A/N This is the final chapter. As I said in the beginning, this is the only fan fiction I've ever written. I've found that when reading a good book, I can't wait to get to the next chapter. When the book isn't so good, sometimes I skip to the end so I can put it down. A well written soap is like a good book only without an ending, it just keeps giving you pleasure. For me, GH is not a good book anymore. I wrote this as a way to get to an ending I could be happy with so I could put the book down. I'm not sure it worked. I think it just made we want a better written story even more. Thanks for reading and reviews, good or bad, would be appreciated.

Chapter 17

Fidgeting and trying not to pace, Jason's eyes slowly roam the area and he is glad they decided to wait until spring to have the wedding. As his eyes continue to roam, they stop momentarily on an individual here and there as he thought about what they meant to him or Elizabeth. A small smile appeared on his face when he acknowledged to himself that he never thought this day would happen much less that some of these people would be willing, or even welcome, to be here like this with him. Then, a little sadness snuck into his eyes as he thought about the ones who weren't here to share this with him.

"Carly," Elizabeth sighs. "For the last time, get over it. I know you wish this was going to be more formal but that's what the engagement party was for. Today I just want to relax and be happy. No stressing over dresses and other details, just happy."

"I'm sorry," Carly replies as she hugs Elizabeth. "You look beautiful and radiant and happy. I'm so glad we found a way to become friends and that our children can be together since in a way they are all related through Michael and Jake. Thank you for forgiving my past nastiness and letting me be a part of this."

Elizabeth just smiles at Carly and says, "I'm glad we can be here too. No matter how much Jason has changed his life, you and the boys are still important to him. Besides, you've been a good friend to me too since I came back."

"Enough already," snips Robin with a grin. "We can't afford to be all sappy. You know Jason's going to be sappy enough for all of us. Come on, it's time to get that dress on you." They all giggle at the thought of a sappy Jason as Elizabeth steps into her dress.

"I don't know why you get the big job," Francis grumbles to Steven.

Steven raises his eyebrows at Francis and asks, "Why would that surprise you? I am her brother."

"DNA's not everything," insists Lee. "I'm like her brother. I could've done the job."

"Quit whining," Jason says as he walks up to the trio. "I happen to know that Elizabeth offered you two clowns very important positions in the wedding and you turned her down."

"Is that so?" Francis smirks back at him. "Well, we couldn't agree on which one of us should be the maid of honor so we thought it best we turn down the bridesmaid positions in favor of being your groomsmen."

As the men all chuckle, Edward walks up to inform them that he thinks they should take their places.

As he and the other men enter Lila's rose garden, Jason can't help but wish that his grandmother could be here. He knows how happy she would be for him and Elizabeth, as would Emily and even Allen. Monica had insisted on handling the setup for everything so that he and Elizabeth didn't have to worry about anything, and he can see that she has done a wonderful job. Everything is simple, yet beautiful. It is a perfect setting for his Elizabeth. He approaches the elegant arch that has been created to frame him and Elizabeth and can imagine her there with him. He sees that people are starting to be seated. He nods to Spinelli and Winnie when they catch his eye. Jason is happy that Spinelli has been loyal and he can see something blossoming between him and Winnie. Thankfully, she is a much better fit for Spinelli than the blond witch he used to hangout with.

Next he sees Tracy sitting there looking bored. For the most part he has learned to ignore her negative, brusque personality. He understands that much of it is because of the disappointments in her life and that he might have ended up much like her if not for the love of Elizabeth and his sons.

He smiles at Epiphany, Patrick and some of the other hospital staff that have remained friends with Elizabeth even though she hasn't worked there in quite some time. Patrick and Robin especially have become good friends to both of them.

He smiles at Ned, Dillon, Lois, Book Lynn, and Skye as they take their seats. He appreciates that they have all shown up to show their support, not only of his wedding to Elizabeth, but of his position in the family.

As Sonny, Johnny and Rusty take their seats in the back, Jason feels a little guilty that Sonny is not standing beside him but Sonny had been the first to say that would be a bad idea. Even though they can remain friends at a distance, it might spook the families if they look too close. He raises an eyebrow as he notices that Johnny and Brook Lynn are casting glances at each other. He decides he'd better keep an eye on those two.

"Who's the good looking redhead?" asks Lee.

"Jason's half-sister," replies Francis at the same time Jason asks, "Why do you want to know?" Lee just smiles and continues to eye Skye who has noticed and is blushing but eyeing him back.

Before Jason can process the thought of Lee and Skye he sees Elizabeth's assistant Rachel take a seat next to Dillon, who immediately introduces himself and begins to flirt with her. Jason groans as he knows Elizabeth is very much attached to Rachel and thinks of her as a little sister.

He nods a little stiffly to Jeff and Sarah Webber as they take their seats. Dinner with those two last night had been tense but Elizabeth was hopeful that they were sincere in wanting to become part of her life and know her boys. Jason has his doubts but is trying to work through them. He can't help but wonder what kind of mother refused to show up for her daughter's wedding when her husband and other daughter were coming. He wonders what Audrey's reaction would have been and would like to think she would be happy for Elizabeth and proud of the way he has changed his life. Thinking about the rest of Elizabeth's family just makes him appreciate her brother Steven all the more for taking such good care of her.

Jason is starting to panic thinking about all these people here together that have become a part of his life. He was so isolated for so long and now, seeing all the people who are now part of his life in one place, it is a little overwhelming. Just then, he notices Alice, Mercedes and Michael leading Morgan, Jocelyn, Spencer, Lila Rae, Kristina, Molly and Emma to their seats and knows it is almost time for Elizabeth to come to him and this calms him down.

"Are you ready for this?" Robin asks Elizabeth.

"Yes," Elizabeth replies. "You know, I almost said I've always been ready for this but that wouldn't be quite true. There have been times in the last 10 years when I've dreamed of this and wanted this but I wasn't really ready. This is the first time that I can honestly say with no doubts that I am ready to be Jason's wife and deal with whatever comes with that. I'm not only ready, I'm excited and impatient. Is it time yet?"

Just then a soft knock sounds on the door and it opens to let in Monica, Cam and Jake.

"Mommy, you look so beautiful," Cam says as Elizabeth bends to kiss him and Jake on the cheek.

"Mommy's pretty for daddy, right mommy?" Jake asserts.

"Mommy's pretty today because all of her boys make her so happy," Elizabeth says as she hugs both boys. "Are you guys ready to get married?"

"Yes!" both boys yell together.

Monica laughs and says, "Cam's right, Elizabeth, you do look beautiful. I'm going to go be seated and I'll see you guys in a little while."

Jason is standing there lost in his thoughts when the music starts. His heartbeat quickens and he quickly raises his head and looks in the direction he knows Elizabeth will be arriving. He impatiently watches as first Carly and then Robin glides down the aisle and takes her place. Then a beautiful smile appears on his face as he sees Cam and Jake walking down the aisle together, each one holding a small pillow with a wedding band on it.

Suddenly Jason's breath catches as Elizabeth appears on Steven's arm. She is so beautiful to him that he can't form the words to describe it. He sees the wide and loving smile on her face and his heart rate slows and he is at peace knowing that she is about to become his wife.

Elizabeth is hardly aware of who is at the wedding as she walks down the aisle. She only sees Jason as their eyes have locked and not waivered. If not for Steven guiding her, she probably would have walked into something. Soon they are standing in front of Jason and the minister and, as Steven places her hand in Jason's, she is at peace knowing they will soon be husband and wife.

When the minister says, "You may kiss the bride," Jason kisses Elizabeth lovingly and then passionately. When they hear Jake grunt, "Yuck!" they end the kiss and Jason grabs Elizabeth and twirls her around as they both laugh. As the guests clap and join in the laughter, Jason sets Elizabeth back on the ground and they pull the boys to them as the Minister announces,

"It is my pleasure to present to you the Morgan Family."

The End