Turn right
Into my arms
Turn right
You won't be alone
You might
Fall off this track sometimes
Hope to see you on the finish line
Wednesday, February 12th
Nick was at his locker, revising for the Science test he had the next period. Stella arrived and stood next to him, but she didn't say a word. Nick was confused. She usually said "hi", or touched his arm or started telling him about the newest high school gossip. But this time she was quiet, staring at the hall. Nick closed his book and turned to look at her.
"Stella? You ok?" he asked.
"Mhm?" she turned to face him for the first time. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. At least I am..." she whispered. Nick raised an eyebrow. What was that supposed to mean?
"Stella. What are you talking about?"
"I don't know if I should tell you but..." she waited a minute or so, thinking. But she was Stella Malone: she couldn't keep her mouth closed when it was about gossip. "Macy's boyfriend broke up with her yesterday".
Nick was surprised. Very surprised. For numerous reasons:
1-Since when did Macy had a boyfriend? They were friends –not as close as with Stella, but they ate lunch together, they hung out, etc. He was supposed to know if his friend had a boyfriend, wasn't he?
2-He broke up with her? Nick didn't know why, but he had always thought of Macy as the strong, brave girl; the one who ended relationships. She didn't seem the type of girl who was let down by a boyfriend.
3-What on Earth was wrong with that guy? What was he thinking when he broke up with Macy Misa? Nick had never thought about Macy like that 'till that moment, but he was sure about something: Macy would surely be the perfect girlfriend. Caring, sweet, funny, cute... Whoever dated her must felt like the luckiest boy alive. So that boy that broke up with her was instantly classified as a complete and huge idiot.
He surely couldn't tall all his points to Stella, so he decided to say a simple sentence.
Ok, not the cleverest sentence he could've said, but he had short time to think. Like Kevin said once, If you don't wanna give me more come out to a better excuse, then I'm gonna go with that one.
"Yeah, I know. It's terrible. That Andrew is a total jerk!" she started yelling as they walked to their class. "What guy breaks up with his four-month-girlfriend three days before Valentine's Day?!" Oh, true. Nick forgot to add that one to his list. Well, at least he knew his name now.
But four months? Where had he been that whole time? Inside a cave or something? Why didn't he hear anything about him? Then he thought about a genius idea.
"Andrew? I don't think I know him". Well, it may not be a genius idea but at least he was sure that Stella was going to explain him who that guy was.
"Yeah, he's not from this school. He met Macy when he went to see his sister at soccer six months ago. And they started dating four months ago. Until now. Can you believe it? Last week Macy was so excited telling me how happy they were and that he bought two tickets to go to the Maroon 5 concert and now this!" Stella continued on yelling. So he wasn't from school. He went to see his sister. Could he be older than her? 18? 19, maybe? Or what if they were twins or something? Nick shook his head. He was becoming obsessed. Why did he care so much?
"Well. Is she...is she ok?" Nick asked, afraid. Does it show? Could Stella be suspicious once he was caring so much?
Stella sighed. "Of course she's not! She's depressed. Poor girl. She was preparing their perfect Valentine's Day date..." Nick nodded, not knowing what to say. He felt bad for the poor girl.
No one –especially Macy- deserved to be let down three days before Valentine's Day. It happened to him once, two years ago. He knew how Macy must been feeling.
Without noticing, they arrived to their class. Oh great, he had almost forgot about his Science test. Just before crossing the door, he saw her. Macy was walking down the floor, her eyes focusing on the floor. He could tell she had been crying. He stood on the door, watching her, until Stella told him to come in. Nick sighed.
He felt sorry for the poor Macy Misa. But he was going to make her feel better.
So, here I am. I love Valentine's Day (although I'm not in love or dating anybody, I love love xD).
The plan is this: this story is already written. It's a three shot and I'll update a chapter every day. So, the second one tomorrow and the last one on Valentine's Day :)
Oh, what is wrong with me? I suddenly love Nacy. All I write is Nacy. And I'm a Jacy fan forever. I guess that I've been falling for Nick lately ;P
So, this first chapter isn't very good, I know. But it gets better in time. The second chapter is better and the last one is the best. This is just the introduction.
Oh, by the way, I want to dedicate this to randomcards227. We PM a lot, and she's a really cool girl. This is for you, Pam!
I love alerts and all, but what I really appreciate are reviews. So, please? Also you can tell me how are you going to spend this wonderful lovely Valentine's Day. I'd love to know :)
Cheers xxx
P.S. The lyrics are Turn Right, by The Jonas Brothers. It was kinda supposed to be what Nick should've said to Macy if he had talked to her. Well, you know what I mean, right? Oh, and I'm Spanish, so sorry if there are any mistakes. I try to get better every day :)