Birth Day
Hysteria and Revelations Part 1
Part I
Max sat in the waiting room, his attention caught with reading the daily paper. Nothing eased his tension than sports, and learning that his favorite college football team won was a good karma sign.
Ben was more restless, his knees kept giggling or his fingers kept tapping. This alone would cause others to become annoyed, but this act was causing more irritation towards Ben himself. He hated being idle, hated being helpless, and hated waiting for news. He 'humphed' and sunk lower in his chair.
A sound of oddly paced foot steps made Ben turn in his seat to face the approaching figure of Gregory House. Ben shot up, in the anticipation that there may be news.
"Do you know what's wrong with her? Is she going to be okay?" The teen fired away with eagerness, hungry for a favorable answer.
House now stood candidly in front of Ben, but his eyes looked toward Max.
"I'm thinking of a clever and witty way to phrase 'You're granddaughter is a freak', but no harm in being blunt every once in a while." House stated loudly.
Max hopped out of his seat while folding his paper up, "Just what are you saying about my granddaughter?" Max half yelled in anger. Ben's facial features also hardened at the doctor's statement.
"I'm sorry, perhaps I didn't make myself clear, 'Your granddaughter isn't normal'. But I'm sure you know that already." House stated sardonically. Max marched over, almost willing to shove the doctor down if he weren't crippled already. Ben however intervened and pushed his grandfather aside.
"What exactly did your 'testing' find?" Ben inquired, knowing that they've been caught.
"Your cousin was x-rayed, all of them were overexposed- and not because of our machine."
House paused and looked at the two men in front of him, to see if this registered something.
"My assistant says that only microwave wavelengths can cause such an effect, now I must ask does your cousin hail from planet Venus or Mars?" Of course his sarcastic wit didn't expect an honest response.
"Actually our grandmother is from Anodine, she's just part alien that was born on Earth."
Part II
"We're going to prescribe you some medication for your symptoms, It will treat your fever and hopefully make you feel a bit better." Cameron explained to Gwen, who was now back in her hospital bed. Gwen's flu like symptoms seemed to persist but they weren't getting any worse than what they where. The X ray incident also didn't escape her notice. Dr. Taub seemed odd when he said that there was an error with the machine, and looked upon the young girl with a hooded demeanor. Fortunately Dr. Cameron had come to escort Gwen back to her room.
"I'll be back in a bit to check up on you." said Cameron in a mother like tone.
"Where's Kevin?" Gwen asked before Cameron left.
"We're having him take some test, to rule out any contagious pathogen that could have been transmitted. It's standard procedure." she replied.
Gwen tilted her head to the side, "If you do find something?"
Cameron gazed at Gwen in suspicion.
"Should there be reason to?"
The auburn haired teen shook her head, "But if there is that small chance, don't tell him."
"You seem very concerned for his mental health?" Cameron asked in a suggestive way, wanting to inspire a bit of girl gossip.
"If he thought my sickness were his fault, he'd use that as a way to shut me out. Lately he tries to find even the tiniest reason." Gwen explained but felt a wave of nausea hit her. Cameron noticed immediately.
"Are you alright?" She asked.
"I've not eaten in a while, all that medicine is probably going straight through me." Gwen suggested, holding her stomach.
"I'll call the nurse to get you some food."
Part III
Kevin sat on the medical bed as Chase swabbed alcohol on his arm. Being cooped up in a hospital wasn't Kevin's idea of a good time, and about to let slip his girlish fear of needles wasn't either.
"So, how long have you been seeing her?" Chase asked to muster up conversation.
"We're not really seeing each other, it's just that we're…" Kevin stuttered, not feeing comfortable with the conversation. Or admitting his emotions in general.
"Not defined?" Chase finished with inquiry.
"It' better for her sake, I'm not exactly a good influence."
"Ah, but girls like the bad boys." Chase joked.
"Until they grow out of it and want something better." Kevin countered.
Chase applied pressure to Kevin's arm, before inserting the syringe. Blood poured in.
"Do you have to stick that in me?" Kevin asked.
"It's usually how blood samples are made."