Innocence Lost – Nominated for Immortal Sin Awards

Hey! I just wanted to let you all know that Innocence Lost has been nominated for several Immortal Sin Awards (these are awards of a dark nature).

Thanks to those who nominated me. I'm flattered.

Please consider voting (even if it's not for Innocence Lost) because there are lots of great dark stories nominated. The link is on my profile page! Or you can check out darksper dot blogspot dot com

Innocence Lost was nominated for …

Best Darkward

Most Creative Way to Turn a Character Dark (that's my fave)

Craziest Mo'fo Out There

The Immortal Sin – Best Overall Dark Fic

Thanks! And, I haven't forgotten about the outtakes on this one. In case you haven't heard, I have another story out there called Bella's Secret that has been taking up much of my time!