(A/N I don't own the characters, only the story)

"Yo, Squall! We need your leadership over here!" Irvine shouted as he and Zell ran off to fight Ultima Weapon.

"Squall what do you want me to do?" Rinoa asked as she watched Squall take off after Zell and Irvine. Squall stopped and walked back over to Rinoa. Squall put his hand in her cheek.

"I want you to stay right here, where it's safe. He then leaned forward and kissed her gently on her lips.

"But... Squall... I want to he..." before she could finish her sentence, Squall put his finger to her mouth.

"Shh...." he kissed her on the forehead, "I want you to stay here. You understand me? Right here. I don't want anything to happen to you. I would die if I were to ever lose you." Squall leaned over and whispered "I love you" in her ear.

Rinoa plopped down on the ground as Squall ran to catch up with Irvine and Zell.

"Why do I always have to stay put? I want to help." Rinoa said pouting. "It's so boring just sitting here. Maybe I'll go take a walk through the woods." Rinoa stood up and walked into the woods. "Wow! It's so beautiful in here." she said as she looked around at all the blossoming trees and bushes. "Ohh.... yum.... berries." she said as she ran over to the blueberry bush. She fliped her hair back over her shoulder and reached toward the bush. She picked a berry and poped it in her mouth. "Mmmm..." After eating several berries, she began to get thirsty. "I hope there is a stream around here. I am so thirsty."

Rinoa continued her walk which took her even deeper into the woods. After several minutes of walking she came to a stream and got down on her knees. She cuped her hands together and diped them into the water. After her hands had been filled with the clear cool water, she drew them up to her mouth and took a drink. "That tastes so... good." She diped her hands back into the water and took a few more drinks. "I guess I better be headed back. If Squall returns and sees that I'm not there, he'll have a heart attack." Rinoa stood up and started her walk back to the main path. She got half way there before she started to get light headed. "Whoa..." she said as she raised her hand to her forehead and began to sway. "What's wrong with..." before she finished her sentence she fell to the ground, passed out.

Back at the stream where Rinoa was just a few minutes before, a tall black figure sloshed through the water. As soon as he reached the other side, he looked down and noticed footprints. He followed the footsteps and found Rinoa after several minutes. The figure crouched down and brushed her hair off her face. "Ahh.... such beauty. Instead of killing her like I first intended, I'll just take her home and make her my trophy." He gave off an evil mischievous laughter, as he picked her up.


"Alright where do we go now, Squall?" Zell asked as he jumped around throwing air punches.

"Well we got to go back and get Rinoa." Squall answered.

"oh.. yeah..." Zell stopped punching the air.

After a few minutes...

"Rinoa!" Squall yelled. "Rinoa!? Where are you!?" Squall turned around, looked at Zell and Irvine and shruged. "Rinoa!?" Squall's heart started to race. "Where could she have gone? I told her to stay right here ." Squall took off into the woods running as fast as he could, with his heart running even faster. "Rinny, come back to me! Rinny!" After a few minutes of looking for Rinoa, Squall fell to his knees and clenched the grass in his hands. His heart continued to race.

"Hey Squall! Calm down some, man. Your going to have a heart attack." Irvine said as he put his hand on Squall's shoulder. "Well find her, Squall."

Squall suddenlu slung Irvine's hand off of his shoulder and started to breath heavily. Squall brought his hand up to his chest.

"See I told you that you need to calm down some. Your going to have a heart attack."

"Shut up, Irvine!" Squall yelled. Squall then put both hands back down on the ground and his breathing slowed down. "What if a monster got her, Irvine, or some psycho kidnapped her? Wonder if i never see her again? She's my life...." A tear ran down his cheek. He whispered softly, "Come back to me Rinny."