The Spectrum Series
by Nefertanya dragongurl Ahhotep

Spectrum: Red

The Letter

Ten years had passed since that fateful summer that forever changed the lives of eight young children, and six years since their last return to the Digital World.

Six years.

Sora Takenouchi sighed heavily as her latest arrangement collapsed in front of her. Again.

"Put more peat in, dear." Her mother offered as she whisked by carrying three exquisite versions of Sora's pitiful display.

The girl sighed again, then smiled as she picked up a nearby photo frame. Her Senior Prom photo. She chuckled softly as she remembered seeing her date's hair. Or rather, the lack of it!

*** "Taichi Kamiya!! What on *Earth* did you do to your hair?!"

"Hello to you too, Sora." ***

Silly boy, she thought affectionately as she replaced the frame and resumed her concentration on the display. But she wasn't more than halfway done when the computer began to bing loudly.

"Oh, shoot! just when it was getting to look decent." she muttered as she switched off the screensaver.

The computer ordering system had been her idea for store improvement. However, her mother had quickly put her daughter in charge of it, claiming she was far too old to learn such new-fangled technology.

Plopping heavily in the seat, she clicked open the newest letter. Sora gasped as she recognized the 'from' address, and read quickly:

Sora Takenouchi-

Greetings! It has been a long time, hasn't it? I do

rather hope this message finds you in good health. Up

for an adventure?

I certainly hope so, because the Digital World needs its

guardians. If you are brave, and I truly believe you all are,

click on the 'Reply' button. Good Luck!

May the Fates be kind,


"May the Fates be kind...? What an odd way to end a letter!" Sora remarked. Go back to the Digital World? Had they missed a Dark Master? Or was it some weirdo like the one that had kidnapped Palmon. What was his name? Marvin? Mervin?

Maybe a visit would be a good idea. She hadn't much time to visit her human friends lately, and it *had* been six years since she'd seen her beloved Biyomon.

"Mama? I have to go out for a bit!"

"Oh dear, now?" came the muffled reply as Ms. Takenouchi shoved the finished displays into the truck.

"No......" the red haired girl's mind fished around for a valid sounding excuse. "Tai wants to talk to me about something important!"


*Damn.* Judging by he4r grin, her mother probably thought she was eloping. But she didn't like Tai like that-at least she didn't think so. Anyway, she liked her independence. Didn't she?

Sora rolled her eyes as her mother disappeared into the back room, still smiling, and hit Reply


The Reply
(a/n- to void confusion, sentences in indicate the destined's thought replies)

A moment can seem like eternity if you've no idea what's going on. All Sora remembered was hitting the Reply button, and being blinded by brilliant light. When her vision cleared, she realized that(although there was no logical explanation for it) she was in *outer space*!!

So why wasn't she dead yet? Or was she already?

No, she was dying now. She could feel her body asphyxiating, the vacuums of space pulling her life force away from every cell. She forced her eyes to focus, and made a gasping motion as she saw the other side of the sun.

She couldn't see the Earth. And that just made her feel worse. Her last moments alive, and she was being denied one last look at her homeworld, her home, her mother.

*Do you regret coming?*

The hushed voice came from inside her, outside her, above her, below her.

*Do you regret coming? You came of your own free will, after all.*

Yes, she had. She'd wanted to see Biyomon so badly she'd let consequences be damned. And although she *did* regret dying so soon, she felt sure she would have hit that button again if presented the chance.

*You could be safe on your planet now*

she replied. Odd, she wasn't the philosophical type. Perhaps this strange new entity would take pity on her and allow her spirit to return and watch over her family of friends.

*You do not rant and rave? You do not bargain for your life?*

The voice seemed surprised, as if Sora's acceptance was something it hadn't counted on.

The silence following her affirmation was pressing. Sora somehow got the impression the voice's owner, whatever it was, was in deep thought. Suddenly, she felt herself being pulled. It was like some intergalactic cowboy had roped her with an invisible lasso. Sora quickly began to pick up speed, and found herself hurtling straight towards the sun!

She couldn't fight it, didn't know how. The red-haired woman screamed as she hit the yellow star's boiling surface, then stopped as she realized she really *had* screamed! Cautiously, Sora opened her eyes. The fire's of the sun's interior were brilliant and beautiful. Floods of reds, yellows, and oranges bubbled past as she hurtled through the life-giving celestial body's heart.

*You are an unique individual, Sora Takenouchi. You are a vessel of love whose capacity we have not seen in over two thousand years. Even when your own death surrounded you, you thought not of yourself but how you could comfort those you would be leaving behind. That is a powerful thing, to feel such love*

When the voice finished speaking, Sora Takenouchi burst through the other side like a solar flare. But this time, instead of the vast bleakness of space, she saw....


There she was, like a peaceful mother waiting to comfort her frightened child. Sora truly believed that she could never see a more beautiful and welcoming sight. She hovered there, feeling small and insignificant. Then she hovered there, amazed that she no longer felt cold, the tightness in her chest no longer existed, and she had spoken in outer space!

A small *whoosh* caught her attention, and she watched as a small meteorite trailed across the emptiness, slowed, and curved it's way directly towards her. It slowed and stopped directly in front of the astonished girl.

*We believe your heart is strong enough. We believe your soul is pure enough. We grant you our power, and claim you as our mother. In time, if you prove yourself, you will come to know us and understand us, nurture us in birth and mourn us in death. You, Sora Takenouchi, hold the cosmos in your heart. Use us well*

The meteorite suddenly rushed towards her, and there was a blinding flash seconds before contact.....



"Ooohhh....." Sora groggily lifted her hand. Somewhere a bird began to chirp, and she came about with a start.

"Where am I now?"

"In the Digital World, silly!" a familiar voice teased. "But what are you doing here? Not that I'm not glad to see you!"

"BIYOMON!" The human screamed as she snatched the bird up in a bear hug.

"Sora?! Oh, leggo! You're squishing me!"

Sora quickly released her prisoner. 'Ooops, sorry about that Biyo."

"Oh, you're so hot, Sora! Are you ill or something?"

"Oh!" Warm? Sora quickly raised a hand to her forehead. She didn't think she felt any warmer than usual.

She glanced back to the little bird, then stared as she noticed something was different about her digimon. Actually, quite a few things. For starters, the little bird wasn't so little anymore! Her short stubby legs had grown longer, although her metal cuff was still there. The ruff around her neck had filled out more and had a softer look to them, and Sora noted that the feathers in her crown and tail were a bit longer.

"Biyomon!" she squealed. "You got...bigger!"

The pink bird giggled. "So did you!"

The human girl realized how funny her last statement must have sounded and giggled along with the bird. Giggles turned into snorts, then into gales of laughter. Sora was forced back to the ground, tears streaming down her bright red cheeks as she clutched her sides. Oh, how good it was to laugh with Biyomon again!

"Sora! Sora!"

Another familiar voice, but a bit deeper than she last remembered it. Gasping for air, the two girls turned toward the sound.

"Agumon....? Tai!"

Well, so Sora made it, and it appears Tai did too. But what of the others? Did anyone have such an experience? What will they think of Sora when she tells them?

Tai's turn is next!