
I can see it all again. I could literally replay the whole seen again if I wanted to; I could remember that bored dance he did when he had to wait to be called to do his speech. I could remember all the words in perfect order he said in his speech, I could see the sweat drops falling down his face before he whipped them away quickly. I remembered the faces of his teachers who he shook hands with and grabbed his degree from. I remembered how he ran straight to me and grabbed me in a tight hug, while lifting me off the ground, how he kissed me while I was filling up my eyes with happy tears of joy for him, how I wish I could wake up in the morning and not remember that kiss. Every time I do, I remember how much it hurt me for him to kiss me like that and leave me so suddenly, I wish I could erase it all, wipe it clean from my memory and get through the lonely days without hurtful nightmares. Nightmares about him saying how he didn't love me, even though the night of homecoming at our high school, he had told me continuously how much he did love me. I wanted to be together forever, but right before my first prom, we both found out that he would graduate that day. I had cried even before the ceremony- knowing that that day would be the last out of all the three years we were together for. The day he told me he liked me played in my mind as well over and over again, the carnival festival that me and my family always went to every summer-there were bubbles in the air, the smell of summer air and pink roses everywhere. It was a magical summer love, but what we didn't expect after we got together is how fast it would go away. When we had to say good bye, we thought we had all the time in the world-three years, plentiful was what came to mind, but not enough. The first time we kissed was magical, our first dance in front of all of Ouran Academy- everyone clapped, but we paid no attention to the sounds around us. At that moment, it was only us, the lights off, the music floating in the air, and the dance floor. All those precious moments played over and over again in my mind, swimming through my old thoughts and replacing them with the past, the pain was unbearable, but I felt my heart lift when I saw his face. I would cry, but out of my hearts love for him-the graduation ceremony never left me; the day we said goodbye, our last kiss at his ceremony, to only see each other when he graduates college and me, when I graduate high school. On our one year anniversary, he had gotten me a ring and I had not worn it since the day we went our separate ways. I would love to not remember, to wish we had never met so that I would not feel the pain anymore, but one day-things had changed for the better. You'll see what I mean.