Well everyone, here we go again ;) This will be the third in a series of Huddy fics I have written. The first of course being "October/October" which was followed by the sequel "Little Souvenir" I suggest for any of you who have not read these two stories to go ahead and do so in order for you to understand this latest story of House and Cuddy I am writing and now….please enjoy…..

Memories of Us

Chapter 1

At around 7:30 pm and inside a suburban house nestled on the outskirts of Princeton, Lisa Cuddy stripped out of the red dress she had worn to work earlier that day. Letting the silk fabric slide down over the curves of her body before stepping out of the dress with her black stilettos still adoring her feet.

As she picked up the dress from the floor the sound of the kitchen door being opened and then closed abruptly echoed up the stairs and into the master bedroom, causing her to turn her head in the direction of the doorway.

"Woman! Where are you?" House yelled out a second later as he tossed his keys onto the kitchen table.

"I'm upstairs!" Cuddy yelled back to him with a small laugh as she stood inside the bedroom, clad in a very sexy red lace, demi cup bra with matching red lace thong panties.

From the first floor, a wide grin appeared on House's face as he limped a little quicker towards the stairs. Knowing that after having just dropped off Jessica at Wilson's to spend the night there as well as having dropped Ryan off at Ruth's and Bill's house as they were headed up to the cabin up in the mountains they had purchased a few weeks back, he could spend the night as well …he and wife were finally going to be alone inside their home for the first time in days.

Making his way up the stairs, House felt a rush of arousing thoughts flood his into mind, drowning him with the seductive power they possessed. It had been nearly a week since he had last had sex with his wife,and although some couples who had been married as long as they had been would have considered this normal..... for them it was anything but normal. Regardless of if their now thirteen year old daughter and nine year old son sometimes meant they had to be a little more opportunistic at times when sneaking in at least three nookie sessions a week on average, not counting the weekends of course.

Reaching the open doorway to the bedroom, House looked in at the silhouette of his wife, whose body was turned slightly to the side as she stood in front of the nightstand on his side of the bed, lighting the last of several dark red candles in stained red colored globes she had placed around the room before blowing out the match held between her fingertips out with a breath from her full lips, placing the spent match onto a small glass dish located on top of the nightstand when she was done.

"Hmmm...looks like someone wants Daddy to give her his big, hard cane in the worst way." House muttered in a deep masculine tone, taking a step inside of the room as the smell of the cherry scented candles filled his nose.

His eyes roamed over his wife's amazing body that seemed to have become even more perfect over time. Her curves illuminated with the soft red hue of light being created by candles inside of their bedroom.

Cuddy turned her head in his direction, a sexy smile upon her face. "Are you sure you're going to be up to giving me your big, hard cane considering you just spent the last half hour carting our kids around town?" She asked him with an arched eyebrow as he walked up behind her.

"As sure as you were of getting fucked senseless tonight when you picked out that little number you're wearing from Victoria Secret." House told his wife.

A rush of testosterone was now running through his system as he placed his cane on the side of the bed, moving his hands to her waist as Cuddy let out a soft chuckle.

"You're such a romantic." She whispered sarcastically as he pulled her body closer to him.

"I try." House responded with a smirk, pressing hsi pelivs into her backside and grinding his hips against her just so she would let out that soft little gasp he loved.

She did not disappoint, her lips parting with a the small rush of air escaping them just a he moved his lips to the curve of her neck.

"Excuse me, but aren't you forgetting something?" Cuddy asked him in another whisper as her hand reached up to touch his jaw, gasping once more as one of his hands moved over to cup her left breast as the other one slid down into the front of her panties, his middle finger quickly finding her clit.

"Actually…. I'm pretty sure I've got everything I need right here." House whispered roughly into the side of her neck, now drawing small circles on her clit and smiling with delight at how it made her arch her back into him.

"You promised." Cuddy said in firm voice, as she felt the place between her thighs already tingling from his touch, turning around to face her husband with her actions now leaving his skilled hands resting safely on her hips.

House looked down at her in frustration.

"You can't be serious?" He mumbled as his brow furrowed.

"Yes, I can…. and do I really need to remind you of all the things I've done for you inside this bedroom?" She countered, looking up at him with a stubborn expression.

House let out a deep sigh, knowing she would not budge on this subject while also knowing when it came to going above and beyond in terms of his sexual fantasies, his wife did indeed meet his challenges head on and then some. Leaving him gasping for breath on several occasions as she reminded him exactly why she was still the ruling queen of seduction in his heart.

"Fine." He grumbled before turning around and heading towards the closet in their bedroom.

"It's not in there, I already put it in the bathroom for you." Cuddy told him with a devious smile just as he was ready to open the closet door.

House turned around and gave her a glare as he then started off in the opposite direction, headed for the bathroom with his eyes practically popping out of his head when his wife snuck up behind him and smacked his ass.

"Ouch!" House yelped in anger as he turned around to face her.

"Stop being a baby and hurry up. I don't have all day you know." Cuddy told him as an evil little smile appearing on her face.

House leaned closer to her with his blues eyes searing into her cool grey ones."You do realize that little stunt is going to cost you big time?" He told her as his right hand reached down and took a firm hold of her ass.

"Actually….. I was sort of counting on it." Cuddy replied with another smile as she felt a shiver of desire run up her spine.

Meanwhile across town Ethan Wilson and Jessica House were standing side by side in front of the couch down in the Wilson's newly renovated basement, each of them facing the wide screen TV as they continued to play a game of bowling on the Ninteno Wii.

Later on that night they were planning on going to the nine o'clock showing of a movie named 'Realm' with Ethan's parents. The movie, a first in a series films that would be created over the next four years based off of the popular book series of the same title.

As Ethan took his turn with the white controller in his hand, Jessica glanced over at him, studying his profile as the boy who had been her best friend for as long as she could remember narrowed his pale blue eyes at the television screen.

"What do think about French kissing?" She asked him suddenly as her blue eyes stayed locked onto his face.

Ethan immediately turned to face her. "I don't know. What do you think about it?" He asked with interest, immediately throwing the question back at her and looking down at Jessica as another grow spurt had left him a good three inches taller than her now even though he was a year younger than she was.

"I asked you first." Jessica countered.

"Your turn." Ethan replied.

"Huh?" Jessica asked with a furrowed brow.

"Your tuuurn." Ethan stressed, handing her the controller while nodding over to the television set.

"Oh." Jessica said with a slight giggle, taking the controller from him and flipping back some of her long dark hair that cascaded down her back as she turned to face the television.

As she brought her arm back and leaned forward, Ethan found himself unable to take his eyes off of her. Knowing with all of his heart that Jessica House had always been and would forever be the most beautiful girl he had ever met. Finding that for the past three months he could not stop himself from thinking about her more and more with each passing day. Thinking about how her cute little body had begun to develop into an amazing place filled with soft curves he was finding harder and harder to resist. Thinking aobut how good her hair smelled when they would sometimes jokingly hug each other goodbye.. and how he could not keep himself from staring down at her butt when she left.

Stop! She's your best friend and all you think about anymore is what it would be like to kiss her! REALLY kiss her they way everyone else at school is doing! Well you better wise up and make sure she feels the same way too or you're going to end up screwing things up with your BEST FRIEND! Ethan's mind yelled at him, with the anger of a twelve year old boy who was helpless against the raging hormones inside of him that seemed hell bent on driving him insane.

"Ethan?" Jessica questioned, as she turned to face him once more.

"Huh?" Ethan answered, startled out of his thoughts of her while a slight blush was now threatening to rise up onto his cheeks.

"Don't 'huh' me…I just asked you again what you thought about French kissing. Now quit stalling and answer me." Jessica replied as her blue eyes glared up at him.

"Why do you want to know so badly what I think about French kissing?" Ethan challenged, feeling the heart inside his chest start to pick up its pace whenever she looked at him like that as if no one else in the world even existed at the moment.

Jessica drew in her bottom lip, lowering her eyes to the floor for a moment before returning them to his face. "Well…since I'm going to be in eight grade next month when school starts up again and you'll be in seventh, I started thinking about how last year pretty much everyone at our middle school was going steady or at least dating someone.....and.....well that got me thinking. What if you or I get asked out this year by someone we like? Wouldn't you want to make sure you knew how to kiss someone so you didn't look like a total idiot when the big moment came?" She questioned as her mind kept on reminding her how amazing the Ethan looked tonight, dressed in the white graphic t-shirt and faded blue jeans as the long bangs of his dark brown hair were parted off to one side, just above his amazing pale blue eyes.

"What makes you think I haven't already French kissed someone?" Ethan asked in return, trying to play it cool until he was sure that what Jessica was asking of him was indeed what he had been dreaming about for months now.

"You tell me everything remember? So I'm pretty sure if you got to stick your tongue in someone else's mouth I'd know about it." Jessica replied back to him smartly, crossing her arms in front of her with the white game control still held within her grip.

"Ok." Ethan replied, moving his hand through is dark brown hair as he felt a lump rise up in his throat.

"Ok?" Jessica questioned, not realizing their discussion had actually come to end.

"Ok, I'll kiss you." Ethan told in a voice just above a whisper, watching as those perfect teeth of hers bit down on one very tempting and full bottom lip.

"Nana, do you think we're going to see a lot of animals at the cabin? Like deer and stuff?" Ryan asked his Grandmother, helping her carry some cardboard boxes out into the bed of the red, extended cab pickup truck his Papa had bought just a few weeks ago.

"I'm sure we're going to see lots of animals up at the cabin.…..including deer." Ruth assured her grandson as she placed the box in her hands onto the tailgate of the truck.

"Well, it took a little digging, but I finally found the old fishing rods my Dad left me." Bill announced to his wife and grandson as he walked out from the open doorway of garage and into the driveway of his home, carefully holding four rods in his hand.

"Cool! I can't wait to go fishing with you Papa!" Ryan said with a wiry grin, looking up as his grandfather before turning and placing the box he was carrying on the tailgate as well.

From beside her grandson Ruth placed her arm on Bill's shoulder.

"So do you think you're actually going to remember how to fish? I mean from what you told me its been at least twenty years since you've even handled a fishing rod." Ruth teased him with a smile upon her face.

"My dear ....there are some things in life that a man never forgets how to do." Bill informed his wife with a suggestive tone, along wtih a sinful wink that made her to giggle.

"Are you guys talking about sex stuff?" Ryan asked from below with them a wrinkled nose.

Ruth felt her jaw drop. "What? Where did you even hear the word sex?" She questioned in shock to her grandson.

Ryan shook his head and chuckled with amusement at seeing the look on his Grammy's face right now.

"I am nine years old Nana…" the boy stressed,"and besides Jessie told me that when Mom and Dad start whispering and smiling at each other it means they're talking about sex and just now you and Papa were smiling at each other the same way my Mom and Dad do just before Dad grabs Mom's butt and she yells at him." The boy informed his grandmother, watching as her chestnut eyes darted over to his Papa.

"Bill?" Ruth whispered, not sure of what exactly to say to the boy at this point.

"It's ok." Bill whispered back to her with a nod before addressing their grandson.

"So Ryan …tell me exactly what you think sex is?" He then questioned in a calm manner to the boy.

A mischievous smile appeared on the Ryan's face…..nearly giving his grandmother a heart attack.

"Well….sex is when grownups like Mom and Dad go into the bedroom and hide under the covers so they can kiss each other and wrestle until one of them gives up." Ryan answered proudly, pretty sure in his nine year old mind that he had this whole sex thing figured out.

Bill chuckled. "Sound about right to me." He agreed while shooting Ruth a sideways glance.

"Thank god." Ruth muttered under her breath while she made a mental note to have a little talk with Jessica about just how much she was informing her little brother about sex and exactly how much she knew about the subject as well.