It was karaoke night at the café. So Sakura went up there.

"i'm going to sing According to you by: Orianthi." she said as she adjusted the microphone.

"According to you i'm stupid, i'm useless, i can't do anything right."

She looked at Sasuke.

"According to you i'm difficult, hard to please, forever changing my mind."

"i'm a mess in a dress, can't show up on time, even if it would save my life. According to you. According to you."

She looked at Naruto and smiled.

"But According to him i'm beautiful, incredible, he can't get me out of his head."

She closed her eyes and started to dance.

"According to him i'm funny, irresistible, everything he ever wanted."

She opened her eyes and continued to dance.

"Everything is opposite, i don't feel like stopping it, so baby tell me what i got to lose. He's into me for everything i'm not, According to you."

She looked back at Sasuke who couldn't care about the song and her smile disappeared.

"According to you i'm boring, i'm moody, and you can't take me any place."

"According to you i suck at telling jokes cause i always give it away."

"I'm the girl with the worst attention span, you're the boy who puts up with that. According to you. According to you."

She smiled and looked at Naruto again who was rockin' out to the song.

"But According to him i'm beautiful, incredible, he can't get me out of his head."

"According to him i'm funny, irresistible, everything he ever wanted."

"Everything is opposite, i don't feel like stopping it, so baby tell me what i got to lose. He's into me for everything i'm not, According to you."

She stopped dancing and closed her eyes as she continued to sing.

"I need to feel appreciated, Love not hated. Oh-- no--. Why can't you see me through his eyes? It's too bad you're making me decide."

--Solo-- She laughed at the drummer and Naruto. She looked at Sasuke and he was looking at her.

"But According to me you're stupid, you're useless, you can't do anything right."

She started dancing like a crazy person.

"But According to him i'm beautiful, incredible, he can't get me out of his head."

"According to him i'm funny, irresistible, everything he ever wanted. Everything is opposite, i don't feel like stopping it, so baby tell me what i got to lose. He's into me for everything i'm not, According to you."

She glared at Sasuke.

"(you You) According to you (you you). According to you i'm stupid, i'm useless, i can't do anything right."

And the song ended. "Thank you." she said as she got off the stage.

"That was awesome Sakura-chan!" Naruto said.


"You have an awesome voice!" Naruto complemented.

"Thanks, again"

"I thought it sucked" Sasuke said coldly.

"your voice is to high and you're to ugly to have a beautiful voice."

'That's it!' Sakura thought.

"Suck on this!" Sakura yelled then she punched him.

hope you liked it R&R XD peace!!