Heya everyone! I just want to give a quick shout out of thanks to anyone who has taken the time to read my story!

So as promised, here's Chapter 9. I hope you all enjoy it! So sorry for the wait, I explain at the end=)

Disclaimer: Don't own the characters ~sniffle~ lol

~end Chapter 8~

I managed to hang on for the few seconds that took us to get beamed aboard the Enterprise.

The next thing I was aware of was Bones yelling at me.

"Jeeze Chrise Kid! I told you not to do anything stupid!"

"Missed you to Bones." I managed to garble out before everything went black.

Chapter 9- Finally, The Enterprise!

(Jim POV)

(remember italicized is Jim's inner voice. "italicized" is Jim's thoughts.)

As the darkness loosened its grip, I slowly began to gain consciousness; I pushed, pried, and struggled. At first all I felt was panic. My back, or more specifically, my wings were on fire. However when I tried to cry out, pain filled gasps were all I was able to get out.

You need to heal yourself Idiot. That doctor can only hypo you so much.

"His name's B-bones! And the healing can on-only do so-o much." I whimpered.

It will work better now Jim. I can hel—"

"Shut up…" I moaned.

"Jimmy?! McCoy! I think he's waking up!" I tried to push my eyes open to see who it was to no avail.

"Jim? Can you hear me?" I felt myself get prodded and the undeniable sound of a Bioscanner (not sure of correct name) starting up.

"Readings seem normal but-" I got lost darkness consumed me again.

I wasn't aware of how much time had passed. I knew that it only took me a 10 minutes to heal small injuries, longer time for worse ones. So when I felt a dull throbbing centered along my spine still, I figured I couldn't have been out long.

You should take more time to heal. He berated.

"I need to see what's goin' on." With a slight groan I pushed myself up into a sitting position.

T'lac's family is fine. As is Gaila, Willis, and...Bones.

"How the heck would you know?" I asked curiously. He of course didn't explain. "A-hole."

Wincing, I opened my eyes. The first thing I noticed was a fiery ball of red and angry looking doctor having a standoff. As much fun as it would've been to listen in on them I opened up my hearing to include the whole Sickbay. I needed to know what was going on.

"...readings show low levels..."


"She's dead..."

"...you mean won't wake up? COME ON YOU HAVE TO WA-..."


"nononononono, Saria! Where is she? Wher-"

"Bio-readings show T'lias should be fine..."

"THERE!" Silently I moved through sickbay following the voice that was near T'lac's family.

As I maneuvered through the swarm of people I tried not to actually look at them…That didn't mean that I did not see.

Young and old Vulcans alike were all in different states of shock. Some seriously injured, other escaping with minor bumps and bruises. One kid was trying so hard not to cry as another one stonily stared at a blank wall, showing no emotion. So many had died, and only handfuls lived My breathing became rougher. "Myfaultmyfaultmyfaultmyfault…"

No one expected this James. Do not dwell on what was lost, but what you helped save. He left me to ponder that as I made my way through the survivors.

When I came to T'lac's family I stayed in the shadows watching. The man and women were staring sightlessly at the wall, while T'lias chatted cheerfully with whomever would spare her a few seconds.

I sighed then grinned. She looked just like T'lac had. Her personality was so un-Vulcan, that if not for her physical appearance she could have passed for a different species. Just as I was about to leave, T'lias looked up and a small smile lit up her face.

"James Kirk!" She ran over to hug me. Laughing I picked her up and twirled her around. I ignored the disapproving looks her parents and other various Vulcans gave us.

"Hello T'lias! How's my favorite girl?" She smiled again. We had connected from the moment we met and talked on her destructive planet. She had this…"aura" that she gave off that would lift anyone's spirits even with mass genocide hanging in the heavy air.

"In the 20 minutes 30.7 seconds that I have not been in your presence nothing has changed." I ruffled her hair, before setting her down, then turned to her parents and bowed my head respectively.

"Captain James T. Kirk." The male Vulcan intoned in the emotionless voice that all Vulcans shared. The female simply followed her daughter's every move. With T'lias out of my arms, sorrow enveloped me once again.

"I'm sorry for what you have lost."

"To be sorry for events not committed by you is irrational and therefore illogical." Déjà vu swept through me and just as I opened my mouth to explain what I meant, he held up a hand to stop me.

"However due to letters our…son…wrote detailing humans and their strange behaviors, I, therefore have limited knowledge on humans and their desire to connect. I understand. Albeit 'sorry' is still illogical."

"Ah so this is what T'lac used to mean by his father being 'long-winded'."

No kidding.

"T'lac was a brave Vulcan. He did good in his family's name, and did everything he could so that one day he could make you proud. I grieve for him still." I bowed my head. I watched Mrs. look at me sharply.

"T'lac was my son." She paused, and it surprised me to see a Vulcan actually at a loss for words. "…Logic dictates that I knew him better than anyone. However logical can be made illogical at times." I looked at her in confusion.

"We grieve with you as well Captain James Kirk. Perhaps at some other time we can discuss the means of his death?"

"Eck, callous much?"

Vulcan, idiot.


"Of-course." A loud ruckus caused me to turn. I smiled when I recognized the furious individual barreling towards me. I smirked then turned back to the Mrs. "If you'll forgive me, I think I have a date with hypos to attend to."

They blinked slowly at me, and I took it for Vulcan confusion. With a bow, and a hug for T'lais I went to face my demise, plastering a fake grin on.

"Bones! Good to see you!"

"JAMES KIRK YOU HAVE A HELL-OF-A-LOT OF EXPLAINING! CHRISE KIRK! I'M A DOCTOR NOT A GAWD-DAMN BABY SITTER!" I gave him my best puppy dog eye look, and threw a bandaged arm around him.

"C'mon Bonsey. You know you're not that mad. You just wish you could have been part of the action."

"I've had just as much bloody damn 'action' as you have!" He growled. "I told you to keep your arse safe, and what'd you do instead?"

"Hide aboard a shuttle, fly to Enterprise only to figure out I wound up on the Farragut, helped out some, almost got sucked into a black hole-" I started ticking off on my fingers.

Let's not forget saving the crew of the Farragut and hundreds of Vulcans. I mentally winced.

"Gawd-dammit Jim!" He jabbed a hypo into my neck, making me yell out a curse and rub my neck soothingly. He ignored my glare. "Why can't you simply do as your told?!"

"Aw was Bonesy worried about me?" I smiled. "'Sides what would life be without any risk?" He grumbled some more.

"I'm a doctor not some worry-worter. That's Gaila's job." Bones jabbed a finger behind him, and I felt ice wash through my system. There she was…helping none-other than Stutter. I scowled.

"Why should I care? She already rejected me back at the academy."

Just keep telling yourself that lover boy. He teased.

"F- off." ~zing~ "Ow! What the hell was that for?!" I griped rubbing my neck.

"Don't be such a baby Jimmy." Bones smirked. Then his face soured. "Oh yeah. That spiky eared hobgoblin wants you on the bridge asap. Wonder why?" He taunted me.

I walked away from the sniggering doctor with as much dignity as I could muster. The walk was rather short and gave me time to work my way through my thoughts. He tried helping.

"So many dead."

And yet look at the life saved. A picture of T'lias's "happy" face filled my mind."She's something else isn't she? I don't see how she's even related to those stuffy bastar—"

She is so full of life and peace. You should take lessons from her.

"Couldn't resist insulting me now could you a-hole?" He laughed.


"Are you sure you're my conscious?" The thought struck me suddenly. I laughed internally. "'Cuz it'd be completely impossible for you to be anything else right? I just have an overactive imagination."

What I am is what I am. In a sense I am a conscious. But who is to say I am not more? What is a conscious? A guide? A friend? I have evolved to be a part of you and yet I am my own…

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" I griped irritably.

For now? Nothing to you. It will make sense in time Jim…Aren't you headed for the bridge?

With a curse I turned around, and stepped into the elevator. "A-hole."

You really need some new curses. He taunted. I cussed him out in several different languages. When the doors opened, a hush slowly fell on the bridge.

I internally grimaced, and smirked outwardly at everyone. I could feel the confusion, anger, and loss rolling off of them. I stayed like that for a heartbeat before seeking out Commander KIA. Eventually everyone started up their conversations again.

He was by the Captain's Chair conversing with a cadet who looked familiar… "Ah yes, Uhura. Dam she is one good-looking woman. Of-course she HAD to be Gaila's friend." I scowled. "C'mon don't think about the backstabbin' biotch now Jim."

Wow…you have issues.

"Thank you for that jackarse." By this point my presence had been made known, and they were staring at me expectantly. Although I noted that Uhura looked uncomfortable and slightly fearful. I kept my fake smirk on and started talking.

We exchanged pleasantries… well they did, I pretty much smarted off. Commander KIA and Uhura started goin' at it again, while my attention drifted. It was like no one knew what to do. My gaze landed on a man that looked vaguely familiar.

"Do I know you?" I walked over to an Asian looking man with black hair. He stared at me blankly.


"Then wha—?"

He's the man you saved genius.

"Oops…Hey! Shud-up A-hole!"

Really, again?

"My name's Hikaru Sulu…I'm the ship's helmsman." I held out my hand, grumbling still in my head, while He laughed.

"Jim. Jim Kirk." I watched his eyes widen in recognition and winced internally.

"You're the one that Captain Pike made first officer." I nodded grimacing slightly.

"Yah…that's right."

"You are ze Kirk? Ze one who vaz put on leave, da?" I nodded tersely.

"And you are?" I asked a little rudely.

"Enzign Chekov. Pavel Andreievich Sir. Nawigator of ze USS Enterprize."


"Jeeze, how old is this kid?"

Admit it, you think accent is awesome.

"Meh. Whatever."

"Zo I heard zat we are going to ze Lambodia (can't remember if that's right) Zyztem." Sulu's and Chekov pulled me out of my thoughts.

"What else are we supposed to do after a time jumping crazy alien threatens to blow up our planet?"

"What the hell are you to talkin' about?" I demanded.

"'Vell Comman—er Keptain Spock zaid zat Nero is from a different Uniwerse, and zo we should meet with ze rez of ze fleet." I rounded on Spock without another thought, but before I could Stutter came running onto the bridge.



"What?!" Spock and I looked at each other; me in surprise and him with an eyebrow lifted. He looked between the two of us in mild confusion, torn between who to address.

"U-uh. I-I-It's Will-ill-illis, Sir."

"I am not sure to whom you are referring—" I rolled my eyes.

"What about him Stutter?" I felt Spock look at me, but decidedly ignored him.

"W-well h-he a-and I w-were talking and t-then w-w-we remembered…he re-re-remembered th-that N-n-nero was going to Ear-earth next."

"SHITE!" I had forgotten.

"Damn." I cussed lowly, the rest of the bridge did pretty much the same except for Spock.


"You remind about every f-ing-thing else?! How could you f-ing forget this?!" I snarled.

Hey! You can't expect me to think of everything! I growled lowly, irritated by the trueness in his voice. Spock…no KIA…was not helping.

"Regardless Captain Pike's orders were clear. We will continue to the rest of the fleet, report what we know, and proceed from there." I was seeing red, and when I saw Uhura take a step back I knew that they were bleeding purple rimmed in that bloody gold circle.

Whoa! Calm down Jim!


"The hell we are." I growled. All movement on the bridge stopped, and everyone stared. A raised eyebrow told me that I had surprised that frickin' a-hole

"Cadet Kirk, such an emotional display is—"

"Captain Pike also ordered we go and re—"


"scue him!"

"Furthermore we do not have the technology to go against Ner—"

"So what?! Your Acting Captain now you insufferable KIA! You can't—" I was yelling at this point, and steel crept in KIA's voice.

"Calling names and acting on anger shows a lack of restraint and intelligence. Furthermore, I am Acting Captain and as Acting Captain I decided we will report to the fleet."

"I can't, won't sit back and watch you send a whole planet to their dea—!"

"Security!" It was the first time I had heard raise his voice just above his normal level. "Take Cadet Kirk off the bridge immediately." I glared at KIA with all the venom I could, as two Security guys roughly held me back.

Damn it Jim! Stop!


When they started pulling me away, I fought back, not holding onto restraint. I barely noticed Stutter joining in to help me. Just when I was about to beat the bloody shite out of the last conscious Security man, I felt a hand clamp down on my shoulder. The last thing I heard and thought was…

"Get these Cadets off my ship."

You idiot. Now how are you going to save Earth?

(I thought about leaving it there, but since I made you all wait so long, I decided to do a couple of other POVs, enjoy=D)

Bones POV: finding Jim on the transporter

"JEEZE CHRISE kid! I told yah not to do anything stupid!" I watched as Jim tried to make a cheeky remark, before falling unconscious. Trouble was attracted to that damn kid like a bloody magnet!

I couldn't even imagine how he wound up on that bloody ship. Grumbling and scowling I ran my tricorder over the man Jim had saved, my eyes softened a little. "Damn kid has a hero complex."

Someone next to me cleared their throat.

"What?" I growled.

"A m-med team is on i-i-its way." Just as he said that the dark haired individual's breath sped up, a sure sign that he was waking up.

"Damn it! Quick! Hide his wings!" Turning towards Jim, my heart leapt into my throat. He was worse than I had first thought. We turned him over, and I gently pulled his wings in, while the stuttering Cadet threw a blanket over him. I rolled my Jimmy up in it and laid him back on his back.

Smoothing back his hair I quietly whispered, "Damn it kid. Why'd you do it?" I could answer my own question. "You can't save everyone Jimmy, and sometimes you have to save yourself first."

Within minutes the med team had arrived, and everything was thrown into chaos. I stayed close to Jim trying to stabilize him while we hurried through the halls. At one point Gaila, I snarled when she did, joined us. I told her off and to leave, but of-course she didn't.

She kept getting in the way and refused to leave Jim's side.

"Damn it Gaila! I'm a doctor, not some being that can walk through things! You wanna help Jimmy, then get outta my way." His pulse was getting weaker. Even though I knew he went into some kind of weird magic trances to heal, it never failed to scare me.

"Come on Jim, you havetah hang in there." I growled. "There's no way I'm losing you now!"

Stutter POV

"W-what can w-we do?" My head fell into my hands, and I stared desolately at the


"Fer one yar cannea shut yar trap. Yar wreckin Willis' effing consentration."

"Wh-what g-good is that going to f—ing do us?" He looked at me exasperatedly, and I glared. I flashed back to all that had happened over the day.

Meeting Gaila's "ex". He was a bastar- just like she had told him. Then finding out he had effing wings of all things. "Why the hell did he not like being called 'Bird Boy'?" The ship had been hit, and then he had shone. "He obviously is a leader." I couldn't help thinking bitterly. I felt a grudging admiration for how well he had saved so many lives and didn't cave with the pressure.

Phrase by phrase I went over what Nero, that bastar- had said.

Your's is next…Willis suddenly jerked out his seat next to me. I looked at him in irritation.

"W-w-what th-th—" He grabbed my shirt and hauled me out of my seat. "H-H-HEY!" I struggled to get out of his grip. He completely ignored me.

"Yar havtah talktah Bir…our Captain! Nero's gonna go fawr Earth next! Willis cannae, cause-a Willis's head!" A cold feeling of dread filled me. "Go on boy! GIT!" With a shove I was sent running to warn Kirk.

Even though he irritated me to no end, I hoped he would have an idea of what to do.

...I did not expect what did happen.

I'm sooo sorry for not getting this done, sooner. My professors have been piling on the homework, and I had to rewrite this chapter a few times. Not sure if I'm happy with it still. Did I do okay with Chekov? Spock? Vulcan is so hard to write!

SO, I tried doing other POVs, what did yah all think? I hope I didn't destroy them! PLEASE R&R and tell me!=D Im currently working on the next chap now and hope to get it out to you guys ASAP!

If you guessed that the next chapter is going to involve Delta Vega… you're right! There'll be a twist obviously, but I didn't want to leave Spock Prime and Scotty out of the action! ;D

R&R please please please! *puppy eyes*... *Jim Kirk puppy eyes*?