A/N #1: What's up err'body! I've decided to start this story from the beginning of the first episode and add my own twists and turns to it. I might skip a few but, it will all go together and make sense. I'm also not going to say whos who, because we all know who they are and what they do. So just bear with me for a sec and it will be an awesome ride. I hope youse guys enjoy this and as always remember to R&R! I freakin' LOVE this show! Plus, I own NONE of the song lyrics. They belong to the talented Fergie. Thanks!

Disclaimer: I own NOTHING from Sons of Anarchy… just my OC's. Thanks!

…Chapter 1…
My Introduction

"This is so yummy." I took a sip of my white chocolate mocha, then I walked out of the coffee shop, after talking to Dad on my phone. He wanted me to pick him up a pizza on the way home, but I told him after I run some errands and hang out with my godmother Gemma for a while, to do some shopping.

But for now, here's a little about me…

My name is Angelica or Angel is what everyone calls me, but I just want to bitch slap the people who call me by my real name. I was born and raised in Charming, California to Bruce Sawyer. I was six weeks premature, born on June 19, 1982. Something had gone wrong with the pregnancy and Dad had to choose either me or Mom, Tonya to live. From what I was told, Mom begged Dad to chose me, so he did.

After Mom's emergency C-section, she lost too much blood, and died there on the table an hour after I was born. I guess Dad didn't know what to do with me. He just lost his wife and he had me - a newborn preemie in the NICU, fighting for my life. He ended up calling his best friends; John, Gemma, Clay, and Piney to tell them the news, so they came up to St. Thomas Hospital to give Dad some moral support.

According to Gemma, she stayed with me the whole time I was in there and I had no name, plus Dad never came to visit me, he was just so upset. On my file it said 'Baby Girl Sawyer' and it said the same thing on the sticker on top of my incubator. About a month and a half later, I guess Dad came around to see me. Him and Gemma came up with my name, and picked Angelica Roxanne Sawyer. The 'Angelica' is after my grandmother and the 'Roxanne' was Mom's middle name.

As I grew up, I spent most of my time with my best friends Jax and Opie, the three of us were inseperable. Me and Jax were attached at the hip after his little brother Tommy died from the family flaw and I was always there for him. But some of that changed, all three of us hanging out, when Jax and Ope went into high school and leaving me behind, since I was four or so years younger then them.

That same year when Jax was a freshmen, his father died from a semi hitting him while he was on the road, dragging John one hundered and seventy eight yards away. Jax was devestated and he clung onto me like a leech, because he didn't want to be by himself. So I was there to hang out or be there when he needed me to, just to talk or whatever.

Everything was going fine, until he started noticing Tara Knowles, and Jax basically ignored me to hang out or to be with her. I went out and found my own best friends. Besides Opie, I hung out with Juice and his twin sister Elena, but only I call her Elle. Jax didn't like the fact that I was hanging around Juice all the time, we were always flirting with each other, but there was nothing Jax could do about it.

After I turned sixteen, a few things happened. Elena and I got busted by the cops for drinking and driving. We spent one night in jail and the judge gave us one hundered and fifty hours of community service. Jax was pissed at me, but I didn't care, we had so much fun. The next thing that happened was, Tara left Jax and took off to Chicago, because she couldn't handle the 'MC' life of SAMCRO. Jax was heartbroken and to his surprise, I of course, was there for him when he needed me, to pick up the pieces.

On my eighteen birthday and after I graduated high school, Jax took me to get my first tattoo. It was a crow, in the middle of my upper back, with the wings stretching from one shoulder blade to the other, plus I added 'Jax' near the crows heart, because I became his Old Lady.

In two thousand three, Opie got sent to Chino. It was because of stupid ass Kyle Hobart, he betrayed Ope and SAMCRO had Kyle ex-communicated, kicking him out of the club. I was happy he was out, he gave me the wiggins. But being out of the club didn't stop Kyle from bugging me at all. On the night of my twenty first birthday, I caught Jax cheating on me with two crow-eaters.

My heart was smashed into a million pieces. I beat the shit out of both of them whores and punched Jax in the face as hard as I could, then I booked it out of there. I found myself at the park and I was crying. I heard someone walking up to me and I saw that it was Kyle. We talked for a while, then as he was walking me home, through the alley, he hit me on the back of the head with a lead pipe or something.

When I came-to, all I remember is images of him on top of me, him pulling my hair, punching me in the face, and tell me that I was going to enjoy this. That whole time was a huge blur and after it was over, he just left me there. As soon as I got enough strength to get up, I went home as fast as I could, and scrubbed the shit out of my whole body to the point where I tore the skin, and was bleeding. I felt dirty and I was disgusted that he would do that to anyone, including me and knowing I'm with SAMCRO. I spent the rest of the week in my room or until the bruises on my face went away, and I didn't want to talk to anyone or go anywhere, I just laid in bed, either crying or sleeping. That was the worst birthday ever, not only did I just wanna die, I wanted to either cut or burn the crow tattoo off my back, but I just couldn't.

After a while, I haven't heard anything from or about Kyle, which was a good thing. So I decided be brave and hang out with everyone, but I didn't tell nobody what had happened, nor have I slept with anyone since. While Opie was doing his time in Chino, I helped out his wife Donna with their two kids, and she became my other best friend. One day, she saw my drawings in my scrapbook and suggested that I should be a tattoo artist.

So, I looked into it and went to school for tattoo's and piercings, then after I got my training and was certified, a tattoo artist, Clay and Dad put up the money for my own shop, a few blocks from Teller-Morrow Automotive. After everything in the shop was set up, I named it: Sawyer's Tattoo & Piercing Shack. I loved it, because I had took all my pain and made it into art. I also convinced Elena go to school for it too, so she could work with me and she does, we even tattoo each other, because we have lots of tattoos everywhere.

It took a long time for me to forgive Jax, but eventually I did, and when that happened, he was hanging around a crow-eater named Wendy. Them two have been off and on for a few years, and his dumb ass married her. Jax and I just went back to being best friends again and I guess I was okay with that and regardless what has happened between us, I still love and care about him. I'm glad he's still in my life and he knows how I feel about him will never change.

Jax and Wendy fought too much and after a while, he filed for divorce because Wendy was hooked on crank. She would promise him over and over that she'd stop, and when she did, she'd get back on them, then me and him were hanging around again. Until she wanted to work things out and ended up getting pregnant. I was pissed, because she did it to trap him. Plus the unbelievable happened… Tara came back from Chicago and Jax, once again, ignored me. Yay me!

"G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S, yeah G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S. We flying the first class. Up in the sky. Poppin' champagne. Livin' the life. In the fast lane. And I wont change. By the Glamorous, oh the flossy flossy."

I chuckled, taking my phone out of my pocket, listening to the ringtone. I have certain ringtones for everyone, but for some reason, that one seems to fit Gemma. Seconds later, I pressed the answer key. "Hey Gem."

"Hey, Angel Baby… whatcha' doing?"

"I'm almost home."

"Good, I'll come pick you up."


"I'll be there in ten."

"See ya." I told her, then hung up.

A/N #2: I'm gonna stop it right here. How is it so far? It will get better!