Hermione was enjoying a peaceful breakfast with her mugle parents on Saturday two weeks before school restarted. Hermione was helping her mum cook in the kitchen. It was pancakes and sausage that morning. Her father was reading his mugle newspaper at the kitchen table. Hermione loved Saturdays because her parents had the day off.
"So Hermione are you excited about going back to school?" Her mom asked as she set a plate of pancakes and sausage in front of her husband. He smiled at her and folded up his paper.
"Yea, I can't wait to see Harry and Ron." Hermione smiled as she sat down with her plate. They talked about what Hermione was going to buy for school this year. Hermione took out a list consisting mostly of books. Her mom asked to see the list so she could giver Hermione mugle money that she could get transfered at the wizard bank later that day.
"So are you and your friends going shopping together?" Richard asked.
"That's the plan." Hermione said putting another fork full of pancakes in her mouth. Her Dad nodded his head and continued eating. Their conversation stopped for a seconded as Hermione and her family ate peacefully.
"I can't believe that this is your last year at Hogwatrs." Her Dad said.
"I can't believe it either. Our little girl is growing up. Soon she'll be a Medwitch. Then Hermione will get married and have kids." Jane said wistfully. Hermione rolled her eyes. Her Mom had recently been saying things like this. She made it sound like Hermione actually had a love interest. She and Ron had broken up after Voldemortwas killed by Harry. The only reason that they had even dated was because they felt safe together. There wasn't any flame. No spark, no love. They had only kissed once and that had only really been a peck.
"Mom I'm only 18. I don't think that I will even be going out with anyone this year." Hermione sighed. She didn't think that any of the guys would be interested in her that year. Part of the reason was because Harry and Ron were like her own personal body guards. The other reason was because she didn't even want to be in a relationship that year. Hermione wanted to focus on her N.E.W.T.S. that were going to take place at the end of the year. She would be studying like crazy.
"Well, a mother can hope." She sighed. It was Richard's turn to roll his eyes. His wife could be a little over the top some times. She could normally keep herself under control. Jane huffed at her husband and daughter. She only wanted what was best for Hermione, like always.
"Your mother does have a bit of a point though Hermione. You're always studying, even during the summer!" Her Dad exclaimed, "You need to be a teenager for a while!" Hermione just ignored her Dad and kept eating. They were silent for a long time. Hermione was almost finished with her breakfast when a knock came from the door.
"I'll get it!" Hermione said jumping up and jogging to the door. She opened up the door and half expected Harry, Ron, and Ginny to be there. When the door was opened Hermione was nocked to the ground.
"Ah" Hermione yelped in surprise. Her vision was blurred by red-brown fur. She felt a warm wet tong brush her face.
"Hermione are you okay?" Jane said rushing to the front door, Richard running right behind her.
"I'm okay Mum." she giggled as the creature continued to lick her. Hermione nudged the creature off of her before getting up.
"Hermione that's a, a wolf!" Her Dad said.
"Yea, I guess it is." Hermione laughed. She stood up. Hermione was still taking her care for magical animals class so a wolf at her door wasn't odd in the least bit. Jane and Richard looked worriedly at her.
"Well, it must belong to someone look at it's neck." Richard said pointing to the wolf's neck. Sure enough when Hermione looked she saw a dark brown collar around the animal's neck. Then Hermione saw something in the collar. She looked closer and saw that it was an envelope. Hermione took it out of the collar and opened it. There was a letter inside. She took it out and unfolded it. As Hermione read over it her eyes grew wide.
Dear Hermione,
I hope you can forgive use for our decisions. We want you to know that everything we did was for you. It would brake our hearts if anything were to happen to you. We have recently heard of your involvement with the Order of the Phenix. We are very proud of you Hermione, but we fear for your safety. That is why we have sent this Guardian to protect you. She will also protect your friends and help with your quest to defeat Voldemort.
Please stay safe and know that we love you,
Kimberly and Scott,
Your parents.
"Hermione what does it say dear?" Jane asked as she closed the door. Hermione looked at her mother. Hermione had always known she was adopted. She had figured that her birth parents were muggles as well. But now it seemed that she both of her real parents were wizards. Hermione took a deep breath and handed the letter to her mum. She took it and read over the familiar hand writing. Jane's eyes grew sad. It was time to tell Hermione the whole truth.
Jane showed the letter to her husband and then went into the living room. Richard joined her, reading over the letter as he walked. Hermione looked at the wolf. The wolf looked up at her with big golden, brown eyes. She reached down and petted the soft fur on it's head. Then with the wolf by her side Hermione walked into the living room to join her adoptive parents.
They were sitting together on the couch. Hermione saw the sad looks in their eyes and knew what was come. Most of it anyways. She sat down in the chair diagonally across from them.
"Hermione, we knew your birth parents. They moved into an apartment across form us. We quickly became friends with Kim and Scott. It even got to the point where they trusted us with a secret. They were wizards." Hermione had guessed that much on her own.
"They were the last of a very powerful pureblood family." This on the other hand caught Hermione completely off guard.
"Their family was a very kind one. They did not look down on muggles, halfbloods, or muggle borns. Your parents wanted to stay out of the war but being purebloods that held these beliefs Voldemort wanted them dead." Jane continued to explain, "So your parents had to go into hiding. It was about a month after you were born. They made us your godparents. When Kim and Scott left they gave you to us to keep you safe." She finished.
Hermione sat there taking it all in. It was overwhelming her, threatening to take over her entire being. Suddenly Hermione felt a gentle nudge on her wrist. She looked down to see the wolf trying to get Hermione to pet her. Hermione obliged. The repetitive motion helped her sort through her thoughts. It occurred to Hermione that her adoptive parents were staring at her. She took a deep breath.
"I understand why they did it. It makes me sad but I understand. And I understand you guys not telling me. At least you already told me that I was adopted." Hermione smiled up at the people who had raised her like their own. She noticed that her adoptive parents visibly relaxed and that slight tears had formed in their eyes.
"So what are you going to name her?" Richard asked nodding to the wolf. He was trying to lighten the mood and it was working.
"I was thinking Ginger. What do you think of that girl? Do you like the name Ginger?" Hermione asked her new wolf Guardian. The wolf gave a rather loud bark in reply. Hermione, Jane, and Richard all laughed.
"I guess that means yes." Jane said causing everyone to begin laughing all over again.