Fu blush.

"w-well thank you. Um so is there anything else hokage-sama?" Fu says to the Hokage.

"yes I want you both to tell each other about your 'conditions.'" Sarutobi said

Both Naruto and Fu immediately got worried and Naruto said, "why old man?"

"because both of your 'conditions' are very similar so why don't you go first." Sarutobi said smiling while thinking, 'maybe I can finally get this boy to have a love life.'

Naruto sighed sadly thinking he had finally found a friend. "well you see I have. . . I . . . I have the kyuubi sealed inside of me." Naruto finally choked out.

Fu was speechless someone else was like her? And he was her hot teammate? This was perfect! Now they had something that they both can relate too!

Naruto felt like he was about to cry because she was so silent and he was looking down so he didn't see her smile but he did here her walk towards him.

"good now Fu why don't you go." Sarutobi said smiling to Fu.

"well I have the nanabi sealed inside of me." Naruto suddenly snapped his head up at Fu and Fu hugged him saying, "so now I finally have someone who understands my pain."

Naruto blushed at being hugged but still hugged her back and would have kept doing it if it hadn't been for Sarutobi making a coughing noise. Which immediately caused them to realize what had happened and they both jumped apart.

"well now that you two have have told your secrets you can go and continue on with that somewhere else." Sarutobi said smirking while Naruto and Fu were beet red. Sarutobi then dismissed them and they walked out of the office then the tower.

Naruto and Fu were quiet for a minute but then Naruto said, "um hey I know this is kinda sudden but would you like to go out with me?"(A/N: people who think this would never happen shut up because asked my girlfriend out the same way when we started dating.)

Fu was taken by surprise by what Naruto and said, "um sure we could get lunch right now then go back to class. How does that sound?" Naruto smiled and nodded, "okay you pick because I don't know anywhere to eat here."

Naruto smiles as he takes Fu's hand and walks with her to his favorite place in the world to eat. Ichiraku's ramen bar.


Naruto and Fu walked into Ichiraku's and Fu smelled something delicious. Behind the counter the cook Ichiraku and his daughter Ayame were making some vegetable ramen.

Naruto smiled at the look in Fu's eyes it was the same look he had in his eyes when he first smelled Ichiraku's ramen. He was thankful for the fact that he got a B-rank mission pay the day before.

"hey old man! I would like three bowls of miso ramen." Naruto says to the old man who smiles at Naruto.

"well hello Naruto coming right up and what about your little girlfriend here?" Teuchi asked. Which right after that there was a clutter coming from the kitchen followed by Ayame running to the front.

"Naruto-kuns got a girlfriend!?" Ayame yelled, she then said, "awww you two look so cute together!!!" she runs up and hugs a badly blushing Naruto. "congratulations!"

"um Ayame-nee-chan this is only our first date. And beside you need to take Fu's order." Ayame just laughed and asked what Fu would like to eat.

"um ill take two vegetable ramens and a miso ramen." Fu said nicely and hungrily.

While their food was being cooked naruto and Fu talked a little bit about themselves. Turns out they are both orphans their villages hate them and they always wanted to be ninjas since they were 4.

They finally got their food and said, "itadakimasu!" then they both dug in with absolutely no grace used in eating the food and were done in one minute.

They both burped at the same time and looked embarrassingly towards the other and then laughed naruto said, "well that was good. But I think we should be getting back to class to meet our sensei."

Fu smiled and nodded and was about to pull out some of the money the hokage gave her. But then naruto said, "I'll get it Fu it was my idea to go on a date anyways right?" Naruto pays for the meal and they leave.

While they are walking towards the academy Fu suddenly grabs Narutos hand and holds his hand. Naruto looks at her and she smiled and moved closer to him.

They finally arrive at the academy and walk in.

In the academy

All of the other students had been back in class for a few minutes and were waiting on their sensei. Some were starting to wonder what happened to naruto. Then the doors opened and Naruto and Fu walked in holding hands.

Most stared at them others just scoffed at them like assholes (coughsasukecouch) they walked over to an open table and sat down with Fu leaning her head on naruto's shoulder.

Kiba was sitting in the back drooling over Fu, hinata was sad that naruto had a girlfriend that wasn't her but still happy for him, and shino was thinking, 'good hinata-chan might finally get over Uzumaki and I can finally ask her out. But I do say Uzumaki and that girl do make a good couple.'

With team10 Shikamaru was asleep, Choji was eating happily, and Ino was happy for naruto but still cautious of the girl as she could try to take her Sasuke-kun from her.

With team7 Sai didn't care either way he was just watching the dickless Uchiha. Speaking of dickless, Sasuke thought it was stupid to have feelings for people because 'holding ties makes you weak.'

Sakura decided to voice her opinions, "hey naruto who's that!? And why is she being all close to you like you're a couple!?" the banshee screeched

Fu decided to speak up, "My name is Fu and I am Naruto's teammate and girlfriend." Fu said aggravatedly.

Sakura laughed, "why would you date that freak. He's nothing but a baka and he is the dobe of the class. But I guess someone as ugly as you woul-" Sakura was silenced as the sound of a thousand birds chirping shut her up.

Everyone looked at naruto who had blue lightning going all around his right hand. Naruto then disappeared and reappeared in front of sakura with his fist poised for the kill.

"say one more thing about Fu-chan. I dare you." Naruto said to her. Fu stood up and walked over to Naruto.

"naruto-kun stop she's not worth it." Fu said, naruto turned and looked her then deactivated the chidori and got out of Sakura's face."

Naruto and Fu were walking back to their table when the door opened again and in walked a sickly looking man, He wore a bandana style forehead protector, and standard Jonin uniform but on his back he has a red handled katana. His name was Hayate Gekko

"Naruto Uzumaki and Fu please meet me on the roof." Hayate said as he disappeared In poof of smoke.

Fu and naruto got up and Fu was about to start walking when Naruto grabbed her hand and made a hand seal and disappeared in a poof of smoke.


Naruto and Fu appeared in front of Hayate while still holding hands and sat down on the steps in front of Hayate.

"Hello how about we get to know each other. Ill go first, My name is Gekko Hayate I like Kenjutsu and my girlfriend Yugao-chan my dislikes are people who say kenjutsu is useless and people who insult Yugao-chan, my hobbies are kenjutsu and hanging with Yugao, my dream is to beat one of the seven swordsman of the mist in a battle. Now you green hair."

"my name is Fu. Just Fu. I like training and Naruto-kun. I dislike people who judge others for something they have no control over, and sluts like that sakura, my hobbies are training and now spending time with naruto-kun. And my dream for the future is to become a great kunoichi." Fu said.

'hmm she seems to like naruto here.' Hayate thinks then says "okay you Blondie"

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, I like training Fu-chan and ramen, my dislikes are the same as Fu-chans, my hobbies used to be pulling pranks but Im quitting that. Now its training and spending time with Fu-chan. And my dreams for the future are to become the greatest hokage ever!!!" Naruto said.

Hayate smiled at their dreams and said, "alright well normally there would be a test to see if you two are worthy to become genin but the hokage ordered me to allow you two to pass." Hayate said.

Hayate then continued, "we are going to become the first full team of kenjutsu users. We will also learn other things like taijutsu nin jutsu and genjutsu. But first im going to teach Kenjutsu so we need to get you miss Fu some type of sword. So what would you like to use?"

Fu started thing for a minute and then said, "um I would like twin kodachi's if that's okay."

Hayate nodded and pulled out a scroll then opened it and there was a storage seal on it. He focused some chakra into the seal and in a poof of smoke two kodachi's one was black while the other was white.

"here you go." said Hayate. He gave Fu the swords and got strange looks from his students, "what?"

"um sensei do you always carry a scroll with swords in it?" naruto said.

"yeah this scroll holds every sword I own in it. Why?" Hayate says

"no reason," naruto says with a sweat drop.

"anyways I will be teaching you the basics it will be up to you to come up with your own style to use. Okay?" Naruto and Fu nod and stand up.

"good. We will start training tomorrow. Go to training field 12. Bye" with that said Hayate shunshins away.