A/N: Hey, I am having a little writers block on my other story so I thought that I would write a little thing that came to my mind. Please review and tell me what u think! :)
The screams where loud.
Very loud.
The sounds rang in her mind. Alicia walked over to her door. The four-year-old was confused, why are they screaming? She thought. She reached for the door knob, twisting it and opened the door slowly. The light from the hallway filled her room, lighting up the bed and a stretched shadow of her spread across the floor. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she walked up to the railing to see what everyone was screaming about.
What she saw made her freeze in terror.
Her mother was held by her hair in the grasp of an unknown man, her father was crumpled on the floor. His blood stained on his neck.
Alicia didn't dare call out to her mom or dad, she was fearing the stranger who had her mother held by her hair.
" please, Damon, don't do this." Alicia's mother sobbed as Damon smiled devilishly at her. He enjoyed her terror. His vampire instinct kicked in and he pulled her roughly up so that her neck was exposed. His sharp fangs where starting to cut into his lower lip. Holding it back no longer, he bit down into the tender skin of the woman's neck, he drank deeply, enjoying the taste and the strength her blood gave him.
Alicia watched transfixed and paralyzed by fear, as the man drank from her mother's neck.
No, she thought, mommy and daddy said they didn't exist!
Alicia clutched at a loose pole on the railing, her hands numb and shaking, couldn't hold onto the pole as it slipped from her grip and fell down to the floor below.
The wooden pole made a loud banging sound as it hit the hard wood floors, the sound echoed in the silence of the room.
Damon's head turned towards the sound, he looked shocked for a second but quickly composed himself.
What the hell? Damon thought, as he let the corpse of the woman drop to the floor, She didn't say she had a child, or a husband for that matter.
Alicia backed away from the railing, walking backward until her back hit the hard wall behind her. Her tears were blurring her vision as she watched the man walk up the stairs with inhuman speed.
Is this where I die? Mommy and daddy are dead, will I die the same way? Alicia thought as she turned to run, but, he was suddenly in front of her. He reached down and grabbed her shoulders, Alicia suddenly found her strength and tried to fight him off.
Damon had a firm grip on the toddlers shoulders as she kicked and thrashed against him, well, she's smarter that some of the other one's. He thought, as the girl stopped and looked into his eyes.
" you'll forget everything you saw tonight," She started to calm down, " go to sleep." The child's eye lids started to droop as she fell asleep.
Okay, good, now just leave her. Damon's mind demanded him, but he couldn't bring himself to do it.
Just kill her then...no, children are innocent, can I really kill one? Damon thought as the child fell forward, hasn't stopped you before.
" I can't believe I'm doing this," Damon muttered as he picked up the child and cradled her against his chest, " come on, little one."
He stood, carrying the child and headed back to the boarding house.