Ok, in the last chapter, Izzy got stuck in a realm filled with Izzies of various temperament. there is forced to realize the potential harm in dismissing the reality of one world simply because it's not your own.

Now the real Izzy is with Serenamon and Tentomon, and in search of Joe because Izzy seems to them to be...malfunctioning.

Btw, for those who don't want to do the math, Sora and Mimi an Izzy are 21, Matt and Tai are 22, TK and Kari are18, and old man Joe is 23. Biyomon, Palmon, Agumon, Gabumon , and Tentomon are approx. 19-20, Gomamon and Selkie are about 18-19, Patamon is approx. 18, and Gatomon would be 18-20(have u heard her Jap. VA? She sounds so old!!) *human years* (make note of this!)

And this has nothing to do w/anything-I am listening to Stop! in the Name of Love by jpop band Globe. It's highly unusual, but I recommend it for the beat.


The Spectrum Series
by Nefertanya dragongurl Ahhotep

Spectrum: White

The Letter

Jyou Kido-

Greetings! It has been a long time, hasn't it? I do

rather hope this message finds you in good health. Up

for an adventure?

I certainly hope so, because the Digital World needs its

guardians. If you are brave, and I truly believe you all are,

click on the Reply' button. Good Luck!

May the Fates be kind,



The Reply
(a/n- to void confusion, sentences in indicate the destined's thought replies)

I'm going to die.

For once, Joe's catchphrase brought him no comfort. Although he viewed the world as a realist(which most people liked to reinterpret as pessimistic), saying it in dire circumstance usually brought out the opposite effect.

But here, there was no way out. No rescue du jour by an ally. No Gomamon. No air.

Joe Kido really was going to die.

And it was so dark! Being submerged underwater was one thing, but this way was worse. Was it noon, or midnight? Was he right-side up, or upside-down?

How long had he been down here? He had to hope someone like Whamon would swim by soon. Otherwise he was a goner.

*Don't you want to stay with us?*

Joe twirled in the water, eyes bulging in search of the source of the feminine voice. But nothing could be found in the blackness of the ocean depths.

*Stay with us, Jyou Kido. Stay with us, and never worry about the dry world again*

Stay? If he stayed he'd drown! He didn't want to do that!

*But why? Here, there would be nothing to fear. No classes, no disappointment

Joe paused. He liked to take care of everybody-it was his nature. But whatever he did didn't seem to be good enough for his father, especially now that Jim had pursued his dream of being in the Peace Corp.

He had gotten a 3.5 GPA this semester. When he happily told his parents the news, his father demanded to know why he hadn't studied harder.

But drowning seemed cowardly, even for him. There were so many times he could've killed himself all those years ago. What had kept him going was his innate, over-protective nature.

*Yes. You're always so worried about everyone and everything else* the voice chuckled. *Why not stop? Stay with me, and rest*

Me? A moment ago it was . Which is it?

*I am one, and I am many. I am the sea. I am the stream. I am the cloud and the rain*

All right, Joe was impressed. Was this a goddess he spoke to? That fickle mistress' all the sailors seemed to know?

*Stay with us, and you will know* she/they laughed.

The sense of awe dissipated under a streak of white hot anger. He didn't *want* to stay here. He either wanted to go on to the Digital World, or go home!

*But you'll have to hear your father's disappointment, and endure the demands of your friends*

No one's ever taken anything from me I wasn't already willing to give!


Joe didn't wait for her/them to finish. Yes, I always worried over them. But I'm the oldest! I had to! Sure, Tai and Matt thought they knew what was best, but when Datamon kidnapped Sora, who got Tai through the fire wall? When Sora and I were attacked by the Bakemon, who figured out the way to weaken them? When TK was drowning, who saved him? When Mimi's heart failed her, who stayed by her side? When Ogremon was hurt, who fixed him and who brought the supplies?

ME!! That's who! Because I could, because they knew Old Reliable Joe would never let them down! So quit asking me to stay, and send me back, because God only *knows* what kind of trouble they'll get into without me!

*All right, all right! No need to shout!*

He blinked. Somewhere along the line, he really *had* began to shout. But...he was still underwater....

*We are very much impressed. You possess in abundance the qualities we seek*

I do?

*Mm. We have always been there for your kind. We carried you before birth, we nourished you in life. We can destroy forests and cities in one fell swoop, or eat away mountains and beaches inch by inch. We are ever-changing, yet constant*

I...I think I see. But if you already knew all this, why did you want me to stay?

*This was a test, Jyou*

A test?! Joe asked incredulously as the world seemed to brighten and tumble out of control.

*Yes, a test. And Jyou?* she/they chuckled in his ear before he blacked out. *Tell your father you passed this one with flying colors*




Joe? JOOE!!


The blue haired man yelped in pain as he bolted upright. Looking down at his lap, he found Gomamon upside-down, glaring at him with a mixture of concern and guilt.

What did you do that for? That hurt!

Don't yell at him! You wouldn't wake up! He was scared! We both were!

The lagoon-eyed sea lioness nuzzled his sopping wet arm with great affection.

I wasn't *that* scared. Gomamon grumbled as he attempted to right himself. And I can speak up for myself, *thank* you very much!

I was only trying to help!

*I* don't need *your* help! I'm fine on my own!

Yeah, right.

Selkie....Gomamon... With a strangled cry, Joe's arms snapped out and pulled them both close. His eyes were squinted tightly, holding back the tears of joy.

Joe! Stop! you're all wet! the red-maned digimon squealed.

Oh. Sorry guys.

Joe, what in the world were you doing in the water?

Joe asked with some confusion.

Gomamon demanded. We were just sitting here, er, discussing what to do today, and *whoop*! You roll in on the waves, just like a rag doll.

The bespectacled man looked down. For the first time, he realized he was fully soaked. sigh. It's a long story. So what were you guys doing, again?

Um....discussing stuff....

Joe smiled at the sheepish looking pair. Some things hadn't changed. So, who won?

Nope. Some things could never be truly changed.

Um, Joe? I like the new look. Selkie said' shyly.

Joe looked back at her with amusement. What do you mean? He knew he was taller than the last time they were together, but he was pretty sure everything else had changed little.

The two sea lions exchanged wary looks. She means your hair, Joe. Gomamon replied carefully.

My what? Joe patted his head. Well, it all *felt* like it was there. He got up shakily and searched till he found a small tidal pool that would function well enough as a mirror. Yes, yes, all his hair was present and accounted for. But what was this...?

One strand on the side had grown longer than the rest. It reached from his side part to just past the tip of his chin, and it was the exact same shade as Selkie's eyes.

Guess this is just to remind me. he mused.

a nasally mechanical whine screamed across the beach. Tentomon was speeding towards him, Serenamon half-carrying Izzy several yards behind.

He got hit by lightning! He's awake, but he keeps going on about a roomful of Izzies and discoveries and point of views! The metallic bug wailed, buzzing in a frantic circle over Joe's head.

Izzy lifted his head and gave the other human a weary smile. I'm not crazy, Joe. It was just...a very real dream.

More like a test.

Eight eyes stared at his bizarre statement. Joe smiled teasingly. You're hair's a bit frizzier than I last remember.

And your's is all wet. What the hell are you talking about?

Joe laughed. He couldn't resist. It felt good to be alive, with all his friends by his side. He was infinitely aware of how close to losing all this he was. Now he would have to treasure it all even more.

Stop living for Dad. Jim's voice whispered. Start living for yourself!

Don't worry Jim. he promised. I will.

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!! That's it! I hope u liked it. BTW, although I love Joe's 02 cut, in here it's styled similar to his 01 days.

Now, we gotta get us a reunion here! And where the hell is Gabumon?

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